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Episode 9: Rogue (part II) itashee May 28 2010, 16:59:56 UTC
My favourite scenes (with quotes):

1) Lex and Clark (location: Metropolis Museum)

Lex: You know, it belonged to Alexander the Great. They say the design symbolizes strength and courage.
Clark: Can't exactly see myself going into battle with that on my chest.
Lex: Darker times call for darker methods. His opponents thought he was invincible.
Clark: I didn't know you were a history buff.
Lex: I'm not. I'm interested in people who ruled the world before they were 30.

It doesn’t really surprise me that this particular scene became one of my two most memorable moments from this episode. I remember watching it for the first time and thinking “WOW! This is so cool!” ;) It just felt like a HEAVY ANVIL had been dropped on my head and, to tell the truth, I didn’t mind it at all - lol!

This is what I found in companion about the breastplate design:
“The stylized ‘S” on Alexander the Great’s breastplate is described in the script as featuring “a diamond-shaped insignia that recalls Superman’s own, with a ruby-eyed cobra coiled into an ’S’.”

//Holy obvious Anvil (#12), Batman: I just had a thought: now that we know that Kryptonians have been leaving things on Earth since ancient times (or they used a time wormhole to go back and leave things for Clark to find), did Alexander the Great somehow find one of the symbols/artifacts and that's why he used the House of El symbol on his breastplate?//

I really love your theory!

Lex: You know, you're never gonna get her if you keep running away from your enemy.
Clark: Whitney's not my enemy.
Lex: Yes, he is. And the sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll find a way to win Lana. Remember, keep your friends close and the quarterback closer.

Maybe it wasn’t intentional - but this scene is totally foreshadowing the future Lex/Lana/Clark triangle. You know, I find Lex’s actions towards both Clark and Lana very disturbing. Lex became totally obsessed with Clark in season 1 and his obsession only grew stronger and deeper in later seasons. As for Lex’s obsession with Lana, I think it wasn’t really THAT obvious until season 4. I still believe that it started because of Clark. Lex had a strong desire to posses anything that belonged to Clark, or anyone who had Clark’s love or friendship. Now, if Lex couldn’t be Clark’s friend, he could at least become his enemy, and hurt Clark as much as it was possible. Lex felt rejected by Clark and it totally wounded his pride and ego. What is more, he intended to show Clark how he felt. That’s why his first true target was Lana - Lex focused his attention on her (knowing Clark’s feelings very well), and treated her as a rather passive object of exchange between him and Clark. Now, that is really SICK when you think about it! :(

2) Jonathan and Clark (location: the farm)

Clark: Dad. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen.
Jonathan: Clark, you didn't do anything wrong, okay?
Clark: He told me to meet him at the Beanery tomorrow.
Jonathan: I don't want you going anywhere near this guy. I'll talk to him, and I'll find out what he wants. Until then, you live your life, you see your friends. And, we're not gonna let
this thing change us.

What I really like about this scene is that Clark is honest with his parents - he knows that keeping secrets from Jonathan and Martha would do no good. And I love Jonathan so much in this scene - he is an adult who needs to remain in control. He is the one to protect his son - not the other way round. However, it is clearly visible that Jonathan is nervous and uncertain of the future meeting between him and Phelan…


Re: Episode 9: Rogue (part II) theclexfactor May 31 2010, 14:33:50 UTC
I rather enjoy most of the anvils. It's probably really mean that they started to grate when it was Chloe spouting them.

Yeah, Lex was totally foreshadowing that Clexana triangle with the "keep your enemies close" line. I was trying to block it out, lol.

Now, if Lex couldn’t be Clark’s friend, he could at least become his enemy, and hurt Clark as much as it was possible. Lex felt rejected by Clark and it totally wounded his pride and ego. What is more, he intended to show Clark how he felt. That’s why his first true target was Lana - Lex focused his attention on her (knowing Clark’s feelings very well), and treated her as a rather passive object of exchange between him and Clark.

And even though I do believe Lex loved her in his own weird way, I agree with Clark in Crimson when he said that Lex wanted her because she was Clark's. Lex even said in Vessel that he wanted everything Clark had, including his family and loyal friends (that included Lana).


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