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Episode 9: Rogue (part III) itashee May 28 2010, 17:04:03 UTC
3) Jonathan/Phelan meeting (location: the Beanery)

Jonathan: I will not let you exploit my son.
Phelan: I've spent the morning going through the local police files. Clark's name comes up quite a bit.
Jonathan: Clark has never been in trouble a day in his life.
Phelan: No arrests, but he's been around a lot of crime scenes. Now, maybe that's coincidence....or maybe it's just his natural instinct to get involved.
Jonathan: Okay, I will give you whatever you want. You just stay away from my family. Phelan: I want your son.
Jonathan: No.
Phelan: I'll be in touch. Of course, if you don't agree, I will tell the world what I know. Best case, Clark's under a microscope. Worst case, he's a freak in a jar. Either way, his normal life is over.
Jonathan: Do not push me!

This is another scene, which makes me love Jonathan even more. We can clearly see that J. would do anything to protect his family. He refuses to allow Phelan to exploit Clark, and then he is totally pushed to his limits by Phelan’s words, and loses his temper. Martha and Clark are the most important people in Jonathan’s life - and no one has the right to threaten them…

4) Clark and Phelan (scene: “Like father, like son” )

Phelan: The truth is, kid, you didn't leave me with a lot of options!
Clark: I want my dad out of jail.
Phelan: You complicate my life? I'm gonna complicate yours!
Clark: CALL THEM NOW! And tell them what you did!
Phelan: What is it, Clark? You wanna kill me? You think that's the answer to your problems?
Phelan: Well, then, we both want something...only you have a lot more to lose.

*Clark/Phelan confrontation reminds me of Jonathan/Phelan scene, in which Jonathan loses his temper and becomes violent.

*Another thing which really strikes me as really interesting about this scene is Clark’s behaviour. And I came to this conclusion: angry Clark pushed to his limits (season1) = Clark on red K (in later sesaons).
After that I decided to read what the official companion was saying about this episode and I found this quote:

“Previous to that, Tom had always had charisma as an actor and always was inherently likeable, but he was really nervous and inexperienced as n actor . But Davis Carson [director] was the first guy to come in here and work the actors. He got an angry intensity out of Tom that none of us knew he could do. In some ways, “Rouge’ was probably the genesis of what would later become ‘Red Clark’ - Tom Welling when he plays dark” - Greg Beeman.

YAY! Good to have a confirmation! :)


Re: Episode 9: Rogue (part III) theclexfactor May 31 2010, 14:36:35 UTC
I love that quote about Tom and the director pulling that performance from him. It's almost as if David Carson was the first one to realize Tom's potential. I'm wondering if they would've even thought to make RedK the catalyst for "dark Clark" if not for his performance in Rogue.


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