Let's go save Captain Stick-Up-My-Ass - open to those saving Sykes

Jan 02, 2011 21:26

What was really meant by the term extraction when referring to John was teleportation. He was their way into the camp once they were on the perimeter, as well as a scout for that matter, and with only a few hundred yards to go to the fencing it was easy to feel the team getting themselves all psyched up and prepared.

The undergrowth was thick enough ( Read more... )

jack hendley, [plot] zero tolerance, olivia hughes, ✝ john 'kestrel' wraith, captain ethan sykes, st john 'pyro' allerdyce, haylie 'spitfire' collins, wade wilson, !npc, angelica 'firestar' jones

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Comments 76

codenamepyro January 2 2011, 21:42:16 UTC
St John did not want to be there. At all. Every move made his hackles go up and he was a paranoid little shit right around then. The smallest thing was likely to set him off and it was just as well he was there for distraction and not anything carefully crafted for silence.

He had one hand on his lighter at all times and the other was usually patting his pocket for the other six bic's he'd put in there. For some reason, his shoulder kept hurting and even if it was all in his mind, he hated being back out there, especially with Jack.

"Whatever we do, do it fast. I want the hell out of here." As if it wasn't bad enough that he'd just gone with it and left his name on the sheet -Mac would've kicked his ass if he'd taken it off, and then she would've put it back up, the bitch. But then Jack was either signed up or signed up himself.

Pyro really needed to burn something.


notouchpolicy January 2 2011, 22:09:07 UTC
Distraction. They sent the medic for distraction. Not to mention that she'd been paired up with a paranoid firestarter and a mutant-killer. So she was basically fucked no matter what. Haylie'd spent the entire trip just seething in silence, mentally preparing for the mission at hand and worrying for the Captain's safety.

...Mostly just worrying about the Captain.

However when Wraith spoke up, and then St. John, she snapped out of her worrying and studied the facility ahead of them. "Don't suppose we have any insight into the layout or even where Sykes is in there."


makesppldead January 2 2011, 22:58:42 UTC
Wade was just as eager as he ever was, especially since his last mission with the cajun had been a fluke. At least he wasn't on the distraction team. Either way, he could and would have fun with this.

He snorted at Pyro's comment. "We'll be out in due time, Princess. If you didn't wanna come then you shouldn't have put your name down."

To Haylie's comment, he merely shrugged, rolling his shoulders. "You don't really have to worry about that. Chances are, he's in the tallest room, in the tallest tower. Guarded by a fire breathing dragon. But it's ok. John loves dragons."

Smirking, he looked at Wraith, giving him a nod. "I think the distractions should approach their base from every which way, not giving them the option to send a certain amount of men to one area and keep the rest to another. If they have to disperse them, it'll be harder for them to try and track all of us."


angelica_jinx January 3 2011, 06:00:04 UTC
Unlike the others, Angel wasn't at all concerned about the teammates going on the mission with her. They were all on the same side. They all volunteered. Whatever their reasons for being there, they all wanted to see the Captain returned safe and sound. That was good enough for her ( ... )


Distraction Team } Jack, Pyro, Spitfire~ codenamepyro January 4 2011, 12:41:48 UTC
Pyro absolutely did not flinch at the shot, he just jerked a little and glared at Jack. That man and his fucking guns. Lighters in hand Pyro made a point on walking in the opposite direction from Jack, he was still heading towards the base though. He didn't need to get too close, not like stupid little human idiot did.

Sparking up a lighter, Pyro drew the flame out before building on it and building on it and casting it up and over the sky just shy of the base. He'd done the big flashy stuff more than once and right now, Skyes couldn't bitch about charred grass because it wasn't his compound and they were saving his stupid skin.

The activity around the base had already started and Pyro just urged his fire down closer to the ground and all the activity, scattering groups everywhere. If it was distraction they wanted, it was distraction they'd get.


notouchpolicy January 5 2011, 07:07:42 UTC
Haylie couldn't help the sudden flux of frustration that went through her at the sound of the gunshot courtesy Jack. The asshole wasn't exactly helping matters and if you asked her? He was just making the tension worse. Unlike St. John, she remained completely still during the shot ( ... )


hunteroffreaks January 6 2011, 03:33:26 UTC
Jack could have cared less about what Haylie and Pyro were up to. Oh, sure, he still wanted to take that little fire punk's head off at the first possible chance, but not until the job was done. He was already slipping into the flow of things. A good sniper was a part of scenery, merely another object like a rock or a tree ( ... )


notouchpolicy January 6 2011, 03:45:18 UTC
While Haylie could respect the tactical advantage of wounding men versus outright killing them while sniping, she had a problem with Jack pointing his gun at Pyro. The nearby tree that sent his bullet astray was merely a coincidence, but the next one that exploded near him without wounding him was a clear warning that if he tried that shit again, he wouldn't like the consequences.

A quick glare was all Jack would see before she bolted off again, jumping into a tree and making her way from tree to tree like some weird kind of acrobat. She was making her way further south while sending her explosions to the east in an effort to hide her location. Leaping from a tree to the roof of a watchtower, she crouched and took a look around to see where her powers might be needed most.

While she had the time, she was going to radio the teams to check if they needed back-up. "Wraith, Hughes, Jones, Wilson. How're we doin' in there?"


Extraction Team - Angel/Wade angelica_jinx January 4 2011, 21:27:26 UTC
Pyro might not have jumped but Angel certainly did. Fine! She was hoping the extraction team could get a little distance before they started the party but fine. Now was super.

Angel gave the compound a quick sweep, noting the soldiers headed their way. This was going to get ugly fast and Angel didn't want to be there for it. Her dark eyes found a side door. "There." Angel said quietly to Wade and pointed it out before she took off at mach speed leaving a streak of olive drab and red in her wake.

She reached the door just as it burst open and almost knocked her in the head. Angel managed to get to the side of it just as two soldiers rushed out in response to the gun fire. There wasn't much time to think, and not being someone that defaulted with killing, she did the first thing she could think of. She tripped them and sent them toppling to the ground then hurried to grab the door before it could close and lock behind them.


makesppldead January 5 2011, 20:05:50 UTC
The gunshot didn't phase Wade, but it did make him start thinking of ways for them to just leave Jack behind--or kill him, and make it look like an accident. It was plausible.

He was a little disappointed that Angelica just wanted to leave the soldiers behind them without at least saying hello but then he remembered that he was on the Extraction Team. Right. He had to get Captain Stick-Up-Ass. With that he raced after her, keeping his eyes open and alert for things that could come at them. He stopped in his tracks when the door burst open, whipping his swords to the ready.

Oh no, Wade wasn't going to run like a little girl right on by the soldiers. He dug his blades into their skin, one's throat, the others back, to insure that neither would be getting up to go give Haylie and Pyro any added mess before following behind Angel.

When she locked the door he flicked some of the blood from one of his blades and continued on. "Maybe I should lead."


angelica_jinx January 5 2011, 20:20:02 UTC
She knew that running with Wade would mean blood. Cutting people up was kind of his thing and Angel didn't mind. He could take the lead. He could do the better part of the dirty work. She wasn't there to kill people. She was there to rescue the Captain. That would be her first priority.

"Be my guest." She replied as she took a look around. Almost immediately they were given the option, left or right. She would have given anything for some kind of map or even a telepath. Something that would get us in and out a little faster. "Left or right?"


hunt_the_devil January 7 2011, 10:56:20 UTC
The radio crackled into life once more and this time it was John speaking. "Angel? It's Wraith. We think we've found the Captain's location but we're gonna need you to join us. I'm gonna come get you ( ... )


Extraction Team - Olivia and John hunt_the_devil January 5 2011, 10:47:58 UTC
John watched on in silence, the gunshot didn't phase him but they sure as hell annoyed him. Not that he'd say anything to Jack because he was already a loose wire and most certainly did not need to be antagonised further. Or at all ( ... )


Re: Extraction Team - Olivia and John psychoempath January 5 2011, 12:46:41 UTC
Liv hadn't been prepared for what teleporting did to her body and she was glad to feel a wall behind her once the movement stopped. Taking a few moments to breathe and calm her body down she decided that queasy was an understatement. But next time she'd be prepared ( ... )


hunt_the_devil January 5 2011, 13:35:57 UTC
Appearing at Olivia's side without warning John slipped one of the hand guns he'd managed to steal into the waistband of his trousers and the other he handed over to Olivia. "Y'know, for just incase."

Peering around the corner of the building and ignoring the two corpses laying nearby John waited till he was certain it was clear before whispering over his shoulder to Olivia. "There's a fire exit just round the corner, I'll teleport us in and we can go from there. We need to keepin' in radio contact with the others too, let 'em know if we find anythin'."

Plexing his fingers John held an arm out behind his back, Olivia could either take his hand or just hold onto his shoulder and do it that way. He didn't mind really and if anything he felt bad that the poor girl was going to be feeling the effects of his teleporting for days to come. It tended to leave the likes of Bradley feeling like he had an upset stomach if his complaints were anything to go by.


psychoempath January 5 2011, 14:27:04 UTC
Liv twitched slightly as he appeared next to her. If the soldiers didn't shoot her, chances were that she'd have a heart attack because of John. Nodding slightly she took the gun he handed her and, after a brief reconcideration, slipped it under her belt.

"Alright then, let's go."

She slipped her hand into his and squeezed her eyes shut, hoping that her mutation would help her keep her body's reaction in check, at least it had helpe with the initial shock. Puking her guts out wouldn't help matters much.


captaine_sykes January 7 2011, 00:42:18 UTC
The holding cell lacks windows, with one solid metal door that leads in and out of the room. There's a bed, a sink, a toilet and the only light is generated by a bare bulb that hangs out of reach and so the passage of time is only indicated by the meals that arrive or the drugs that are constantly forced into his system via the IV drips that are plugged into his body. Ethan has no idea how long he's been here, how many days have passed or even what this group of people want with him ( ... )


hunt_the_devil January 9 2011, 19:31:45 UTC
John materalised with Angel and Olivia eitherside of him just on the other side of the door. He'd been unsure how big the room was so it was safer to be close to the door rather then being squished up in a tiny space. The holding cell wasn't all that big and the Captain was stood at the opposite end, chained to the wall and looking pretty darn awful.



angelica_jinx January 9 2011, 19:40:31 UTC
It was like she gasped then choked on different air. It was only John's arm that kept her from stumbling. She felt dizzy but it passed quickly, leaving her staring at Ethan for a second before she hurried over to him. Oddly enough, her telekinetic gig worked better on big stuff then intricate stuff like locks. Since it wasn't really telekinetics at all but rather her bending microwaves to make stuff move she was just as likely to crush his wrists as she was to break the restraints. So she did the next best thing and left the cuffs but broke him free of the wall.

"Sir? Are you okay?"


psychoempath January 10 2011, 14:40:17 UTC
Olivia shakes off the nausea-it really does get better every time-and steps forward. There is an IV needle in the Captain's arm and after a quick touch to his arm right next to it to confirm her suspicions she removes it before checking up on him any further.

Closing her eyes she makes sure to check his whole body for injuries before she turns around to John.

"He's alright. Filled to the hairline with sedatives, but no major injuries. Just bruises. Do you need him conscious to get him out of here?"


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