Let's go save Captain Stick-Up-My-Ass - open to those saving Sykes

Jan 02, 2011 21:26

What was really meant by the term extraction when referring to John was teleportation. He was their way into the camp once they were on the perimeter, as well as a scout for that matter, and with only a few hundred yards to go to the fencing it was easy to feel the team getting themselves all psyched up and prepared.

The undergrowth was thick enough ( Read more... )

jack hendley, [plot] zero tolerance, olivia hughes, ✝ john 'kestrel' wraith, captain ethan sykes, st john 'pyro' allerdyce, haylie 'spitfire' collins, wade wilson, !npc, angelica 'firestar' jones

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Extraction Team - Angel/Wade angelica_jinx January 4 2011, 21:27:26 UTC
Pyro might not have jumped but Angel certainly did. Fine! She was hoping the extraction team could get a little distance before they started the party but fine. Now was super.

Angel gave the compound a quick sweep, noting the soldiers headed their way. This was going to get ugly fast and Angel didn't want to be there for it. Her dark eyes found a side door. "There." Angel said quietly to Wade and pointed it out before she took off at mach speed leaving a streak of olive drab and red in her wake.

She reached the door just as it burst open and almost knocked her in the head. Angel managed to get to the side of it just as two soldiers rushed out in response to the gun fire. There wasn't much time to think, and not being someone that defaulted with killing, she did the first thing she could think of. She tripped them and sent them toppling to the ground then hurried to grab the door before it could close and lock behind them.


makesppldead January 5 2011, 20:05:50 UTC
The gunshot didn't phase Wade, but it did make him start thinking of ways for them to just leave Jack behind--or kill him, and make it look like an accident. It was plausible.

He was a little disappointed that Angelica just wanted to leave the soldiers behind them without at least saying hello but then he remembered that he was on the Extraction Team. Right. He had to get Captain Stick-Up-Ass. With that he raced after her, keeping his eyes open and alert for things that could come at them. He stopped in his tracks when the door burst open, whipping his swords to the ready.

Oh no, Wade wasn't going to run like a little girl right on by the soldiers. He dug his blades into their skin, one's throat, the others back, to insure that neither would be getting up to go give Haylie and Pyro any added mess before following behind Angel.

When she locked the door he flicked some of the blood from one of his blades and continued on. "Maybe I should lead."


angelica_jinx January 5 2011, 20:20:02 UTC
She knew that running with Wade would mean blood. Cutting people up was kind of his thing and Angel didn't mind. He could take the lead. He could do the better part of the dirty work. She wasn't there to kill people. She was there to rescue the Captain. That would be her first priority.

"Be my guest." She replied as she took a look around. Almost immediately they were given the option, left or right. She would have given anything for some kind of map or even a telepath. Something that would get us in and out a little faster. "Left or right?"


hunt_the_devil January 7 2011, 10:56:20 UTC
The radio crackled into life once more and this time it was John speaking. "Angel? It's Wraith. We think we've found the Captain's location but we're gonna need you to join us. I'm gonna come get you ( ... )


angelica_jinx January 7 2011, 17:13:37 UTC
She didn't even get a chance to reply when he was suddenly in front of her. Angel hurried to meet him in the middle. "We're fine but what is going on out there? Did Jack really shoot Pyro? Is Pyro okay?" Her questions came out quickly like rapid fire but she still took his hand.

For all her adventures, she didn't have a lot of experience teleporting. All she remembered was that it had a tendency to make you nauseous. Trusting him, she closed her eyes and leaned in a little closer. She focused on her breathing. She had no idea if that would help but it was worth a shot.


hunt_the_devil January 7 2011, 22:55:58 UTC
"I don't really know. We were in the middle of dealin' with somethin' else. Look, we just gotta hope that Haylie can deal with whatever is goin' on an' we go get the Captain. The sooner we're out the sooner we can see what the hell is goin' on." John didn't really like ignoring what was going on but the reality was that deep down he knew that if they all went outside there was a chance that Hendley would kill them all. He didn't want to voice that because the mere thought was terrifying, so instead he kept focused on the mission at hand.

Squeezing Angel's hand once John teleported them back to where Olivia was waiting with their informant.


hunt_the_devil January 7 2011, 10:47:49 UTC
Amidst the chaos of Hendley shooting Pyro, of Haylie hollering down the radio at John and everything going probably just how Wade wanted, John clicked onto Wade's frequency. He knew the merc would occasionally opt to use the ear piece to make his life easier and John could only hope that he had it in this time or wasn't too distracted slaughtering the masses.

"Wade, it's Wraith. We think we've got the location of the Captain. I'm gonna grab Angel an' brin' her to join us. Let me know if you want in or if you're happy creatin' a diversion in the buildin'. Lord knows that's why Stryker used to let you at 'em first." And John is right, Wade was usually the one that Stryker would send into a room to wipe out the potential threat and he was good. But with the operatives spaced out throughout the building rather than in one location it was probably best to leave Wade running free and doing what he did best.


makesppldead January 7 2011, 18:04:23 UTC
What the hell was that? John's voice was coming out of his pants...oh right. Radio. Grabbing the sword in his left hand with his right, Wade reached into his pocked to take the radio. He was surprisingly silent as he let John finish his sentence. But he was also thinking.

"I'll stay here and cause them some hell." God knows he was better at that than saving a damsel in distress anyways. "Radio back when you've got him out of the perimeter."

With that he plopped the radio back into his pocket and grabbed his other sword. Finally. Now he would go have some real fun with these bastards.


hunt_the_devil January 10 2011, 22:21:34 UTC
It was some time later, not that long really in the scheme of things but long enough before John radioed Wade to tell him they had the Captain and were heading back to the meet point. If anyone needed a lift they were to radio him back and he'd go teleport there.

Ladies and Gentlemen I think that is what you call a successful mission... kinda... if you ignore Pyro being shot and Hendley going bat shit crazy. Ahem.

Mission Complete.


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