Let's go save Captain Stick-Up-My-Ass - open to those saving Sykes

Jan 02, 2011 21:26

What was really meant by the term extraction when referring to John was teleportation. He was their way into the camp once they were on the perimeter, as well as a scout for that matter, and with only a few hundred yards to go to the fencing it was easy to feel the team getting themselves all psyched up and prepared.

The undergrowth was thick enough ( Read more... )

jack hendley, [plot] zero tolerance, olivia hughes, ✝ john 'kestrel' wraith, captain ethan sykes, st john 'pyro' allerdyce, haylie 'spitfire' collins, wade wilson, !npc, angelica 'firestar' jones

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Re: Extraction Team - Olivia and John psychoempath January 5 2011, 12:46:41 UTC
Liv hadn't been prepared for what teleporting did to her body and she was glad to feel a wall behind her once the movement stopped. Taking a few moments to breathe and calm her body down she decided that queasy was an understatement. But next time she'd be prepared.

When she opened her eyes again she realized that John had gone. Trying not to pay too much attention to the sounds of explosions and gunfire in the background she concentrated on her surroundings. Two soldiers were approaching in a quick jog, guns ready and with a smile she pushed herself off the wall just as they were passing by, managing to grab the one closest to her by the shoulder. Before he could even react she had stopped his heart, and while he was still falling to the ground she reached for the other, who hadn't had much time to react yet. She barely touched his stomach and concentrated hard this time. With a surprised gasp she realized that his heart hadn't just stopped but began to disintegrate.

"You learn something new every day." she muttered as she retreated back against the wall, looking for more operatives or signs of John. The slight throbbing in her head would get worse with every person she killed, but she would worry about that later.


hunt_the_devil January 5 2011, 13:35:57 UTC
Appearing at Olivia's side without warning John slipped one of the hand guns he'd managed to steal into the waistband of his trousers and the other he handed over to Olivia. "Y'know, for just incase."

Peering around the corner of the building and ignoring the two corpses laying nearby John waited till he was certain it was clear before whispering over his shoulder to Olivia. "There's a fire exit just round the corner, I'll teleport us in and we can go from there. We need to keepin' in radio contact with the others too, let 'em know if we find anythin'."

Plexing his fingers John held an arm out behind his back, Olivia could either take his hand or just hold onto his shoulder and do it that way. He didn't mind really and if anything he felt bad that the poor girl was going to be feeling the effects of his teleporting for days to come. It tended to leave the likes of Bradley feeling like he had an upset stomach if his complaints were anything to go by.


psychoempath January 5 2011, 14:27:04 UTC
Liv twitched slightly as he appeared next to her. If the soldiers didn't shoot her, chances were that she'd have a heart attack because of John. Nodding slightly she took the gun he handed her and, after a brief reconcideration, slipped it under her belt.

"Alright then, let's go."

She slipped her hand into his and squeezed her eyes shut, hoping that her mutation would help her keep her body's reaction in check, at least it had helpe with the initial shock. Puking her guts out wouldn't help matters much.


hunt_the_devil January 5 2011, 22:15:44 UTC
One minute they were outside and the next they were stood in a corridor. Lights were flashing, red and pulsing above their heads and the tannoy system was blaring out about INTRUDER ALERT: CODE 100. John didn't waste time with hanging around, keeping his hand firmly grasping Olivia's he rushed down the corridor and peered around the edge.

"Looks like there are some offices down there, might have a computer or a map or someway of tellin' us where to find the Captain. Gonna be drawin' some attention to ourselves but I don't think we got much of a choice really." John got the feeling that whatever they did they were going to end up confronting soldiers. It was now he was wondering whether it might be worth getting in contact with Angel and Wade to request back up.

Releasing Olivia's hand John teleported down the corridor, immediately running into operatives. Some remained to fight him whilst others rushed towards Olivia.


psychoempath January 7 2011, 09:58:09 UTC
Phasing with John would never be her favorite mode of transport-and probably wouldn't even make the top ten- but she managed to get her guts under control while he pulled her down the corridor.

Sincerely hoping that they didn't have to use a computer, and if so that John knew what to do with it, she merely nodded. Her stomach was in a state that made her reluctant to open her mouth and she didn't want to use much of her energy to fight that down. There were soldiers to attend to and, even though that was something she hoped wouldn't happen, some of the others might need her help healing after they got out of this.

Liv saw the soldiers approaching and sighed. There had never been much time to really try out the destructive part of her mutation. She had let people pass out and on occasion, caused pain. Lately she had figured out she could kill with it, too. But now wasn't the time to ponder what to do, those soldiers needed to be removed one way or the other and she couldn't afford trying out new things. Why they hadn't shot her yet was beyond her, but she ran towards the first one, grabbed him and pulled him in front of her to use him as shield while she paralyzed him. He was heavy and she wouldn't be able to hold him up for long but she hoped she wouldn't have to.

The next one tried to reach around his comrade to grab her and she let him. As soon as he made contact she concentrated on the collagen in his bones, dissolving it and thus making his bones extremely brittle. Quick kicks to his shins and two punches on his arms ensured that this one wouldn't move any time soon. Keeping that strategy she addressed the next two soldiers, making her way towards John.


hunt_the_devil January 7 2011, 10:43:16 UTC
Focused on the fight he was in and not on Olivia John could only hope that she was alright and fending for herself. He would feel terribly guilty if anything happened to Olivia whilst on his watch and then he saw their chance. Cowering in an alcove was a man, however he cleary wasn't an operative but worked there, dressed in a suit and with an ID badge around his neck.

Working his way systematically through the crowd, killing some and injuring others, John finally reached the guy and grabbed him. The guy, who looked only young and most certainly terrified whimpered and cowered back against the wall as John shook his shoulders. "Tell me where our Captain is! Tell me or I'll kill you!"

Eventually, after John had teleported the guy back and forth whilst newly arrived soldiers watched on, the guy broke. Apparently they wouldn't need the computer as they'd just gotten the information from someone in the base. Keeping hold of the guy John teleported over to Olivia and with a quick apology teleported them away from the noise and the chaos into a quieter corridor.

Their new location was still white washed but the walls were lined with pipes and the floor damp. By the looks of it the corridor was maybe in the basement or at least a cargo route that wasn't used often. John had made sure that they were tucked out of sight before he turned to speak to Olivia. Boy, he felt bad for the impression he was making on her.

"Sorry I had to do that Olivia but the guy here reckons he knows where our Captain is. I think we're goin' to need back up though so I'm gonna go grab Angel an' Wade if I can an' bring 'em back here." John shoved the guy over towards the wall. "You've got the gun Olivia, use it if you have to. I promise I won't be long."

And with that John vanished.


psychoempath January 7 2011, 11:15:57 UTC
Olivia had just discarded her shield in favor of touching at least three soldiers at once when she had found the world spinning again and quickly shut her eyes. The urge to yell at John would have been greater if she hadn't felt so sick again. Touching her while she was getting ready to kill three men wasn't such a great idea-she had no idea what could have happened to him if he had grabbed her just moments later.

But for now she fucused on getting the world back in order, silencing her body that lept sending alarm signals because it definitely should't be here but rather be back there and listening to what he said. She was glad to be out of that mass of soldiers though.

"You should wear a fucking bell..."

But he was already gone. Olivia grinned and shook her head. If that guy here knew where the Captain was she better not shoot him before anything happened, but he didn't need to know that.

"If I were you I wouldn't do anything stupid. It's been years since I last used a gun."

Then she dug through her pockets to come up with a granola bar. If she didn't eat something quick she'd probably pass out in no time, so she used this quiet moment while she kept an eye on the man.


hunt_the_devil January 7 2011, 23:37:51 UTC
It had taken a little longer than he had planned to get Angel, John had gotten in contact with Wade and taken out a few operatives before heading off to go get her.

He reappeared a few paces away from Olivia with Angel in tow and was pleased to see that, by the looks of things, that Olivia hadn't had any hassle from their informant. Checking that Angel wasn't suffering too much from the effects of teleporting he approached the guy that he'd grabbed and crouched down to where he was slouched against the wall.

"All you gotta do is take us to the Captain an' that's it. We ain't gonna hurt you or kill you. We just want the boss man." The guy looked unsure before nodding and slowly pulling himself to his feet. Glancing over his shoulder at Angel and Olivia, John waited to see if either of them wanted to say anything more.

Time was ticking by and they needed to go get the Captain now. "Alright then. Lead the way."

And with that the guy stepped out into the empty corridor.


angelica_jinx January 7 2011, 23:46:41 UTC
Angel was fine. Just a little unsteady. Breathing helped but it was quite a head rush. There just wasn't time to indulge it. They needed to go. Angel was close on John's heels, surprised to see their prisoner, but relieved when he didn't appear too hurt. Mostly just scared. Good, he should be scared. If it had been a few of the other people on their team he would have been tortured for fun.

"Why do all this? What did you want with him that was so important you had to kill people for it?" Angel asked the man as she followed him to the door.


npc_teamx January 9 2011, 14:09:52 UTC
The guy fidgetted for a moment, looking clearly uneasy at the entire situation. He raised his hands in a gesture of clear submission and acceptance that he wasn't going to argue with any of these mutants. Casting nervous looks between John, Olivia and Angel the guy finally spoke up, addressing Angel but keeping a close eye on both John and Olivia who he felt were still potential threats.

"I'm just a technician, honestly. I was hired here to help out with tests in the labs. I have no idea what is going on. All I know is that your friend here wanted me to take you to the guy they've got locked up in the cells downstairs. I didn't know he was your Captain! I swear! I didn't even know that we'd got him until a couple days ago when they asked me to take a meal into him and change his IV drip lines." The guy was clearly telling the truth, he really had no idea what was going on being so low down in the scheme of things.

He'd just been unlucky, the wrong place at the wrong time.

"I'm not anti-mutant, I just needed a job! It's so hard to get a job these days right outta Uni. Please, please don't kill me. I promie I'll take you to him."


hunt_the_devil January 9 2011, 14:15:30 UTC
The way in which the guy spent his whole time looking like he was about to pass out was enough to reassure John that this guy really didn't know what was going on. It was a shame that they'd gotten someone so low down on the food chain but at the same time it worked to their advantage. He was low enough that his loyalties clearly weren't to the company and more to his own survival.

"You can show us then." John followed behind the guy, keeping a close eye on Olivia and Angel and making sure that they were alright. He could only hope that it wasn't far to go and that when they got to the Captain there would be little resistance. But that was some big dreaming going on there.
After a few minutes of walking, passing through two key-pass doors that the guy had opened for them, they finally reached a large steel door. Through a tiny window in its centre John could see about twelve operatives, armed and obviously on edge, waiting outside another door. The guy that had lead them there held out his pass card and stepped back, explaining there wasn't anything more he could do for them and could he please leave now.

With a wave of a hand John let the guy go.

John turned to Angel and Olivia. "We ready for this then? Any ideas on how to deal with them lot and get the Captain out?"


angelica_jinx January 9 2011, 16:35:12 UTC
She almost felt bad for the guy. Not too bad. He was, after all, one of the bad guys. He was just so clueless.

With a frustrated sigh, Angel let the subject drop. They may never know what this whole thing was about. If they just wanted mutants dead, she wouldn't still be breathing. Instead they knocked her out, along with several others at the camp. And they only took the Captain. Something was going on and it couldn't be good.

Her dark eyes followed the man as he ran off. He got them through. His job was done. Slowly, a soft yellow halo glowed around her and her hair lifted like she was standing too near to fire. Her brown eyes bled to a bright clear green, too clear to be natural. "Flash bomb." She muttered softly. "You guys might want to close your eyes."

Without another word, she walked into the room and it burst with a blinding white light.


psychoempath January 9 2011, 18:00:24 UTC
Liv sighed at the guy's frightened rambling. All it did was confirm her view on the world and the people living in it. He was too frightened to lie, and he had taken them where they wanted. Unless they were guarding something else down here that required the presence of so many guards in front of one single door.

Angel's transformation was rather interesting, but she closed her eyes nonetheless. The last thing she wanted right now was stumble around blind.

"Let us know if you're less...bright!" she called after Angel and snorted about her words right after. They were hopefully close to the Captain and all they had to do was get them out. Then there was the guy that got shot by that creepy old man, she hoped he'd be alright until they got to him.


hunt_the_devil January 9 2011, 18:25:22 UTC
John too shielded his face, eyes closed and hat titled down as they let Angel do her thing. He chuckled at Olivia's comment though, it was good to hear that someone still had a sense of humour despite the situation that they were in right now.

"I think it might be best if you save your powers till we get the hell outta here an' back to the jeeps hmm?." As much as Olivia would be of great use to them it sounded like there was a chance that those powers might be needed by both Pyro and the Captain. If that is the case then John would rather Liv kept her reserves stocked and wait for them to make a decision.


angelica_jinx January 9 2011, 18:31:11 UTC
As fast as the brightness came it was over, just like a real flash bomb. The men in the room were surprised and disoriented. It would take 20 seconds or more for them to focus and that was really all the time they needed. The first thing she did was telekinetically throw all the guns from the room before anyone could start firing blindly. She was sure there were probably more hidden but in the time it took for them to draw them, they would be down.

"John!" She cried having the same thought about Olivia though her reason for saving the girl's energy was for the captain. They had no idea how bad off he was behind that door.


psychoempath January 9 2011, 19:05:19 UTC
Liv turned towards John with a grin. She was feeling alright, but she had a pretty good idea of where her limits were when it came to using her mutation, and she was pretty close. She opened another granola bar from her stash, she had grabbed a hand full just in case and they came in handy now.

"Yeah, as much as I enjoyed the ass kicking today, I better keep some energy to patch up those that come back with more holes than mother nature intended them to have."


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