Let's go save Captain Stick-Up-My-Ass - open to those saving Sykes

Jan 02, 2011 21:26

What was really meant by the term extraction when referring to John was teleportation. He was their way into the camp once they were on the perimeter, as well as a scout for that matter, and with only a few hundred yards to go to the fencing it was easy to feel the team getting themselves all psyched up and prepared.

The undergrowth was thick enough ( Read more... )

jack hendley, [plot] zero tolerance, olivia hughes, ✝ john 'kestrel' wraith, captain ethan sykes, st john 'pyro' allerdyce, haylie 'spitfire' collins, wade wilson, !npc, angelica 'firestar' jones

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captaine_sykes January 7 2011, 00:42:18 UTC
The holding cell lacks windows, with one solid metal door that leads in and out of the room. There's a bed, a sink, a toilet and the only light is generated by a bare bulb that hangs out of reach and so the passage of time is only indicated by the meals that arrive or the drugs that are constantly forced into his system via the IV drips that are plugged into his body. Ethan has no idea how long he's been here, how many days have passed or even what this group of people want with him ( ... )


hunt_the_devil January 9 2011, 19:31:45 UTC
John materalised with Angel and Olivia eitherside of him just on the other side of the door. He'd been unsure how big the room was so it was safer to be close to the door rather then being squished up in a tiny space. The holding cell wasn't all that big and the Captain was stood at the opposite end, chained to the wall and looking pretty darn awful.



angelica_jinx January 9 2011, 19:40:31 UTC
It was like she gasped then choked on different air. It was only John's arm that kept her from stumbling. She felt dizzy but it passed quickly, leaving her staring at Ethan for a second before she hurried over to him. Oddly enough, her telekinetic gig worked better on big stuff then intricate stuff like locks. Since it wasn't really telekinetics at all but rather her bending microwaves to make stuff move she was just as likely to crush his wrists as she was to break the restraints. So she did the next best thing and left the cuffs but broke him free of the wall.

"Sir? Are you okay?"


psychoempath January 10 2011, 14:40:17 UTC
Olivia shakes off the nausea-it really does get better every time-and steps forward. There is an IV needle in the Captain's arm and after a quick touch to his arm right next to it to confirm her suspicions she removes it before checking up on him any further.

Closing her eyes she makes sure to check his whole body for injuries before she turns around to John.

"He's alright. Filled to the hairline with sedatives, but no major injuries. Just bruises. Do you need him conscious to get him out of here?"


hunt_the_devil January 10 2011, 15:18:52 UTC
"Frustratingly enough I'm afraid I do. You think you can take the edge off enough to have him conscious? He don't have t'be coherent, lucid will do. Just enough that he's aware that he's moving." It's frustrating but John prefers to teleport people when they are semi-conscious or else their bodies and minds tend to freak out and try to fight against the teleporting. The last thing he wants is to be taking only half the Captain back to camp now.

John has his attention focused on the door for the moment, trying to listen out for if the operatives decide to come on in.

"Angel you gonna be alright holdin' the Captain up for the moment whilst Liv 'ere does her thin'?"


psychoempath January 10 2011, 16:10:22 UTC
"Alright then."

She sighed, this would use up most of the energy she had just gotten back from those not very tasty bars she ate. Putting both hands on the Captain's chest, she had found that using both hands was more effective when it came to healing, she gently pushed his metabolism, accelerating enough that it would break down the sedatives faster than it naturally would. At the same time she tried to keep an eye on his reactions, so she could pull away as soon as he stirred.


captaine_sykes January 10 2011, 16:34:14 UTC
There's a moment of stillness before Ethan starts to stir, body tensing where it had once been slumped heavily thanks to the sedatives that have numbed his muscles. He groans, deep and low in his throat before his eyes blearily blink open, gaze not settling on once person but darting around the room. He's leaning heavily on Angel thoughout this and it's as if he wants to fight them off, mind still foggy and unclear of what is going on.

"N-no..." He manages only one word, head swaying to the side as he finally drags his gaze two slowly drag between Angel and Olivia. Neither of which he recognises whilst in this state. Ethan wants to protest more but he can't, mind unable to form more words.


angelica_jinx January 10 2011, 16:54:28 UTC
The Captain was a solid guy and a little too heavy for Angel's petite frame. Thankfully, she had her ability to help lift him. She just worried that the glow would attract the guards on the other side of that door before they could be teleported out. "Shh. It's okay. It's us, Sir. We're here to save you." She replied softly to the drugged man's protests.

"Look at me. We need to teleport you out now. So close your eyes and breathe nice and steady for me, okay? You might feel a little woozy."


captaine_sykes January 10 2011, 22:17:06 UTC
Ethan slowly turns his head to look at Angel, though his gaze is still settled on Olivia. It takes a few more moments for his brain to catch up that it's the person holding him up that is talking and not the person who had their hands on him. Gods this is confusing. He just wants to sleep, surrender to the blackness.

Blinking Ethan's pupils are dilated, blown wide and dark as he frowns trying to decipher the words that Angel is saying to him. Finally the instructions make it to his brain, cuffs rattling on his wrists as he tries to raise a hand but his body won't co-operate fast enough. Eyes closing Ethan nods, head weaving and tilting so his forehead is half pressed to Angel's shoulder at an extremely uncomfortable and awkward angle.


hunt_the_devil January 10 2011, 22:19:10 UTC
John can't wait any longer, the operatives outside the door are talking and there is a big ol' chance they'll come in to check up on the Captain shortly. "Sorry Ladies an' Sir but we gotta go."

He doesn't bother saying much more than that, moving to stand between Angel and Olivia. John slides an arm around Olivia's waist, the other around Angel's with his hand open and flat against Ethan's back. One minute they are stood there and the next the room is empty.

Mission accomplished.


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