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Comments 236

declinant October 6 2010, 09:14:33 UTC
"You look like you are."

There's a plastic cup of warm tea held down in front of her face, held by a very pretty young man in leather pants and a long trenchcoat with a fur-lined hood.


madcuriosity October 6 2010, 09:39:19 UTC
Alice blinked and blinked again as she looked up at the man in front of her. She'd never seen him before but such a notion didn't bother her. At the offering of tea she took it without little thought. After all, she attempted to deduce in her hazy mind, it couldn't be poison because it was clearly not marked poison. And it was a very basic rule that if you drank from a bottle marked 'poison' it was bound to disagree with you sooner or later.

"Thank you sir," she smiled up at him as she took the tea. She ventured a sip since the cup wasn't marked poison and smiled at the warmth on the back of her throat.

It took her a moment to remember the man's earlier comment and she shook her head although stopped when it made her dizzy.

"No sir," she whispered since it was a bit difficult to muster a higher volume. "It's only a little bit of unwellness."


declinant October 6 2010, 09:43:24 UTC
Children were so easy. The cup contains only tea, of course - for now; it's easier to do things when trust is gained, and Rosiel was very, very good at that. After all...everyone trusts an angel.

He removed his coat, moving to bundle her up in it. He's wearing a thin shirt underneath, and he doesn't look bothered one bit by the chilly air.

An indulgent smile, and: "Isn't that the same thing?"


madcuriosity October 6 2010, 09:55:06 UTC
She blushed at the sudden coat that bundled her up although she felt a bit better in the warmth.

"Not at all," she coughed into her handkerchief. "Being sick is a nasty sort of thing that requires medicine. Unwellness just needs time," she sneezed. "And maybe tea."


memory_fugue October 6 2010, 12:30:02 UTC
Otonashi was up early today because he's continuing his job search. As he walked down the streets, he heard a few sets of coughing and then that hoarse voice that made him stop walking.

He turned his head, only to see a familiar figure that he first saw personally today. A small smile grew upon his face, raising one hand, he called over:

"... Is that you, Alice?"

Even though it was a question, his tone wasn't questioning. He knew that it was her. His eyes watched her in concern.


madcuriosity October 6 2010, 20:29:48 UTC
"Yes?" she responded as she remained sitting on the bench. "Oh, Mr. O-O-Oh- achoo!" she sneezed into her handkerchief and sniffled. "Oh-toe-na-she," she smiled. "Hello."


memory_fugue October 7 2010, 03:36:33 UTC
"Yeah, hello..." Otonashi quietly replied to that greeting.

It was obvious that she wasn't feeling well from how her face looked. He smiled down to her before he moved a hand to place against her forehead, to check for her temperature.

He paused for a while in throught.

"Do you feel dizzy? Does anything hurt?" he asked after moving his hand away when he had confirmed that she was ill.


madcuriosity October 7 2010, 05:18:34 UTC
She gave two nods and sniffled as she hugged Basil close. Perhaps this was a bad idea.


neverwasahero October 6 2010, 18:20:57 UTC
The weather had become a little chilly but it was Autumn no less, Winter just around the corner! Or perhaps it already was Winter? Gloved hands raised to his mouth, blowing just a little bit of his breath to heat up the texture and rub the two together. Course he kept a good hold on the bag of groceries that he had, he figured he could at least be of some use around the mansion since cooking was out of the question. Though having a cup of tea right now sounded really good.

Spotting the girl he immediately came to realize who it was, "Goodness, is that you Little Alice?" He stepped on over to her, a concerned look overcoming the man's features. "Sweetie, you shouldn't be out in this weather like that, you'll make yourself worse." He chided gently, resting a hand against her forehead to test to see if she had a fever. Indeed she did. He removed the scarf from around his neck, wrapping it gently around her neck and securing it there. "We should get you home, love. A good cup of tea would do you good as well."


madcuriosity October 6 2010, 20:27:28 UTC
As he wrapped the scarf around her neck she went into another coughing fit. She didn't want to admit she was sick because she wasn't. Sick people couldn't get out of bed and she got out of it with... alright not ease but she had gotten out of it and that was the important part. When her coughing was done she pressed a hand to the scarf, feeling warmer because of it.

"Thank you Mr. Jack," she cleared her throat. "But I'm fine, really." It was just a cough... and a sneeze... and dizziness... and a long list but she wasn't sick because she had gotten out of bed. Although tea sounded lovely at the moment.


neverwasahero October 7 2010, 03:51:30 UTC
Brows furrow just a little to deepen the concern on his face, she definitely was not fine but why she wanted to say she was otherwise was beyond him. He gave a light shake of his head before tilting it, watching her carefully. "It's a little hard to believe." The young Noble straightens, an arm laying along her back to rest one gloved hand upon her shoulder and the other settling his other hand to the other side.

Supporting the girl to stand he gave a smile, "Come, let's head to your place shall we? I'll make you a nice hot cup of tea with some oranges to add. You know, oranges can be very good for you! "


madcuriosity October 7 2010, 05:20:18 UTC
"I-I achoo!" she sniffled and was thankful for his hand since as she stood up things were a bit wobbly for her. "But r-really I'm fine Mr. Jack. But... tea doesn't sound like a bad idea."


chokowaffle October 6 2010, 20:10:21 UTC
[Sadly, Belgium wasn't familiar with the flu or colds much, seeming as she was a nation, but that didn't stop her from feeling worried.]

Are you alright?


madcuriosity October 6 2010, 20:30:56 UTC
Yes Miss Belgium [She coughed but gave a smile.] I'm alright, just a bit of unwellness.


chokowaffle October 6 2010, 23:38:15 UTC
Would you like me to make you something?

[She just wanted to be helpful. It wasn't like she would just say, "oh that sucks, bye". If she didn't want it, it was fine with Belgium.]


madcuriosity October 7 2010, 05:22:49 UTC
Ah... n-no thank you, but that is very kind of you.


stole_bread October 6 2010, 20:56:51 UTC
[Alice may have been less than pleased over the current situation with Takuma, but Valjean had already adjusted to the idea of his oldest adopted child moving out of the house and becoming an adult. As different as their small home may be without his presence, the vampire teen had promised to come over often enough for dinner and family time.

However, even if his worries over the move had been soothed quickly, the father was well aware that Alice was not so pleased. So it was really no surprise at all that he found his youngest sitting alone away from the house.]

Alice. [His eyebrows raise in concern.] My dear, you look ill. How do you feel?


madcuriosity October 6 2010, 21:14:34 UTC
[She coughs and attempts to nod through her coughing.] I'm fine daddy j-just a bit of unwellness. I'm fine.


stole_bread October 6 2010, 22:58:00 UTC
No, you are not. [And his expression turns somewhat sad as he moves a hand to her forehead.] We must get you home and into bed.


madcuriosity October 6 2010, 23:11:29 UTC
[She shook her head but stopped when it made her dizzy and she wobbled a little.] I'm not sick [She sneezed.] I-I was able to get out of bed so I'm clearly not sick.


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