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neverwasahero October 6 2010, 18:20:57 UTC
The weather had become a little chilly but it was Autumn no less, Winter just around the corner! Or perhaps it already was Winter? Gloved hands raised to his mouth, blowing just a little bit of his breath to heat up the texture and rub the two together. Course he kept a good hold on the bag of groceries that he had, he figured he could at least be of some use around the mansion since cooking was out of the question. Though having a cup of tea right now sounded really good.

Spotting the girl he immediately came to realize who it was, "Goodness, is that you Little Alice?" He stepped on over to her, a concerned look overcoming the man's features. "Sweetie, you shouldn't be out in this weather like that, you'll make yourself worse." He chided gently, resting a hand against her forehead to test to see if she had a fever. Indeed she did. He removed the scarf from around his neck, wrapping it gently around her neck and securing it there. "We should get you home, love. A good cup of tea would do you good as well."


madcuriosity October 6 2010, 20:27:28 UTC
As he wrapped the scarf around her neck she went into another coughing fit. She didn't want to admit she was sick because she wasn't. Sick people couldn't get out of bed and she got out of it with... alright not ease but she had gotten out of it and that was the important part. When her coughing was done she pressed a hand to the scarf, feeling warmer because of it.

"Thank you Mr. Jack," she cleared her throat. "But I'm fine, really." It was just a cough... and a sneeze... and dizziness... and a long list but she wasn't sick because she had gotten out of bed. Although tea sounded lovely at the moment.


neverwasahero October 7 2010, 03:51:30 UTC
Brows furrow just a little to deepen the concern on his face, she definitely was not fine but why she wanted to say she was otherwise was beyond him. He gave a light shake of his head before tilting it, watching her carefully. "It's a little hard to believe." The young Noble straightens, an arm laying along her back to rest one gloved hand upon her shoulder and the other settling his other hand to the other side.

Supporting the girl to stand he gave a smile, "Come, let's head to your place shall we? I'll make you a nice hot cup of tea with some oranges to add. You know, oranges can be very good for you! "


madcuriosity October 7 2010, 05:20:18 UTC
"I-I achoo!" she sniffled and was thankful for his hand since as she stood up things were a bit wobbly for her. "But r-really I'm fine Mr. Jack. But... tea doesn't sound like a bad idea."


neverwasahero October 8 2010, 21:11:46 UTC
Jack pulled out a handkerchief, dabbing at her nose a little before handing it to her for free usage. With his own Alice he was so use to looking out for the small girl that it only came natural to want to take care of this one. At least until she was a lot better. "You wouldn't want to get to the point you can hardly move around, now do you?" Nonetheless he guided her, though pausing to look about. He doesn't really know his way to her place so he waits for her to point it out. "Then tea it is!"


madcuriosity October 8 2010, 23:12:54 UTC
"Thank you, my home is this way," she pointed towards her cottage before sneezing again.

"And I can still m-move just fine."


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