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memory_fugue October 6 2010, 12:30:02 UTC
Otonashi was up early today because he's continuing his job search. As he walked down the streets, he heard a few sets of coughing and then that hoarse voice that made him stop walking.

He turned his head, only to see a familiar figure that he first saw personally today. A small smile grew upon his face, raising one hand, he called over:

"... Is that you, Alice?"

Even though it was a question, his tone wasn't questioning. He knew that it was her. His eyes watched her in concern.


madcuriosity October 6 2010, 20:29:48 UTC
"Yes?" she responded as she remained sitting on the bench. "Oh, Mr. O-O-Oh- achoo!" she sneezed into her handkerchief and sniffled. "Oh-toe-na-she," she smiled. "Hello."


memory_fugue October 7 2010, 03:36:33 UTC
"Yeah, hello..." Otonashi quietly replied to that greeting.

It was obvious that she wasn't feeling well from how her face looked. He smiled down to her before he moved a hand to place against her forehead, to check for her temperature.

He paused for a while in throught.

"Do you feel dizzy? Does anything hurt?" he asked after moving his hand away when he had confirmed that she was ill.


madcuriosity October 7 2010, 05:18:34 UTC
She gave two nods and sniffled as she hugged Basil close. Perhaps this was a bad idea.


memory_fugue October 7 2010, 05:40:47 UTC
Alice felt dizzy and was hurting? Perhaps this was worse than the first glance. Otonashi's eyes narrowed quietly, his concern was filling.


If this was the case, she shouldn't be walking out like this. Why is she even alone? At that, he kneeled down to her level.

"Where do you live, Alice? I'll take you home. You shouldn't be out here, because you're sick."

He placed a hand on top of her head this time, ruffling it gently. He smiled faintly again, trying to be assuring and comforting.


madcuriosity October 7 2010, 05:54:22 UTC
"I'm not," she insisted followed closely by a sneeze. "Sick people can't get out of bed and I got out just fine." Or mostly fine but it was the same thing really.


memory_fugue October 7 2010, 06:21:55 UTC
"That's not how it is... They can still get out of bed, if their sickness is not anything bed-riddening," Otonashi raised an eyebrow quietly. His eyes still spells out concern.

"Come on, that will get worse if you don't get some rest. Your guardians might worry."


madcuriosity October 7 2010, 06:46:40 UTC
"No, sick-beds are only for sick people. I'm not in a sick bed nor am I sick," she insisted before another coughing fit hit her.


memory_fugue October 7 2010, 07:48:43 UTC
Compared to Otonashi's little sister, Alice was more disobedient. But he liked that. He can't help to laugh once softly.

"If you go home, I'll buy you a cake."


You shouldn't bride children in such a way lol madcuriosity October 7 2010, 07:55:51 UTC
Ah... a cake just to go back? Well... she always had to make cake, but she hadn't felt like baking anything for a week or so. She coughed lightly and then gave a small nod.

"Yes please."


Hahaha, yeah. But he's a simple-minded guy, he doesn't mean harm |D memory_fugue October 7 2010, 08:07:36 UTC
He felt like Alice's guardians would probably smack him for giving "candy" to a little girl, but he had to get her to go home somehow. He was socially awkward, even if he does have a friendly vibe around him. Well, it's too late to think about other methods now, as she quickly accepted it.

"Good girl. Now let's take you home, okay?"

Hopefully, one of Alice's guardians would be home so he could talk to them about Alice's condition and have her to rest.


madcuriosity October 7 2010, 08:11:03 UTC
She stands up and wobbles before promptly sitting back down a bit dizzy. Alright... not exactly what she had wanted to do.


memory_fugue October 7 2010, 10:10:29 UTC
"Be careful, Alice," Otonashi did remember she was dizzy, so he made a quick gesture to support her when she sat back down. This isn't good. She needed to lie down a warm bed immediately. He tried to keep himself from panicking, so a calm face is all he held right now.

He bent down and then turned his back to face Alice, offering support, "Here. I'll carry you."


madcuriosity October 7 2010, 17:04:38 UTC
"Oh um... thank you," she shifted. She was not really used to being carried in such a way although Takuma had introduced it to her. She wrapped her arms around Otonashi's shoulders trying to keep a hold on Basil as well.


memory_fugue October 8 2010, 04:11:43 UTC
"Are you all right, there?" Otonashi smiled back to Alice as he carried her on his back. He gently propped her further up so he could gain a better balance. He made sure that Alice is safe before he looked left and right.

"... Okay, which way?"


madcuriosity October 8 2010, 05:48:11 UTC
"Um... that way," she pointed towards her cottage, sniffling softly.


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