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Comments 236

mudbloodhater October 6 2010, 22:12:44 UTC
Draco never really cared if people were sick around him, provided they don't give it to him. He was so rarely ill, any cold likely would have shut him down immediately, after all. That was precisely why he stared at people taken ill with utter disdain.

But when the person clearly taken ill was an adorable little girl? Well, perhaps it was only then that Draco would sidle a bit closer to make sure she was alright.

He draped imself over the back of the bench, peering at her. "I think you are, darling. What are you doing out of bed?"


madcuriosity October 7 2010, 05:43:38 UTC
"That's just it," she whispered since talking any louder than that hurt. "I'm not sick. Sick people can't get out of bed. I got out just fine and dressed myself." Which was mostly true, she had some complications doing both tasks but she wasn't going to say anything about that.

She sniffled and looked over at Draco trying to offer him a smile although it was interrupted by coughing.


mudbloodhater October 8 2010, 00:27:41 UTC
He sighed, shifting until he was settled beside her - with a decent distance - on the bench. "You are most definitely sick." Draco mused aloud, leaning his arms over the back. "People prefer not to get out of bed, but it's certainly not an impossibility. You obviously wanted to prove that you weren't-" He paused, giving her pointed look, "-but I'm afraid your voice gives you away."


madcuriosity October 8 2010, 06:03:12 UTC
"That isn't true," she sneezed. "It's called a sick bed because they can't get out. I could leave so it is not a sick bed nor am I-I," she started coughing, holding Basil close.


hides_thedagger October 7 2010, 00:07:54 UTC
Dastan had been walking out of his house, in direction of the city when he heard the coughing fit. Frowning, he looked around and found the source of the sickened sound. Blond hair fanned around her shoulders as her back curled with another cough, hiding her face, but the Prince instantly knew it was Alice. Taking the few stride separating her from him, he undid his cloak and wrapped it around her small frame, not caring about the cooler fall weather.

"Are you all right, Princess?"

It was a rhetorical question, the Persian could easily see the feverish haze in her eyes.


madcuriosity October 7 2010, 05:47:17 UTC
As soon as the cloak was around her shoulders she held onto it, thankful for the warmth. She didn't know why her own coat wasn't keeping her warm but the extra layer helped a great deal.

"I'm alright Dastan," she offered him a smile and sniffled softly.


hides_thedagger October 7 2010, 23:14:07 UTC
The Prince sat down beside Alice. He smiled back at her, giving her a long look:

"And you are a terrible liar, Princess. Why aren't you inside, in your bed?"


madcuriosity October 8 2010, 05:58:16 UTC
"I'm not lying," she blushed although it was difficult to tell with her flushed cheeks. "Sick people can't get out of bed. And I got out of it j-j-just achoo!" she sniffled. "I got out of it just fine." Or mostly fine, but she was out of it all the same.

"I'm not in bed because if I couldn't get out I'd be sick," she coughed.


brbblending October 7 2010, 00:39:06 UTC
She looked ghastly, the young girl sitting in the central plaza, coughing out her lung it would seem. She approached the girl carefully, covering her mouth with a handkerchief of her own. "And you are, bambina mia."


madcuriosity October 7 2010, 05:47:49 UTC
"But I'm not, Miss Paola," Alice insisted softly. "I was able to get out of bed."


brbblending October 7 2010, 14:26:09 UTC
Paola laughed, leaning down. "With great effort, I'm sure." Her fingers wedged underneath Alice's legs while her other hand supported her back before lifting her up and heading in direction of the first district. "Let's get you to bed."


madcuriosity October 7 2010, 17:03:15 UTC
"Eep!" she clung onto Paola, her face flushed with both surprise and her sickness. "N-No really I'm alright Miss Paola," she coughed. "Where are we going?" she asked when she understood Paola wasn't going to put her down.


POST DOCTOR THREAD not_my_grandpa October 7 2010, 07:01:00 UTC
[After the doctor leaves, since he didn't want to hover around and bother him too much while he was working, Plus if bloodwork had to be done, he didn't want to be in the room, he decided to pay her a visit.

Plus, he wasn't worried about catching anything.

He walks over to her room and knocks on the door]



madcuriosity October 7 2010, 07:13:22 UTC
[Her arm still hurts underneath the little heart covered band-aid Hatori put on it. And she's still coughing and aching and just generally not enjoying her current condition. She looks up from her bed and sniffled.]

Ta-taku... [She whispers.]


not_my_grandpa October 7 2010, 07:17:40 UTC
[Thankfully, his hearing picks up on the soft whisper and he walks inside of the room]

Oh my....it seems like you were hit with quite the bug.


madcuriosity October 7 2010, 07:22:04 UTC
[She hugs Basil close and slowly sits up.]

W-What bug? I didn't try to catch anything.


demonspear October 7 2010, 15:55:59 UTC
Zelos was walking in his normal care-free fashion with his arms behind his head until he spotted his little princess. She sounded pretty sick.

"You sick, princess?"


madcuriosity October 7 2010, 16:35:55 UTC
As soon as she hears Zelos' voice she eeps and if it were possible she gets even redder in the face.

"Oh um, y-y-yes Mr. Zelos, I'm f-fi," before she could finish, however she went into a coughing fit.


demonspear October 7 2010, 16:59:58 UTC
"Hey, hey! Easy there, princess." You're worrying him a little, Alice. He kneels down in front of her and puts a hand on her forehead.

"You have a fever."


madcuriosity October 7 2010, 17:11:24 UTC
"A fever?" she asked, when she realized how close he was she blushed deeper and quickly became flustered. "N-No that's..."


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