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chokowaffle October 6 2010, 20:10:21 UTC
[Sadly, Belgium wasn't familiar with the flu or colds much, seeming as she was a nation, but that didn't stop her from feeling worried.]

Are you alright?


madcuriosity October 6 2010, 20:30:56 UTC
Yes Miss Belgium [She coughed but gave a smile.] I'm alright, just a bit of unwellness.


chokowaffle October 6 2010, 23:38:15 UTC
Would you like me to make you something?

[She just wanted to be helpful. It wasn't like she would just say, "oh that sucks, bye". If she didn't want it, it was fine with Belgium.]


madcuriosity October 7 2010, 05:22:49 UTC
Ah... n-no thank you, but that is very kind of you.


chokowaffle October 7 2010, 13:35:41 UTC
Is there anything I can do to help?


madcuriosity October 7 2010, 16:34:25 UTC
I'm not really sure, but thank you Miss Belgium.


chokowaffle October 7 2010, 16:52:40 UTC
Alright, well. If you have anything you need, please don't be afraid to ask.


madcuriosity October 7 2010, 17:12:33 UTC
Thank you very much Miss Belgium. That is very sweet of you. I didn't know Belgium was sweet. But then I don't know much about Belgium.


chokowaffle October 7 2010, 17:20:32 UTC
[She smiled.]

I'm just that kind of person. I don't really hate anyone except for one person thats an exception of that.


madcuriosity October 7 2010, 17:26:42 UTC
Who do you hate?


chokowaffle October 7 2010, 17:32:12 UTC
Germany. I have my reasons for that, though.


madcuriosity October 7 2010, 17:34:48 UTC
What's wrong with Germany?


chokowaffle October 7 2010, 17:40:22 UTC
He invaded my neutrality when it was clearly stated. And for what? To get to France to attack him. Yet, he had to go past me to get to him, drag me into the war, and violate my neutrality.


madcuriosity October 8 2010, 04:54:33 UTC
Invaded? Neutrality? [She sneezes.] I don't understand.


chokowaffle October 8 2010, 13:21:38 UTC
Uhm... it's nothing.


madcuriosity October 8 2010, 22:59:53 UTC
If it were nothing you wouldn't be upset about it.


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