Amaterasu- Now that I'm a womannnnn~

May 09, 2009 12:56

Who: Amaterasu, though I doubt you'll recognize her.
What: Wandering about the village trying to remember how to walk.
Why: She wants to try to communicate more easily.
Time:  Early morning.
Person: 1st or Third.

Amaterasu had gathered enough sufficient praise to attempt a go around. She needed information and using human speech was something she ( Read more... )

tsume, maka albarn, gale, rena ryuugu, amaterasu, iris, !location: espoir, waka, abel, lucrezia noin

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x_smiling_sun May 9 2009, 19:27:43 UTC
[ She can look also like she does on my profile page. c: ]

Amaterasu struggled, stumbling on her knees once before laughing sheepishly. Blinking once, she stood up, staring at the tall man with wide curious eyes. "..Y---Yeeee..Y-Yes. " She said, stumbling on human speech as she stared at him warily. Her eyes widened with recognition.

"I-I" Just like that she stumbled forward, grabbing onto his shirt sheepishly. "I-I'm so sorry...I'm not used to this.."


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x_smiling_sun May 9 2009, 22:15:11 UTC
Amaterasu smiled gratefully. "Ah--th-thank you. " Her expression was gentle and knowing. "Yes, you spoke to me during one of my dreams. The dream where I ..." She wrinkled her nose. "Took a bath." She raised one claw and put it to her chin thoughtfully.


bigassmachete May 9 2009, 19:30:10 UTC
Rena hadn't been out of the house for a while so she figured a good walk around the village was in order. Some new gardens seemed to have popped up in the neighborhood that hadn't been there before.

Then something out of the ordinary caught her eye. Out in the distance Rena could see the figure of a girl stumbling around with long flowing white hair. But she didn't seem to be any normal girl. It almost looked like she was...glowing? Or it could just be the lighting from the sun.

Getting closer, Rena now noticed the girl had what seemed to be white ears and a tail...? Rena had to make sure she wasn't just imagining things (though she did find these appendages to be very cute~<3)

"Um...are you alright miss?"


x_smiling_sun May 9 2009, 19:33:01 UTC

Amaterasu's eyes widened as she saw Rena. A smile made it's way to her face as the tip of her tail began to wag. She stumbled, hair swishing about her knees as she held onto a tree, panting a little.

"Rena!!" She cried, and ran towards her, grabbing her in a tight hug


bigassmachete May 9 2009, 19:41:05 UTC
Rena was distracted by the girl's adorable tail wagging when she almost fell backwards from the force of the hug. Even though she was really confused as to why the girl was hugging her and how she knew her name she wasn't complaining and hugged back (because the girl was so cute~!). Though the girl did remind her of someone, she just couldn't put her finger on it.

"Hehe, h-hello! Does Rena know you I wonder, I wonder?"


x_smiling_sun May 9 2009, 22:14:10 UTC
Amaterasu giggled slightly, her gentle eyes lighting up. "Yes! It's Amaterasu." Her warm smile grew as she hugged her. "You probably remember me from that big white wolf you met earlier, right?"


1year22days May 9 2009, 22:55:33 UTC
Noin saw the girl--she was... glowing? but that could just be a trick of the light, after all--walking through the city and couldn't help stopping in her way for a moment to stare. There was something captivating about her, although perhaps it was just her odd appearance. Regardless, when she stumbled Noin found herself suddenly reaching out and steadying her by the arm. She offered a smile to the girl. "Are you all right?"


x_smiling_sun May 9 2009, 23:33:21 UTC
Amaterasu blinked with a startled look on her face. Her expression sheepish as she smiled weakly. "Yes, thank you. I'm having a bit of trouble it seems. " She tried to step back but swayed on wobbly legs, grabbing her shoulders and laughing breathlessly. "S-sorry.."


1year22days May 11 2009, 22:18:39 UTC
"Don't worry about it. Are you hurt? Take a moment to get your balance back," she suggested, holding Amaterasu's arms lightly to help support her. "Are you going anywhere in particular?"


x_smiling_sun May 11 2009, 22:21:12 UTC
"I-I'm not hurt..just slightly unaccostumed, is all. " Her clawed hands gripped the girl's arms lightly, standing up slowly as her ears wiggled to and fro. "Thank you very much. As for going, not in particular. I wanted to see how the trees were doing this morning, and if there were any animals that needed tending." Her smile was bright, one fang poking from her mouth in a cute smile.


prophet4thelulz May 10 2009, 00:15:33 UTC
Waka had been nearby the village, seeing that there was no need for any business in the city he left to get some fresh air. He was contently watching the world from a high branch in a leafy tree, and was enjoying his first free day in well over a century. It wasn't long before he heard -rather than saw- the Goddess making her way along the path. He turned, expecting to see the familiar wolf making her way below him, but instead he saw a white-haired woman awkwardly walk by. It took him a minute to realize that it was Amaterasu.

How long had it been since he had saw her that way? Not since back in Takamagahra, which was a good two centuries ago. It seemed her power was returning to her. He smiled at the thought, but Waka wasn't one to miss an opportunity to surprise the Goddess with a good entrance. It had been too long since he had used Pillowtalk!

"Hark, ma cherie!" He stands up on the branches, flipping his hat back and pulling out Pillowtalk. "It has been quite some time since I've seen you in such a form, baby~." There is a ( ... )


x_smiling_sun May 10 2009, 01:22:38 UTC
Amaterasu's sensitive ears flicked back and forth, turning once and stumbling; falling rather undignifiedly on the ground, tail between both legs. "A-Ah!" She yelped, looking up with round eyes.

Blinking up at him, her expression brightened, her mouth pulling into a fanged smile. "Waka! " She cheered, waving as she blinked at him. "...My, what's with the sparkles. It's only me, Waka. Is that truly necessary?' She was snickering a little.


prophet4thelulz May 10 2009, 01:32:20 UTC
He allows himself a small chuckle. Cherie was still unused to it all, especially being confined to a statue for a century. Hopefully, she would have more time to develop her strength in Somarium.

He floats down, a little disappointed because he thought the sparkles were absolutely necessary. "An entrance should always be grand, baby~!" He ignores her snickering and walks out to her, slowly holding out a hand.

"Do you need help, cherie? Two legs are quite troublesome, I'm afraid."


x_smiling_sun May 10 2009, 01:46:30 UTC
Amaterasu pouted at him, but took his hand, sighing teasingly. "I see. Perhaps those of the Moon Tribe are the only ones with big egos. Then what of Gods and are grand entries? Perhaps we should switch places. " She snickered lightly, before smiling sheepishly. "'s rather hard. " She said softly, frowning a little.


fearless_tech May 10 2009, 01:34:20 UTC
Maka was just on her way through the village that morning. She's gotten used to waking up early these days; she liked to go look at the flowers in Ino's garden, and now that Soul was here, she was out and about more than just being stuck in the library.

However, something caught her eye. She turned in the direction of the strange light, and was surprised to find the girl stumbling around like that. Something was weird; something about the girl almost felt familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

She seemed to be having some trouble, Maka noticed. She took a few steps up to the girl and said, "Excuse me. Do you need any help?"


x_smiling_sun May 10 2009, 01:47:16 UTC
She turned and blinked, her eyes widening. "Ah..M-Maka. " She said aloud, tilting her head as her ears twitched. "I didn't expect you to be up this early.." Her expression was warm.


fearless_tech May 10 2009, 01:50:13 UTC
Maka looked taken aback by that.

"Eh? ...How do you know my name?" she asked. She never saw this girl before. Or, at least, she doesn't think she has.


x_smiling_sun May 10 2009, 03:17:15 UTC
She smiled softly. 'I'm Amaterasu. The white wolf you've been speaking with.'


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