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Konoka Konoe // Mahou Sensei Negima! // Reserved // 1/2 doctor_ansem November 21 2010, 05:09:58 UTC
Player Information
Name: Doctor Ansem
Personal Journal: doctor_ansem
Contact Info: theevilpichu [AIM] doctor dot ansem at hotmail dot com (MSN)
Other Characters: N/A

Character Information
Name: Konoka Konoe
Source Canon: Mahou Sensei Negima
Age: 15
Role In Canon: Major Supporting character
History:This is Konoka Konoe. She is one of the more important support characters and the other lucky lady who gets to room with underaged man-pimp Negi Springfield. With her grandfather being the dean of Mahora Academy and her father being the Kanto Association leader as well has having lots of power, she's a figurative princess and heir to lots of power, money, and fame ( ... )


Konoka Konoe // Mahou Sensei Negima! // Reserved // 2/2 doctor_ansem November 21 2010, 05:10:50 UTC
Personality:Konoka is a cheery girl, almost to childishness. She'll always greet you with a smile and if you're an old friend, expect to be crushed in a rushing glomp tackle. She's horribly affectionate and a friend to all living things, even if said living things tried to kill her not minutes ago *glares at huge dragon Kaede fought*. There aren't very many things can bring down her infectious mood, but if they do you're going to notice quickly even if she puts up a front. And unless it has something to do with her bestest yuri friend and partner in the whole wide world Setsuna (and maybe Asuna), she'll probably get over it fairly quickly and go back to her cheery self ( ... )


ACCEPTED rosestolilies November 21 2010, 06:26:16 UTC
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Dahlia Hawthorne ][ Ace Attorney ][ Reserved ][ 1/2 coreopsideae November 21 2010, 05:14:02 UTC
Player Information
Name: Ketsu
Personal Journal: splitcomplex
Contact Info: AIM: Perceive Truth
Other Characters: N/A

Character Information
Name: Dahlia Hawthorne
Source Canon: Ace Attorney
Age: 26, but dead
Role In Canon: Primary antagonist of the third game
Justification: N/A
History: Information on Court Records. Dahlia comes from just after being executed.


Dahlia Hawthorne ][ Ace Attorney ][ Reserved ][ 2/2 coreopsideae November 21 2010, 05:14:25 UTC
Personality: On the surface, Dahlia Hawthorne is the sweetest, nicest person one could ever hope to know. She's shy and demure, easily shocked, and cries at the drop of a hat. And yet she's so very kind and caring and she loves everyone and everything. Butterflies have been known to congregate around her pure and gentle demeanor ( ... )


REVISION REQUESTED rosestolilies November 21 2010, 06:36:15 UTC
♥ The samples look good, but we'd like to see a bit more personality. Dahlia is the primary antagonist of the third game, so we feel her personality can be elaborated on more.


Re: REVISION REQUESTED coreopsideae November 21 2010, 06:51:51 UTC
Personality: On the surface, Dahlia Hawthorne is the sweetest, nicest person one could ever hope to know. She's shy and demure, easily shocked, and cries at the drop of a hat. And yet she's so very kind and caring and she loves everyone and everything. Butterflies have been known to congregate around her pure and gentle demeanor. She goes out of her way to be kind and helpful to all who cross her path. She would sooner die than cause trouble for anyone ( ... )


Miwako Ihara ❀ I.S. ❀ Reserved ❀ 1/2 foundaplace November 21 2010, 05:17:07 UTC
Player Information
Name: Ketsu
Personal Journal: splitcomplex
Contact Info: AIM: Perceive Truth
Other Characters: N/A

Character Information
Name: Miwako Ihara
Source Canon: I.S. ~otoko demo onna demo nai sei~
Age: 16
Role In Canon: Secondary character (a friend of the protagonist)
Justification: N/A
History: Miwako Ihara's mother wanted nothing more than to give birth to a bouncing, happy baby girl. She spent more money on dresses and toys than on food, and dreamt of the life she would give to her little girl. But Miwako was not born female; the term the doctors used was "45/46 XO/XY mosaic". She was intersexed, more male than female, but because the doctors who looked at her determined that it would be easier to alter her into a girl than a boy, that's what was done. Miwako was raised as a girl and given regular supplements of feminine hormones, though she thought it was just ordinary medicine ( ... )


Miwako Ihara ❀ I.S. ❀ Reserved ❀ 2/2 foundaplace November 21 2010, 05:17:37 UTC
Haru was also intersexed, and had been raised as such. Mr. and Mrs. Hoshino hadn't believed in forcing an identity onto Haru, preferring to let their child be the one to decide. Miwako felt a number of conflicting emotions toward Haru: Jealousy, envy, idealism, and maybe even love. Haru, meanwhile, was naive and didn't understand Miwako's predicament until she spelled it out, loudly and angrily. She couldn't believe how clueless Haru was. But on the other hand, she wished she could be as blessed, that she could have parents who respected her for who she was ( ... )


REVISION REQUESTED rosestolilies November 21 2010, 15:55:07 UTC
♥ We like your concept and your description of her history, but we'd like to see a little more personality (preferably about aspects of Miwako beyond her sex/gender issues) and an additional sample (it doesn't have to be too long).


Re: REVISION REQUESTED foundaplace November 22 2010, 00:51:36 UTC
Sorry for being such a pest; I'm used to games with less-stringent requirements, so I didn't really put my all into my first drafts. Here we go!

Personality: Miwako grew up highly sheltered; she was kept so far in the dark by her parents that she never even realized the purpose of the medicine she took or the surgeries she underwent. She's quiet and shy; talking to strangers practically gives her a panic attack. For a very long time, she was confused and ashamed of her body. She believed that it was impossible for anyone to love her because of it. Since meeting Haru, she's grown stronger and slightly more outgoing, and has learned to embrace all of herself. She doesn't want to tell anyone else about being I.S. because she doesn't want to have to explain what it means, but she's finally admitted it to herself ( ... )


Amamiya Sakurako | Psyren | Reserved pikabot November 21 2010, 05:18:34 UTC
Player Information
Name: Peter
Personal Journal: pikabot
Contact Info: pikabot [AIM/Plurk]
Other Characters: N/A

Character Information
Name: Amamiya Sakurako
Source Canon: Psyren
Age: 16
Role In Canon: Of the five 'main characters', she's probably in second place.
Justification: N/A


Amamiya Sakurako | Psyren | Reserved pikabot November 21 2010, 05:19:52 UTC
History: Amamiya Sakurako was born in Tokyo, and was in most respects a normal child: bright, and very popular, but in general nothing out of the ordinary. Her family life, however, was troubled: her parents were constantly fighting, and when she was in middle school, her mother just walked out the door without hardly saying good bye. After that, her father took up with another woman, and moved out, renting a condo apartment for Sakurako to live in. It was a very chilly, isolated life from that point on ( ... )


Amamiya Sakurako | Psyren | Reserved pikabot November 21 2010, 05:20:36 UTC
At school, she became known as an ice queen, and someone to avoid whenever possible. Her behavior was cold and antisocial: afraid to let anybody get close to her, for fear that they'd get hurt. And deep inside of her, so deep even she couldn't recognize it, the emotions she was burying and experiences she wasn't allowing herself to deal with began to form a second personality, calling itself Abyss ( ... )


Amamiya Sakurako | Psyren | Reserved pikabot November 21 2010, 05:21:16 UTC
As for Abyss...well, despite appearances and what Amamiya thinks of her, she's not really a 'bad' side of her. Rather, she's like a version of Amamiya that's free of her fears, insecurities, and other issues. The flipside of this, however, is that as she's never lived life directly, she has none of the 'real' Sakurako's experience: in other words, her personality is childlike and simple, which means she can be very dangerous, given that she has Amamiya's potent psi powers at her disposal. And she's an extremely petulant child. She wants what she wants, and she wants it now...or she's prone to tantrum. Potentially deadly tantrums.

Abilities: Sakurako has at her disposal a fairly potent set of psi powers. Psi, as described in Psyren, breaks down into into three main types: Burst, where one projects their thought waves to affect the world around them (telekinesis, pyrokinesis etc), Rise, where one uses the power of their mind to enhance their senses and physical abilities, and Trance, where one projects their thought waves outwards, ( ... )


Meredy | Tales of Eternia | Reserved [1/2] axaroffle November 21 2010, 05:21:41 UTC
Player Information
Name: Jenny
Personal Journal: axaroffle
Contact Info: axaroffle @ aim
gauche [at] leviathansclaw [dot] com
Other Characters: N/A

Character Information
Name: Meredy
Source Canon: Tales of Eternia
Age: 16
Role In Canon: One of the main protagonists in the game.
Justification: N/A
History: the grand fall

baiba!Meredy hails from Celesia, from the town of Imen. She, like all Celestians, has a gem on her forehead called an Elara. These stones are used to communicate between Celestians when they are parted from one another. And it is through the Elara that she finds out that Imen is destroyed. She lives alone, like all Celestians do once they reach the tender age of ten ( ... )


Meredy | Tales of Eternia | Reserved [2/2] axaroffle November 21 2010, 05:22:36 UTC
Personality: Meredy is the type of girl that seems cute and fluffy and over-all a rather shallow person, attributed to her young looks and childish way of speech. And she is quite cute and fluffy. She's naive to a fault about some things, like why it isn't okay for a boy and girl to sleep in the same bed. She's rather free-spirited about a lot of things, and doesn't mind dancing around to try to cheer people up or playing card games in the middle of a dungeon when the party needs a break ( ... )


ACCEPTED rosestolilies November 21 2010, 16:10:12 UTC
♥ Welcome to Queen of Hearts!

What to do now:
♥ Put in a request to join queenofheartsrp, queenoflogs, and queenofooc.
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