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Meredy | Tales of Eternia | Reserved [2/2] axaroffle November 21 2010, 05:22:36 UTC
Personality: Meredy is the type of girl that seems cute and fluffy and over-all a rather shallow person, attributed to her young looks and childish way of speech. And she is quite cute and fluffy. She's naive to a fault about some things, like why it isn't okay for a boy and girl to sleep in the same bed. She's rather free-spirited about a lot of things, and doesn't mind dancing around to try to cheer people up or playing card games in the middle of a dungeon when the party needs a break.

Her speech impediment is not purposeful, but due to an issue with her Orz Earring - the device used to translate her speech for others and to translate other languages into Melnics for her. When speaking in Melnics that isn't being translated by the earring, Meredy's speech is normal, if not a little refined. She is unaware that her translated speech is different from the way she speaks in Melnics.

She's also quite spastic in times of excitement, jumping on furniture and such to help get her point across. This was expressly so when she couldn't be understood by the party. And without warning she often clings to Reid to cause the resonating of their Fibrill, which she believes will help save the world.

Meredy isn't always smiles and cheerfulness. Meredy's had a traumatic past, a lot of which she's blocked out subconsciously due to the nature of it (being experimented on by her own mother, for example). And she can get pretty down when she loses people important to her. And though she has lost many of her childhood memories, memories are still incredibly important to her and she cherishes all of the new memories that she makes with her friends, as they fill the void of the things she's forced herself to forget.

There's a lot under the surface that she doesn't show or tell for a good chunk of the game. And that chunk of her pertains to Balir, her father, who they believe is the one trying to cause the Grand Fall. She's rather secretive about it, and doesn't admit that Shizel and Balir are her parents until she is questioned about it by Keele. When asked why she didn't say anything and accused of not trusting them, she apologizes and sounds truly genuine in her apology. It's clear that it wasn't a lack of trust in the party, but simply an inability of knowing how to say it and fearing what that knowledge would cause. She also doesn't want her friends to worry, and as such doesn't tell them some things, like why she was thrown back by the barrier at the Seyfert Trial (an issue because she has Dark Aurora).

She's also very strong willed, taking it upon herself to travel from Celestia to Inferia to obtain aid in Celestia's fight against the evil that threatens to destroy the delicate balance between the worlds. But despite being so strong willed, even Meredy doesn't really want to fight her father, but she's prepared to for the sake of the world. And the same holds true even when she finds out it's her mother she has to face instead of her father. For a sixteen year old kid, she's very determined to save the world.

Abilities: fibrill is power

fibrill can be used to create or destroy

Meredy is a Craymel mage, and is able to use any of the Craymels that are in her Craymel cage. Craymel cages can hold 5 Craymels maximum. When two Craymel cages are present with Craymels inside, the mage is able to Fringe to create new artes from the mixture of two Craymels.

Her weapons of choice are a whistle (she doesn't really use it though) and her companion Quickie, which she throws at enemies to attack them.

Sample: [Meredy pops up in the mirror, smiling brightly.]

This much better than Elara phone! It is... prettier! Everything here is very pretty- it is like nothing Meredy seen before.

Quickie would like this place very much! Much running room.

Additional Sample 1
Additional Sample 2


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