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Amamiya Sakurako | Psyren | Reserved pikabot November 21 2010, 05:20:36 UTC

At school, she became known as an ice queen, and someone to avoid whenever possible. Her behavior was cold and antisocial: afraid to let anybody get close to her, for fear that they'd get hurt. And deep inside of her, so deep even she couldn't recognize it, the emotions she was burying and experiences she wasn't allowing herself to deal with began to form a second personality, calling itself Abyss.

The turning point came after a disastrous Psyren call: everybody but her died, and she was cut off from the destination, unable to find or reach it. For a week she wandered the desert alone, fighting off monsters at every turn; by the time Nemesis Q sent the next group in, she had overtaxed her psi abilities to the point where she was so feverish she could hardly stand. And in that new group of Drifters were two of her childhood friends: one of whom had come looking for someone who had died in the previous cycle, and the other had come looking for her. Out of all the Drifters, only they managed to make it to the destiation and return home to the present.

Once returned to the present, she worked with Matsuri to train them in the use of their new powers. Things were better from that point forward: trips through Psyren were still difficult, but with friends to support her through it, she began to stabilize and even open back up a little. Especially to Ageha, the boy who had come chasing after her, who she gradually and quietly was falling for.

Also helpful was progress they managed to make: not only did they discover that the world of Psyren was only ten years into the future, and that the end of the world was brought about by a man named Amagi Miroku and his organization, the W.I.S.E., they even managed to change the future a little: instead of being alone in the desolate landscape, there was first a small community of thirty-two survivors hiding underground, and then on the next trip several hundred, including people that they knew. Positive changes were in the mix.

Things took a bad turn, though, in the arc right before the canon point I am taking her from: she accidentally sprung a trap set by a telepathic creepster, and set a memory-eating psi program on her brain. Although she was freed from its effects very quickly, she still suffered loss of some memories, and the fragmentation let Abyss loose from her hidey-hole. She hasn't taken control yet, but she intends to.

Personality: Sakurako has spent most of the last six months fighting for her life, all alone and with very little support. In order to survive, she had to shut herself down emotionally, burying her feelings as deep as she could. Unfortunately, this resulted in a very cold, harsh demeanour, especially towards those she doesn't know. She can even seem a bit spacy, but in a disturbing way. Especially during a fight, she thinks very efficiently: what is the objective? What is the most efficient way to achieve that objective? She then follows through on that in a cold, seemingly unfeeling manner.

However, this mask covers a surprisingly soft and vulnerable interior. Lurking beneath her icy exterior is an average teenaged girl, with an average teenaged girl's anxieties and desires, albeit one who has been through some serious shit. She's easily flustered by and unsure of how to handle matters of love. To her friends - once she makes some - she can be downright warm. However, she has difficulty making friends due to an ongoing - if weaker than before - fear of hurting people by being close to them. At the same time she craves the comfort of being with people that she trusts so basically...it's complicated. Although it's a bit of an oversimplification, it's summarized in one quote from her mentor: "This girl's always hiding her true feelings and acting like nothing's wrong. I've gotten too used to it and completely forgotten. I didn't realize she was so innocent."

She has a weakness for cute things, but she's self-conscious about it: for example, when she was helping to teach her friends how to control their psi, she at first whipped out a cute handpuppet...and then immediately and cruelly disposed of it when they started looking at her funny. In fact, she can be rather self-conscious in general about being called odd or abnormal.


Amamiya Sakurako | Psyren | Reserved pikabot November 21 2010, 05:21:16 UTC
As for Abyss...well, despite appearances and what Amamiya thinks of her, she's not really a 'bad' side of her. Rather, she's like a version of Amamiya that's free of her fears, insecurities, and other issues. The flipside of this, however, is that as she's never lived life directly, she has none of the 'real' Sakurako's experience: in other words, her personality is childlike and simple, which means she can be very dangerous, given that she has Amamiya's potent psi powers at her disposal. And she's an extremely petulant child. She wants what she wants, and she wants it now...or she's prone to tantrum. Potentially deadly tantrums.

Abilities: Sakurako has at her disposal a fairly potent set of psi powers. Psi, as described in Psyren, breaks down into into three main types: Burst, where one projects their thought waves to affect the world around them (telekinesis, pyrokinesis etc), Rise, where one uses the power of their mind to enhance their senses and physical abilities, and Trance, where one projects their thought waves outwards, allowing them to connect with the minds of others (telepathy, etc) or take in information (clairvoyance, sensing, etc). Like all psi users, Sakurako is capable of using all three, but specializes in two: namely, in Trance and Rise.

What this means in practice is that when using Rise, her senses and reflexes become much faster, and her movements accelerate as well. She's able to leap long distances, move at superhuman speeds, and even catch a crossbow bolt in midflight.


Amamiya Sakurako | Psyren | Reserved FINAL pikabot November 21 2010, 05:21:37 UTC
As for her Trance, she is able to project her thoughts as a message in a wide area around her. She is also capable of reading and manipulating minds, but cannot do so on an arbitrary, line-of-sight or proximity basis. She must actually form her Trance energy into a physical and visible - albeit intangible - form, most commonly a wire with a jack at the end, and make a connection to her target directly. Without an unbroken string of Trance energy leading from her to her target, she can't do anything to their mind. While Trance can pass through physical objects, it is relatively slow-moving, and easily distrupted through changes in the surrounding atmosphere.

When Abyss is in the driver's seat, she specializes in Burst instead of Trance. In short, instead of doing mind tricks, she creates and controls nasty bladed weapons with her mind, which attach to her back through flexible and extendable tendrils.

She also has experience with and is skilled in the use of various hand-to-hand combat weapons: swords, knives, kusarigama etc.



[Amamiya appears in the mirror, holding up a white shirt. She's glaring at a sizable hole in the right breast]

...these rabbits. This is the third shirt they've chewed through. I'm starting to think they do it on purpose.

[She tosses it to the ground with a sigh]

Either way, I'm getting awfully sick of needing to go into the wild places just to recreate my wardrobe. Does anyone have any ideas for how to keep them out of my stuff?

[She makes the gesture to shut off recording, but she either muffed it or the Vine decided to be clever, because it keeps going. She fails to notice, because just then she spies one of the accursed things making a beeline for some more of her things, offscreen]

Hey! Don't think I don't see you there!

[She dives out of the mirror's field of view, but you can still hear her, distantly:]

Honestly...I should make you into stew.


You are awfully cute, though...

[Her voice softens considerably, and she actually starts baby-talking at the rabbit]

Aw, don't look at me like that. I'm not going to eat you. Even if you are the cutest little clothing-destroying menace I've ever--

[She suddenly realizes that the Vine is still recording]

Oh no!

[You get a glimpse of her diving back into the frame, her face flushed, with a very smug-looking rabbit tucked under one arm, frantically making the gesture to cut recording with the other arm, before it ends]


ACCEPTED rosestolilies November 21 2010, 16:04:11 UTC
♥ Welcome to Queen of Hearts!

What to do now:
♥ Put in a request to join queenofheartsrp, queenoflogs, and queenofooc.
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♥ Once your membership has been approved, introduce yourself in queenofooc so we can get to know you and your character.


gentlecuteside November 21 2010, 17:54:41 UTC

For clarity: Would her powers necessitate a Permissions post? It is the sort of powers that would normally require one, but the delivery mechanism is such that if it were used for Godmoding...well, it would be Godmoding regardless of what power it was. It's not like she can arbitrarily pull thoughts out of people's heads.


rosestolilies November 21 2010, 18:32:59 UTC
As I understand it, you'd need to talk with other players anyway if you wanted to use the power on their characters...so while a permissions post isn't necessary, it might be helpful to you. Unless I'm misreading something.


gentlecuteside November 21 2010, 18:34:48 UTC
Well, I'm not sure how much good a general permissions post would be given that the only time it would come up would be if I'd already discussed it with the other players, so yeah. Thanks!


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