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Noi - Dorohedoro - Reserved - 1/? horribleidea November 21 2010, 05:05:15 UTC
Player Information
Name: Colin
Personal Journal: ”horribleidea”
Contact Info: AIM: MillyNumerous
Other Characters: N/A!

Character Information
Name: Noi
Source Canon: Dorohedoro
Age: Mid to Late 20s - peg her at about 26.
Role In Canon: One of the main characters, alternating between a protagonist and an antagonist, depending on which viewpoint the author wants to take.
Justification: N/A!


2 horribleidea November 21 2010, 05:06:40 UTC
3 horribleidea November 21 2010, 05:11:16 UTC
Personality: A woman who trained to be a devil? A feared assassin? 6 feet and 10 inches tall, her whole body racked with muscle? The best way to describe Noi would be… surprisingly upbeat ( ... )


DONE horribleidea November 21 2010, 05:12:33 UTC
Abilities: Noi’s natural magic is healing, which is actually quite rare in her world. She can heal people back from sickness, curses, hexes from other magic users, but most frequently, she’s just making sure someone’s all in one piece. She expels her magic smoke from her mouth, as opposed to her fingers or elsewhere.

Also, due to the devil training, Noi has fairly superhuman levels of strength, as well as a fairly high combat speed. She’s been able to easily put people’s heads through walls, as well as kick through chests, break right through bone… and once even literally chopped someone right in half, right down the middle of their body. Combined with her healing magic, she makes for a devastating fighter who can keep going and going.


There are no restaurants.

[There’s a huff, some mumbling and grumbling, generally incoherent - but there can be bits made out, things like ‘Not to mention that I still have to get back, not to mention that there are no gyms, not to mention…’. Point is, she’s not happy. You can practically ( ... )


Chie Satonaka ∆ Persona 4 ∆ Reserved ∆ part one aircrash November 21 2010, 05:06:27 UTC
Player Information
Name: Rae
Personal Journal: aircrash
Contact Info: AIM (lend me your power) or LJ message.
Other Characters: N/A

Character Information
Name: Chie Satonaka
Source Canon: Persona 4 (video game)
Age: 17, all across the board.

Role In Canon: Chie is one of the main character’s closest friends and an integral member of the investigation team, so I guess she’d be categorized as a ... major supporting character?

Justification: N/A.

History: Persona 4 at Wikipedia and Megami Tensei Wiki; Chie at Megami Tensei Wiki. If those are insufficient, I can provide my own TL;DR writeup as well. Chie will be taken from a couple weeks post-True Ending of the game (mid-April 2012).

Personality: Chie is extremely friendly, outgoing, and energetic; she’s shown to make friends quickly - in fact, it’s Chie, not Yosuke, who becomes (the Protagonist) Souji Seta’s first friend in the new town. She’s pretty cheerful, for the most part - definitely ranking as more of an optimist than a pessimist - but she does have something of a ( ... )


Chie Satonaka ∆ Persona 4 ∆ Reserved ∆ part two of two aircrash November 21 2010, 05:07:36 UTC
Arguably, one of Chie’s biggest fears is that of failure. She’s tough, and strong-willed, and definitely a fighter, and she seems to have never suffered any real, crushing defeats in her life, but even so, her Shadow makes light of this insecurity by taunting Chie during their confrontation - “I can’t do anything on my own, much less as a girl.” Failure - especially failure to protect people, and even more significantly, her friends - would amount to a fundamental weakness for Chie. Since her mission in life is basically to protect people, taking that away would be devastating to her very essence as a person.

She’s also terrified of bugs, particularly grasshoppers.

Abilities: Chie is able to summon something called a Persona, which is basically a manifestation of various facets of her psyche. Chie’s social link with the Protagonist (Souji Seta) has been maxed (friendship route), so at this point in time, her initial Persona, Tomoe Gozen of the Chariot Arcanum, has evolved into Suzuka Gongen. Suzuka Gongen casts higher physical ( ... )


APPROVED rosestolilies November 21 2010, 05:47:37 UTC
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Re: APPROVED herolegs November 21 2010, 12:39:49 UTC
awesome, thanks!


espadatres November 21 2010, 05:07:13 UTC
espadatres November 21 2010, 05:08:12 UTC
Personality: Among the many Hollows of Hueco Mundo, Hallibel is an oddity. Even before becoming an Arrancar, as a Vasto Lorde, one of the most powerful kinds of Hollow, she possessed tremendous strength and ability, but with it did not come the brutality and single-minded focus on becoming stronger that afflicted so much of her kin. Instead, while not by any stretch warm and kind, she is and was nearly always cool and calm, preferring to sit on the sidelines and watch what transpires than to make her own movements until they are necessary. She speaks only on occasion, and usually only in small, succinct phrases when she does. Wise and observant, she is a master tactician, having been shown to be keenly aware of her surroundings and to caution others against impatient and rash decisions ( ... )


espadatres November 21 2010, 05:09:58 UTC
Abilities: Hallibel is one of the most powerful beings in existence in her canon. She is an Arrancar, the fusion of Hollow and Shinigami, and among them she stands as the third (or, technically, fourth) strongest as the Tercera Espada. Her spiritual power is so great that not holding it in check, something she can trivially do even in sleep, would kill any nearby normal, mortal being. Her skin is incredibly tough as a result of this compressed power, capable of stopping blades wielded by any but the very strong. In battle, or when needing to otherwise move about swiftly, she can employ the ability called Sonido to move nigh-instantaneously a short distance, accompanied by a static sound. Flying, or more accurately just pooling energy under her feet to stand in mid-air, is also possible and effortless for her.

Her greatest strengths, however, lie in her zanpakutou ("soul cutter," a Shinigami sword), Tiburón (picture). Tiburón is unique in being very short and wide, with a western-style cross-guard in comparison to the common katana- ( ... )


espadatres November 21 2010, 05:32:02 UTC
And upon further review, she might be overpowered for the setting. If you'd like her powers nerfed a bit, that's no problem.


Nausicaä | Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (Manga) dragoon1940 November 21 2010, 05:07:58 UTC
Player Information
Name: Stefan
Personal Journal: dragoon1940
Contact Info: dragoon1940 (AIM)
Other Characters: None.

Character Information
Name: Nausicaä
Source Canon: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
Age: Unknown; appears to be mid-to-late-teens, although her age is never directly stated. Going to call her 17.
Role In Canon: Protagonist and Heroine
Justification: N/A


dragoon1940 November 21 2010, 05:09:41 UTC
History: Nausicaä is the princess of the Valley of the Wind, a small nation of five hundred people, located on a post-apocalyptic Earth that was ravaged by nuclear fire a thousand years ago in what was called the “Seven Days of Fire”. Since then, numerous human kingdoms and nations have sprung up, based in part on old technology (such as fighter planes, tanks and machine guns) and surviving in a world that is being overrun by a toxic jungle. This jungle emits poisonous fumes and spores, that can kill a human being in minutes. It contineus to spread, overtaking human settlements - the amount of usable land is shrinking. The jungle itself is inhabited by giant insects and other lifeforms, including the large, worm-like Ohmu ( ... )


dragoon1940 November 21 2010, 05:09:57 UTC
The next day, a Torumekian brig, in pursuit of the crashed airship, arrives in the Valley, crewed by members of the Torumekian Imperial Guard and carring the Princess Kushana, a fierce warrior and general in her own right. Nausicaä, as leader of her people, confronts the invaders and demands that they leave at once, as the Valley and Torumekians are nominal allies. Enraged by their senseless trespassing, the destruction of her peoples' fields and the desecration of the Pejitians graves, she is moved to violence when a member of the Guard challenges her to single combat. She kills the guardsman in the ensuing duel, but the intervention of Yupa allows her to return to her senses and resolves the situation without further violence. The Torumekians depart, leaving Nausicaä to mull over her actions ( ... )


dragoon1940 November 21 2010, 05:10:46 UTC
Personality: Nausicaä is a kind, helpful young woman at heart. She is one of the few people in the world who genuinely doesn't have a cruel bone in her body. Her good nature and well-being doesn't extend simply to human-beings, either. She has a deep love of nature and animals (regardless of the fact that said nature tends to spew toxins that will kill her). Her companion, a small fox-like creature named Teto, was scared and frightened when she first encountered him. She was able to calm him and the pair became fast friends. She does her best to help people whenever she can, even if they're her captors or her enemies. She treats wounded and sick without worrying about which side of a war they're on - she simply doesn't want people to suffer. She mourns death - even that of an enemy. She loves all the world and wants nothing more then it to be at peace with itself. This also translates into a perfect willingness to sacrifice herself for the sake of others ( ... )


custom_magnum November 21 2010, 05:08:49 UTC
Player Information
Name: Mags
Personal Journal: custom_magnum
Contact Info: Magnum Gamma [AIM]
Other Characters: none

Character Information
Name: Vivio Takamachi
Source Canon: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Vivid
Age: 10
Role In Canon: Major character in Vivid, side character in Strikers and cameo in Force
Justification: N/A
History: http://nanoha.wikia.com/wiki/Vivio_Takamachi
Vivio is coming from after Chapter 16 of Vivid, after that massive training battle between everyone on the training trip.

Personality: Vivio is a normal young girl with a strong sense of justice and studious nature. Between the way that her mothers raised her and the early trauma of the Jail Scagletti incident, Vivio refuses to let any injustice she sees go unpunished. Or well, she would, if she had ever really have had a chance for that to happen just yet, but so far she hasn't actually had a major fight that she had to do. At least, when she wasn't being controlled against her will to ( ... )


ACCEPTED rosestolilies November 21 2010, 06:13:53 UTC
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