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Nausicaä | Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (Manga) dragoon1940 November 21 2010, 05:07:58 UTC
Player Information
Name: Stefan
Personal Journal: dragoon1940
Contact Info: dragoon1940 (AIM)
Other Characters: None.

Character Information
Name: Nausicaä
Source Canon: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
Age: Unknown; appears to be mid-to-late-teens, although her age is never directly stated. Going to call her 17.
Role In Canon: Protagonist and Heroine
Justification: N/A


dragoon1940 November 21 2010, 05:09:41 UTC
History: Nausicaä is the princess of the Valley of the Wind, a small nation of five hundred people, located on a post-apocalyptic Earth that was ravaged by nuclear fire a thousand years ago in what was called the “Seven Days of Fire”. Since then, numerous human kingdoms and nations have sprung up, based in part on old technology (such as fighter planes, tanks and machine guns) and surviving in a world that is being overrun by a toxic jungle. This jungle emits poisonous fumes and spores, that can kill a human being in minutes. It contineus to spread, overtaking human settlements - the amount of usable land is shrinking. The jungle itself is inhabited by giant insects and other lifeforms, including the large, worm-like Ohmu ( ... )


dragoon1940 November 21 2010, 05:09:57 UTC
The next day, a Torumekian brig, in pursuit of the crashed airship, arrives in the Valley, crewed by members of the Torumekian Imperial Guard and carring the Princess Kushana, a fierce warrior and general in her own right. Nausicaä, as leader of her people, confronts the invaders and demands that they leave at once, as the Valley and Torumekians are nominal allies. Enraged by their senseless trespassing, the destruction of her peoples' fields and the desecration of the Pejitians graves, she is moved to violence when a member of the Guard challenges her to single combat. She kills the guardsman in the ensuing duel, but the intervention of Yupa allows her to return to her senses and resolves the situation without further violence. The Torumekians depart, leaving Nausicaä to mull over her actions ( ... )


dragoon1940 November 21 2010, 05:10:46 UTC
Personality: Nausicaä is a kind, helpful young woman at heart. She is one of the few people in the world who genuinely doesn't have a cruel bone in her body. Her good nature and well-being doesn't extend simply to human-beings, either. She has a deep love of nature and animals (regardless of the fact that said nature tends to spew toxins that will kill her). Her companion, a small fox-like creature named Teto, was scared and frightened when she first encountered him. She was able to calm him and the pair became fast friends. She does her best to help people whenever she can, even if they're her captors or her enemies. She treats wounded and sick without worrying about which side of a war they're on - she simply doesn't want people to suffer. She mourns death - even that of an enemy. She loves all the world and wants nothing more then it to be at peace with itself. This also translates into a perfect willingness to sacrifice herself for the sake of others ( ... )


dragoon1940 November 21 2010, 05:10:59 UTC
Abilities: Nausicaä possesses a wide range of abilities and skills (most of which do fall within the human norm). She's an incredibly quick learner, intelligent and quick-witted. She's also an extremely skilled hand-to-hand combatant (although she deplores using violence, generally) and a crack shot with a rifle. She's a skilled pilot and can “read” the wind using a sort of sixth sense.

She is also possesses a degree of telepathic empathy, allowing her to pick up on pain, intense emotions and feelings from others. Although it certainly adds to her ability to lead and to read people, it also means she shares in the severe pain of others when nearby. She is not a mind-reader, although she is able to communicate with other telepaths via said telepathy.. When enraged or otherwise feeling intense emotion she is able manifest slight telekenesis - enough to fling small creatures away from her. See here and here.Nausicaä has a natural magnetism and charisma that seems to draw others to her and earn both loyalty and respect, even from rivals ( ... )


dragoon1940 November 21 2010, 05:11:17 UTC

[There's a small, shocked gasp from the other side of the Vine connection.]

This... this is amazing. I've never seen anything like this. Plants, animals - they're all here! It's beautiful! I wonder... how do you work?

[She seems to be talking to the Vine.]

I've never seen a plant that can react quite like you can or transmit peoples' voices. What are you...?

[There's a slight rustle - apparently she's brushing the leaves or stalk of the vine.]

This really is a very strange place, but it feels peaceful. Almost like being under the jungle again. But at the same time....

[She trails off thoughtfully.]

I still need to get home. I'm still needed there.

Link 1
Link 2


ACCEPTED rosestolilies November 21 2010, 05:50:18 UTC
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