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dragoon1940 November 21 2010, 05:10:59 UTC
Abilities: Nausicaä possesses a wide range of abilities and skills (most of which do fall within the human norm). She's an incredibly quick learner, intelligent and quick-witted. She's also an extremely skilled hand-to-hand combatant (although she deplores using violence, generally) and a crack shot with a rifle. She's a skilled pilot and can “read” the wind using a sort of sixth sense.

She is also possesses a degree of telepathic empathy, allowing her to pick up on pain, intense emotions and feelings from others. Although it certainly adds to her ability to lead and to read people, it also means she shares in the severe pain of others when nearby. She is not a mind-reader, although she is able to communicate with other telepaths via said telepathy.. When enraged or otherwise feeling intense emotion she is able manifest slight telekenesis - enough to fling small creatures away from her. See here and here.

Nausicaä has a natural magnetism and charisma that seems to draw others to her and earn both loyalty and respect, even from rivals and enemies. This feeds into her ability to talk to others, to lead and to both inspire and soothe.


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