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custom_magnum November 21 2010, 05:08:49 UTC
Player Information
Name: Mags
Personal Journal: custom_magnum
Contact Info: Magnum Gamma [AIM]
Other Characters: none

Character Information
Name: Vivio Takamachi
Source Canon: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Vivid
Age: 10
Role In Canon: Major character in Vivid, side character in Strikers and cameo in Force
Justification: N/A
History: http://nanoha.wikia.com/wiki/Vivio_Takamachi
Vivio is coming from after Chapter 16 of Vivid, after that massive training battle between everyone on the training trip.

Personality: Vivio is a normal young girl with a strong sense of justice and studious nature. Between the way that her mothers raised her and the early trauma of the Jail Scagletti incident, Vivio refuses to let any injustice she sees go unpunished. Or well, she would, if she had ever really have had a chance for that to happen just yet, but so far she hasn't actually had a major fight that she had to do. At least, when she wasn't being controlled against her will to fight against Nanoha.

Yeah, if she finds out about someone using mind control to force others to do things, well, she's probably going to go into a righteous fury. And beat the crap out of said person. And then blow them up with magic, and beat them up some more.

Vivio is also intensely devoted to her friends, which does includes people she just became friends with recently. If any of her friends are sad, she'll try as hard as possible to find out the problem and fix it, no matter what it is. Also, she likes physical contact, and will hug her friends a lot. And if said friend is chronically sad for whatever reason, she'd just have Vivio hovering around her trying to make her happy for as long as it takes for it to happen (which has been shown quite well in the case of Einhart Stratos).

She also takes both her studies and her martial arts and magic training very seriously. As far as her studies are concerned, she studies as hard as she can and she enjoys learning and researching new things. As for her martial arts training and magic training, she works just as hard there as she does with her studies, practicing strike arts under Nove Nakajima and magic under her mother Nanoha.

But there is one thing that Vivio hates, and that's being treated like a little kid and not being trusted to be responsible. Especially during the years it took for Nanoha to give Vivio her own device, she wasn't happy about having to use her mother's device because 'she didn't need her own'. And even now, if something important would come up and she was told that she couldn't help out because she was a child, she would be rather annoyed. And probably sneak out to go help anyway.

Magical transformation into a teenager form with black skintight armor. She has her own device called Sacred Heart or nicknamed Kris, which is a floating stuffed bunny. She also possesses ridiculously strong magical power, to the point that when transformed into her teenage form and fully powered, can be as powerful if not possibly stronger than Nanoha in Blaster Mode. She also knows how to use Nanoha's Divine Buster attack, and has the standard telepathy powers of most Nanoha-verse mages, although with flight and more magical shooting.

Sample: http://community.livejournal.com/testrun_box/89761.html


ACCEPTED rosestolilies November 21 2010, 06:13:53 UTC
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