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Katniss Everdeen ][ The Hunger Games ][ Reserved ][ 1/2 anythingburns November 17 2010, 03:14:23 UTC
Player Information
Name: Annwyd
Personal Journal: annwyd
Contact Info: Annwyd Hates You [AIM]
Other Characters: Not applicable.

Character Information
Name: Katniss Everdeen
Source Canon: The Hunger Games trilogy of books
Age: 17
Role In Canon: Protagonist of all three books.
Justification: Not applicable.
History: Here at the Hunger Games wikia. Katniss is going to be arriving from just after she explodes the arena near the end of Catching Fire.

Personality:Katniss Everdeen is a tightly wound bundle of paradoxes. She's hard and tough as steel but vulnerable and fragile. She's fiercely survival-oriented but peculiarly dependent. She's spontaneous but calculating. She's cold and reluctant to open up, but also extraordinarily capable of empathizing with others. And all this is in one seventeen-year-old girl who's already been through far too much ( ... )


Katniss Everdeen ][ The Hunger Games ][ Reserved ][ 2/2 anythingburns November 17 2010, 03:14:52 UTC
Abilities: Nothing beyond the human norm.


[ voice ]

...tried to make snares from you, but listen to me anyway.

Good...plant. I guess--thank you.

[ video ]

[Katniss appears in the mirror, serious-faced as ever and holding up an empty snare made of vines (that aren't the Vine).]

The rabbits are smarter than they look. They avoided all the snares I set out.

...I don't want to waste any arrows on them when there's easier food to get in the orchard.

[She makes the sudden, dark scowl of someone who knows she's obeying orders and hates it.]

So the next time I catch one chewing on my bow, I'm taking it to the nearest stream and drowning it by hand. Or breaking its--

[The video cuts off. Apparently the Vine doesn't like her enough yet to record her full message.]

Additional sample: Here on dear_mun.


ACCEPTED rosestolilies November 17 2010, 04:51:15 UTC
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Fate T. Harlaown ][ Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ][ Reserved ][ 1/3 thunder_ace November 17 2010, 04:28:12 UTC
Player Information
Name: Kiyuu
Personal Journal: kiyuu
Contact Info: AIM/Plurk: Kiyuukins, E-mail: kiyuuchan@gmail.com
Other Characters: N/A

Character Information
Name: Fate Testarossa Harlaown
Source Canon: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Age: 25
Role In Canon: Antagonist-turned-protagonist Main Character.
History: Here! I will be taking her from the Force manga. Specifically, the middle of the Huckebein fight when Touma activates his “Eclipse” ability and half the cast goes into cardiac arrest.


Fate T. Harlaown ][ Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ][ Reserved ][ 2/3 thunder_ace November 17 2010, 04:29:07 UTC
Personality: Despite her horrific past, Fate is actually a very kind, loving girl. She’s soft-spoken and gentle, and tends to get flustered easily. She has an incredible soft spot for children, especially those who have pasts similar to her own, and goes out of her way to help them, hoping they won’t feel as alone as she did. She even became the guardian of two of the children she rescued, and regularly tries to keep in touch with the others. In addition to those children, she also takes care of a girl with Nanoha, and it is here that their different methods of parenting shine; Fate tends to spoil Vivio a bit, choosing to help her stand rather than let her stand on her own ( ... )


Fate T. Harlaown ][ Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ][ Reserved ][ 3/3 thunder_ace November 17 2010, 04:30:12 UTC
Abilities: Fate is a mage. In her universe, magic is divided into two practices; Mid-Childan, which tends to focus on mid- to long-range combat, and Belkan, which focuses more on boosting the physical strength of a mage or their weapon directly.

There are of course exceptions to this, and Fate is one of them. She uses the Mid-Childan style of magic, but as she gets older, she focuses more and more on close range combat. Her Intelligent Device, Bardiche, has several close-range forms: a scythe, a broadsword, a saber, and two twin sabers connected by a thread of magic (which can be combined into a broadsword much larger than the standard form). She also recently upgraded Bardiche, gaining access to two more forms: a Darth Maul lightsaber double-bladed energy sword that can break apart in the center to form two shorter swords, and yet another broadsword ( ... )


ACCEPTED rosestolilies November 17 2010, 04:50:56 UTC
♥ Welcome to Queen of Hearts!

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Crona ][ Soul Eater ][ Reserved ][ 1/3 noishe November 21 2010, 05:01:22 UTC
snipped )


Crona ][ Soul Eater ][ Reserved ][ 2/4 noishe November 21 2010, 05:02:24 UTC
Personality: Ever hear of the Woobie? Crona is practically the living definition of this trope.

Crona is being outfitted by her* mother as the ultimate weapon, created for the slaughter and consumption of human souls which will someday turn her into a kishin, or a Demon God. When she was a child, her mother instructed her to kill small animals as a base for the madness of the kishin, which you can imagine did wonderful things for Crona's psyche. When she was disobedient, her mother locked her away in a dark room for days at a time, leaving her with nothing but the darkness in both her mind and soul for comfort.

Oh. There's also Ragnarok to keep her company, but she can't really deal with all the noogies and nose-poking and threats to eat all of her food. Ragnarok is a loud, vulgar, and playfully violent entity living inside of Crona's black blood (see the Abilities section for a more detailed explanation), often picking on and teasing her every chance he gets. Ragnarok acts like something of a big brother to Crona and protects her ( ... )


Crona ][ Soul Eater ][ Reserved ][ 3/4 noishe November 21 2010, 05:03:26 UTC
After joining Shibusen, Crona is touched by the way everyone accepts her as a friend, and slowly shows signs of opening up to them. She tries to adapt and relax around her newfound friends, especially after Maka retrieves her out of the corner of her room (which she refers to as "Mr. Corner"). Maka is responsible for giving Crona her first form of loving physical contact in the form of a hug and a handshake, something that she never experienced before. However, Crona doesn't get much of a chance to explore this "happiness" concept when Medusa revives and instructs her to betray Shibusen. Which, after a lot of inner turmoil, Crona does.

That's when she wakes up in the gardens, horrified of what she did and unable to release Ragnarok. What's a poor woobie to do?

[* In Crona's canon, his/her true gender has not yet been revealed. While I'll be playing her as a girl and using female pronouns, Crona appears androgynous. Her gender will undoubtedly be questioned more than once, but rest assured, she has the girly-parts and will find ( ... )


Crona ][ Soul Eater ][ Reserved ][ 4/4 noishe November 21 2010, 05:03:48 UTC

[ Someone accidentally started the feed by bumping into one of those green and leafy vines, and through the mirror appears the scrawny, disheveled form of-- is it a boy or a girl?-- who knows what it is. Large, droopy eyes twitch, those dark pupils darting back and forth rapidly, before the timid little voice squeaks out, ]

Why is this little one bringing me stuff? I've never heard of a cat who likes to play fetch, I don't know if I can deal with that...

[ Before this person is one of those helpful little guide cats, offering them up a scroll. ] You don't understand. I have to get back to Lady Medusa or bad things will happen! You should just go away, it's easier to deal with you when you're walking away. . .

[ But the cat shows no signs of retreat, now nudging with the scroll. This person clutches their elbow with the opposite hand and drives their fingernails painfully into the flesh there; Crona shakes violently. ]

You don't understand. The little ones never understand-- a-ah... aaah--

[ A ( ... )


Medusa | Soul Eater | Reserved el_hustino November 21 2010, 05:01:37 UTC
Player Information
Name: Hustino
Personal Journal: el_hustino
Contact Info: elhustino (AIM); elhustino@gmail.com
Other Characters: N/A

Character Information
Name: Medusa Gorgon
Source Canon: Soul Eater (Manga; Chapter 72)
Age: Unknown; at least 800. Appears to be in mid/late twenties.
Role In Canon: Main villain.
History: Here.


el_hustino November 21 2010, 05:02:03 UTC
Personality: Medusa is the purest example of Chaotic Evil. Her goals in life are to cause chaos-specifically in the form of insanity-throughout the world, essentially based on the fact she is curious to see what will happen. She has neither concept nor capacity for love despite her nigh artistic finesse at manipulating the concept for her own gain: she deliberately used her own child, Crona, to create a monster based on insanity and fear; she picked her own child due to the psychological and emotional problems that could be created due to parental abuse-essentially, Medusa picked Crona as a lab experiment not despite being her child but because Crona was her child; the manipulation of maternal love and the paternal relationship was a convenience towards making someone fearful and insane-the perfect candidate for a Kishin, a God that spreads madness-that ONLY her own child could offer ( ... )


el_hustino November 21 2010, 05:02:35 UTC
Despite her utter lack of redeeming qualities, Medusa is fully aware of and capable of pretending to be the polar opposite of herself: for what may have been years, she infiltrated Lord Death’s own school-a school used to teach hundreds of people how to hunt witches-to study the various people there and find an opening to release Asura from the basement. She did so by pretending to be a kind, compassionate, demure nurse; she managed to get Soul Eater Evans and Maka Albarn to trust her enough for both to confide very closely-held secrets about their friendship. She understands love and compassion of others well more than enough to imitate it and to manipulate it ( ... )


el_hustino November 21 2010, 05:02:57 UTC
Abilities:- Insanity Snake: Medusa has thousands of magical snakes in her body. She can place them inside of other people to make them or those around them grow insane by provoking latent madness and subconscious/suppressed desires ( ... )


The United States of America | Axis Powers Nyotalia indict November 21 2010, 05:01:47 UTC
Player Information
Name: Ran
Personal Journal: indict
Contact Info: AIM: Faildere
Other Characters: N/A


The United States of America | Axis Powers Nyotalia indict November 21 2010, 05:02:59 UTC
Character Information
Name: The United States of America (Human name: Amelia F. Jones)
Source Canon: Axis Powers Hetalia: Nyotalia
Age: Over two hundred years old, depending on where you're counting from. Physically nineteen.
Role In Canon: Canon AU/OC.
Justification: N/A
History: Wiki tl;dr. I'll be taking her from modern times AKA 2010.
Since this is an AU with America as a female, her personal history and what she did in certain wars were different. For example, in the American Revolution, she pretended to be a boy so she would be able to fight (something that did happen in the Revolutionary War, such as with Deborah Samson). In World War II, many women were nurses or given "womanly" jobs like secretaries, however America refused to do just this and served as one of the women pilots in the Women Air Force Service Pilots that was associated with the US Air Force, which explains her wearing a bomber jacket in her newest design (however, they were considered civil servants and not actually recognized for their duties for quite some ( ... )


The United States of America | Axis Powers Nyotalia indict November 21 2010, 05:03:53 UTC

As a young country, America is enthusiastic, excitable and generally optimistic. She believes that no matter what happens, everything will be alright in the end. However, when compared to the male version of America, she's noticeably less excited and loud, even a bit more calm about things. But that's just compared to America. When compared to other nations, she still seems every bit as loud and energetic. As shown in her designs, while happy, she's not as eager and energized as her male counterpart always seems to be. She's good-natured and generally polite to people she just meets, unless she already has something against them which isn't likely unless you're a communist country. She's also more mature, not as into video games (though she still loves Wonder Woman and Batgirl) and in behavior. Then again, this is only compared to the male version of America, so other people may not view it this way, however it is fairly obvious in her usual personality. Unless she's excited about something. In her other design, though ( ... )


The United States of America | Axis Powers Nyotalia indict November 21 2010, 05:04:46 UTC
However, America deep down is more than all of this. She isn't as oblivious as her male counterpart, though any insults about her country go ignored or she'll change the subject. America is very sensitive about her appearance, she always wants to look good to other countries and impress them. She wants to be taken seriously, and doesn't notice that her personality has the opposite effect. Because of all the criticism she gets, she takes a more self-centered approach to life. If they can't recognize how great she is, why care about them? Because of her selfishness, she'll say things without realizing it's rude and not understand why people get angry over it. However, she really does think that she's the one who has to save the world and that's why she continues to work so hard. One thing she's very sensitive about is her weight. She eats more than normal and is often criticized for it, which makes her worry about it a lot. She tries all kinds of different diets, though her lack of patience causes her to give up on them within in a week ( ... )


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