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Fate T. Harlaown ][ Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ][ Reserved ][ 2/3 thunder_ace November 17 2010, 04:29:07 UTC
Personality: Despite her horrific past, Fate is actually a very kind, loving girl. She’s soft-spoken and gentle, and tends to get flustered easily. She has an incredible soft spot for children, especially those who have pasts similar to her own, and goes out of her way to help them, hoping they won’t feel as alone as she did. She even became the guardian of two of the children she rescued, and regularly tries to keep in touch with the others. In addition to those children, she also takes care of a girl with Nanoha, and it is here that their different methods of parenting shine; Fate tends to spoil Vivio a bit, choosing to help her stand rather than let her stand on her own.

She values her friends and family above all else, and will do anything to make sure they are safe. If there’s something wrong going on with one of her friends or family members, she will worry to the point where she neglects things such as her studies, such as when Nanoha was seriously injured as a result of overworking herself; Fate attempted to take the test to become an Enforcer and failed. Twice.

Amazingly, considering the horrors the woman put her through, Fate does not hate Precia, and in fact still loves her and thinks of her as her mother. She knows that her mother was just a woman driven to insanity by the depth of her grief, and will always remember the kind, gentle woman she was in her memories (granted, they’re not exactly Fate’s memories, but they are true events from the past). This shows that she has an immense amount of compassion, and is willing to accept anyone, no matter the circumstances. This again is shown when she first met her son, Erio: he was driven to near insanity, and struck out at anyone and everyone that tried to approach him (including Fate). She sees straight past the angry, crazy mage and tried to reach the scared, lonely little boy she knew was buried deep inside. Fate tries to bring out the good in everyone she helps, and will go to the extremes if she must.

Fate is a bit emotionally vulnerable. She’s not unstable by any means, but if someone were to attack her (metaphorical) heart and not her body, it would be a bit easier to land a blow. This is shown in StrikerS, when Jail was lecturing her; he compared her to her abusive mother, saying she was just using her children to fulfill her own goals. She very nearly freaks out over this implication, but was thankfully brought to her senses by the very children Jail accused her of using.

Last but not least, Fate is a very capable leader. While she’s mostly used to working on her own (Enforcers are elite investigators, and are more or less one-person armies), she is no stranger to teamwork or issuing orders. She was a Captain in Riot Force 6 six years ago, and is currently working with Teana (and later forms a Strike Team with Subaru and Erio) while they investigate the newest threat to the universe.


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