Who: youllsayit and aslandish When: November 28th, mid-morning. Where: Sector 11, the docks. Summary: Lucifer tries to tear a hole in space and time. The result is unexpected. Warnings: Copious amounts of sadness and character death.
Who: tavar_of_alera and YOU [open] When: November 23rd-30th, Darkness hours Where: Anywhere in the city Summary: After nearly two weeks of adjustment, Tavi decides it's time he got to know the other side of the city. Warnings: Potential violence and associated language; none right now.
Who: exampleusernamemakes_asteroids who manipulate light, IDK When: November 22nd, about two hours before Sirens Where: Sector 7, as far from people as possible Summary: Magneto goes out to play with his light manipulating powers and attracts a creeper Warnings: Creeper ness? Will update because probably.
Who: Drunk (servingfather), Drunker (youllsayit), and Woefully Sober (painhumbles) When: October 29th, around the time of Elaine's masquerade. Where: The street where you live... Or the street outside Skye Medical. I'm sure someone lives there. Summary: Lucifer and Michael got drunk at the masquerade (THANK YOU, CHUCK). They seek out their little brother, who was sadly not in
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Who: Lucifer and St. Michael When: October 18, midday Where: Out and about Summary: Lucifer has been having Family Issues lately. But Michael's his favorite brother. Surely a conversation can't go wrong! Warnings: ...none yet.
Who: Crowley [kissesdarling] and Lucifer [youllsayit] When: September 29th. Where: A nondescript yet classy pub. Summary: Well, they had to meet eventually. Crowley isn't pleased. Warnings: ... to be announced? Probably PG-13.
Who: Fred, OPEN
When: Friday afternoon/ evening.
Where: Fangtasia
Summary: Fred's attempt at magic.
Warnings: None on Fred's end.
( I told you I never say no )
Who: Lucifer (SPN version) and Elaine Belloc. When: Friday, early afternoon. Where: Sector 7. Summary: Elaine and not!uncle meet in a park. Warnings: IDK. Elaine's pretty warnings-free, Lucifer generally isn't.
Who: Chuck Shurley, Lucifer, and Elisha When: After the drama here Where: The hospital Summary: Lucifer pays a visit to Chuck in the hospital, after, uh, hospitalizing him. Warnings: Talk of violence. And then real violence
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