tavar_of_alera and YOU [open]
When: November 23rd-30th, Darkness hours
Where: Anywhere in the city
Summary: After nearly two weeks of adjustment, Tavi decides it's time he got to know the other side of the city.
Warnings: Potential violence and associated language; none right now.
[ It's been two weeks, more or less, and Tavi is slightly more adjusted to this new place. After spending a couple days resting, scraping together a little more food for energy, and shifting his sleep slightly (he's used to little-to-no sleep and food) Tavi at last ventures out at night. He's seen and heard the tales, the rumors--but Tavi will not trust hearsay when he can investigate himself.
He arrived here straight out of weapons training; it means now he can be nearly as prepared as he'd like. Some of his tools are missing, of course, but he at least has enough knives of Aleran crafting to make himself feel somewhat prepared. The nice winter-wear he's managed to pick up from the donations-places is perfect to conceal an extra knife up his sleeves, and to hide the dagger he is sometimes willing to carry openly.
Thus it is that a lanky boy still dressed somewhere between modern and Roman and medieaval clothes wanders the city in the Darkness, sometimes strolling openly on the streets, and sometimes moving with practiced stealth along the rooftops and in the shadowed alleys.
He does not look careless or unwary. He does look unafraid. ]
[ooc: open to all, action and prose both! teen hangin' out in the darkness.]