Glittergaze 2.4

Jul 08, 2010 14:08


And somewhere around here, the new week rolled in, bringing with a new challenge.

Repo! The Genetic Opera: Pay no bills for the entirety of the week. Say hello to the Repo man!

Nice. I like these ones.

WAIT. WHERE DID THRUST GO??? I searched and searched and she wasn't anywhere :(

Yeah bb.

Spying on your neighbours, in your underwear, while it snows. Smart.

Also, that's Meade Tomato, who I used as the townie portal for new sims to the neighbourhood. I also completely forgot that she got knocked up by Scyther until after he joined the family and gave us some babies. So Flower and Jellynose have another sister ( Olive) and a brother ( Martini).

Perhaps soaking in the hot tub with hubby will help.

He refused to do anything else. Perhaps it was all still frozen.


Broken Record: I shall stand guard and protect him from the evils that be!

See? Stalker. She just stood there for ages.

Aww autonomous reading about weird cats. But no bears. Ravage doesn't like bears.

That might change when he gets older, though.

I do not get what their obsession is with eating out in the snow.

Awww yeah. FINALLY that LTW is over. Now he wants to be a Mad Scientist.

A little snow isn't gonna stop Cerise from getting his car going.

And I had made him change into outerwear before going out, but he insisted on changing out of it. Weirdo.


I think she got an A!

YEAH! Another LTW done. Now she wants to be a City Planner. And we just have to wait for the jobs to appear. *sigh*

Um, what? She got that $50 000 bonus before, so they took $32 734 out of it?? Or was she caught pilfering paper clips or something?

See? Obsessed. There's a perfectly good table INDOORS.


It's finally almost done!



Flower: Daddy said it was true! Grandma had a herd of elephants here.
Perfect Lord: No way dude. They'd trample everyone.
Jellynose: You two are idiots.

Nice taste in fashion there, Flower Superfly.

Cerise's hair is genetic, it seems.


Scyther has been busy at the robot bench, and while he sold off most of what he made, we kept a cleanbot.

Everyone's an art critic.

Growing up hasn't stopped her obsession with bowling.

She wasn't happy about me pulling her aside to take her picture for the family tree either. She has anger issues still.

And she kept trying to walk off during that to stalktalk to Scyther. I think she's gossiping about Apple von Prism (radiationpoisoin).

Oh man, gotta love that Ecological Guru outfit, hey? Bubble Charm isn't happy that Jasmine Baird (simtopi) keeps calling.

What do you need to drink to feed the animal in you? Tru Blood!

Or inhale it, at any rate.

Not only did Ravage bring Augustine Haskel home from school...he brought home her flu. >:(

She can rock a guitar something fierce.

This is Lex Harvey. He walks by a lot.

I'm so not surprised that Augustine headed straight for the bar. She's not allowed anything like that at home.

Proof that we're not paying the bills!

See? Flu. Damn you, Miss Haskel!

This time it wasn't the dog peeing on the rug.

Noice. I'm not sure I'll be sending them to uni yet, but we'll get them some scholarships anyway.

Spandex: I think I'll go spray Scyther with my nozzle once I'm done here...

Well hurry up about it!

Time to get started on her LTW.

From left to right is townie Hershel Carver, Ceallagh Latrodectus (dragancaor) and Ariel McGee (quellasims).

YEAH now you can get that promotion. Finally.

Ravage wishes for something different.

And gets Lex Harvey??

I think he was stalking the house waiting for this opportunity.

Though I don't know WHY, seeing as ACR says he's STRAIGHT. Creepy old man hitting on gay teen? WTF?

Uh oh!!

Ceallagh likes the dog more than Ravage :(

And I really like that shirt, and the others in the range, but the bump maps ruin it :(


Scyther seems to think that faceplanting his dinner will save time on eating and skin care.

Yay again! Is it Bubble's degree that has her earning so much more than the guys?

He's gotta haunt alone. Orange Teapot hasn't come out again. Maybe she's afraid she'll disappear like Thrust.

Meet Wellington! A new friend for Broken Record.


Pushing the puppy into your head and out the other side is NOT a sign of love.

I really wanted Thrust's urn back. It wasn't on the lot ANYWHERE, and believe me, I searched. So I cheated a little.

And brought her back. But not for keeps.

While she was back, I got her to pass on her gift, which I'd forgotten to do while she was alive.

I think Thrust is quite pleased with this, going by her evil cackling.

Flower got got while we were busy with the other womens.

Oh, charming. You're about to die, but you have to stop to fart hearts over your son-in-law.

And she's back! Now don't go anywhere.

Annddddd they all go back to their regular scheduling. Spandex is painting, Scyther's making robots, and Bubble is learning to be a witch.


You're a very scary Repo Man.

...the fridge?!

Very nice!

Ceallagh came back around, and after much coaxing, he and Ravage hit it off quite well.

With a well timed shooting star and all!

Despite maxing out body, jumping rope and bowling like crazy, her fitness is still at the very bottom of the bar.

You only have 5 neat points!! why are you doing this autonomously?

Birthday time again!

And new house time!

I reckon that Flower will be the envy of everyone at school with this car!

Scyther: I'm allergic to this house! ARGH! HELP!
Broken Record: You're a loon.

I can't activate the servo until the kids go to college :(


Wellington grew up! She has strange stripes.

Perfect Lord, the Gnome Gods are over here!

Scyther's LTW is to have 6 pets reach the top of their careers, so I figure now he's got plenty of time to get working on it.

EW NO THAT'S YOUR UNCLE. WTF GAME. But Ravage is going out with a guy his grandfather chased for years, so maybe it's not so weird.

Perfect Lord and Natalio Webster both got their first kiss wants fulfilled, how sweet. He's not PT so don't worry about him. But they do both have mohawks, which I thought was cute.


The family tree has also been updated!

Featuring sims from radiationpoison and sea_serpent, cameos from dragancaor, quellasims, simpurity and an itty bitty cameo from simtopi.

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