Glittergaze 1.2

May 21, 2010 13:08

Featuring sims from simpurity and music_simbol.

So we left the last entry on a bit of a cliffhanger - what happened with Thrust's pregnancy??

Phew. This probably happened because she ate those bacon and egg muffins. They would have been a shock to her system.

Um...levitating baby is a cool trick and all, but he should really be a toddler by now.

Finally! He also has pointy ears :)

Spam time!


Oh good, it's all going fine.

Dementia: LET. ME. OUTTA. HERE.

(side note: my 3 year old likes you to 'trap' her so she can say that loudly. Or she'll trap herself in the curtains and say it. She's a hoot, but right now she has tonsillitis. BOO)

Yes, your toilet training faces are just as cute as his.

Whoops, parenting fail.

What's that, Thrust? You don't find parenting as enjoyable as devouring a platter of grilled cheese sandwiches? who'd have thought it?!

Those dividers on the floor make it SO MUCH EASIER, because they block sound. With three toddlers, you need to silence them so the others can sleep.

Dementia: Mama! What about me? Talk to ME! Play with ME! FEED ME SEYMOUR.


Hot man digging. Just for your viewing pleasure. We needed some more money to decorate the garden, but didn't hit the big time :(

Please keep your hands and feet inside your vehicle at all times. There will be no flash photography, and stand well back in case of splatter.

While Thrust is popping one out again, Alejandro just keeps on digging. But he's happy about the baby!

Oh, great parenting. Pop out poor Dragon Snort and leave him on the floor. Not even a cuddle or a feed.

Luckily Alejandro can be convinced to pick up the slack while she goes to get happy.

Apparently giving birth wasn't fun enough an activity for her, so she had to find entertainment elsewhere.

Dual skilling time! But of course, this means someone misses out for now.

Well that sucks.

But it made you buff, so we'll let it slide.

Hello crazy nanny.

Our week two challenge was 1-3:

Best in Show: Spend ALL of your households funds on landscaping/gardening with the aim to have the greatest garden in Sim history. If you have Seasons, apply for Garden Club Membership.

This is the start of our garden. At first, I was annoyed because it's now winter, but then I realised how perfect that was. The plants wouldn't need a gardener, and they'd be in perfect condition! YEAH.

You do this the day you come home WITHOUT a promotion.

YEAH THRUST BOO NANNY. If you'd waited just FIVE SECONDS then you'd have been paid. But no, you heartless wench, you couldn't do that.

So she stole the toy car that no one ever used.

So close, but not close enough.

The Garden Club folks came over to check out the digs.

And we got in, but we didn't wow them. They only had $365 at the beginning of the week, and then what wasn't spent on necessary renovations from their other pays went to the garden.

They also eventually got a bath.


I love that toy. It's a car garage cloned from the doll house, but it maxes up mechanical fast. Those four popups came up within a minute...BAM BAM BAM BAM.

The other two did it slightly slower.

FINALLY a chance to give makeovers. Pointy ears!

And another promotion!

Three toilet trained toddlers and only one potty...yeah, that leads to trouble.

What's a girl to do when her folks are asleep and she's hungry?

Thrust: I know how you were made. Oh yes I do. Yes I do. Aren't you just the cutest little STI ever?

I guess she saved some for later.

Yeah, they're not so quick on the cleaning up, now that they have four kids.

And they're good about keeping themselves occupied while she tries to build up her body points for work.

Some last minute want fulfilling...

And then it's toddler explosion time.

Bubble Charm: Wait, what was that?

Bubble Charm: Oh man I really gotta pee! Move it you little twerp! Go grow up somewhere else!

Spiderspaz was standing on the other side of the doorway, blocking her in. But she made it, just in time.

The first thing Dementia did was to run off and maker the bed. She only has 5 neat points, but she's always autonomously cleaning.

Dragon Snort also grew up!

Your sister JUST made that bed.

She has this delightfully neurotic face. But then I'd be feeling the same about washing up if it meant I was going to get the tap through my head.

Spiderspaz did grow up too - eventually. And he likes to clean, bless his heart.

Their first day of school had them struggling through the snow to the bus.


Nanny fail. She just sat out there, not even playing, for ages. While there was rubbish to clean up and a child to attend to. GREAT.

But then she did this, which almost made up for her previous fail.


Nice work, Bubble Charm!

They had enough money to add on a study area, though we had to sell the computer and chess table along the way.

I just like to see them doing their homework at a desk :)

The garden had been expanded, so the Garden Club was invited back, just to see if we could get a wishing well.


Dementia is addicted to the (new) chess table, and Spiderspaz can't get enough of bouncing on the beds.

MY FIRST SNOW DAY!! I was very excited.

I had asked them to do something else, but I guess the excitement of the snow day sent them to their room, even though they didn't have the day off.

Bubble Charm: Woohoo! Snow day! Woohoo! My parents are woohooing!

You're creepy.

The nanny kept laughing at Dragon Snort all day :(

Nanny: That's my table. I want to sit there.
Dementia: I don't think so.

This is pretty much all she wants to do.

The boys are happy to play together, seeing as the girls are both involved in solo activities. The chess table only has one chair, you see.

Your mother would be proud. She rolled a want to eat them.

Bubble Charm and grilled cheese sandwiches, that is. Not Thrust wanting to eat her children.


Your camouflage works very well there, Spidey.

YAY and BOO.

Bubble Charm picks up some tips while Thrust improves her charisma.

You have all that yard space still, but you decide to go out onto the road to throw him around?

Spiderspaz: Help! I'm drowning! The tub is sinking!

This isn't against the rules, right? Man I love this thing. I wish I could have one.


I love her confused expressions.

Can you handle the cute?

Even the skunk wanted to play tag. It kept racing around with them.

Or maybe it was trying to get away and they were chasing him, I'm not sure.

This is what happens when your sister flushes while you're in the shower.

Another invisi-pop.

Uh oh. They're all outta food!

Oh wait, it all comes back when she goes for leftovers.

Thrust: You got the cheese, right? Tell me that you got all the cheese??
Delivery man: I dunno what's in the basket, but I know someone just cut the cheese. PEEEYUUU that stinks.

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