Featuring sims from
simpurity and
music_simbol, and cameos from
brilliantcat needlecream,
I thought I'd take part in the
pixel_trade Viking Death Squad Founder Challenge. I had a P_T hood already up and ready to go, so why not?
For this family, I've been using the "fun" names from
behind the name (the column on the right), and selecting random names for the folks in this family. Meet Thrust Glittergaze!
As soon as the lot loaded, she jumped straight into...well, jumping.
This jumping seemed to have a purpose, because before she knew it, a house had popped up.
All I can say is, I love custom content that is priced ridiculously low.
It was straight into getting things sorted out. Unfortunately, there were no athletic jobs available, so she took a job in the military instead.
And then it was time to make and eat the first of many, many grilled cheese sandwiches.
She found something to do to pass the time until the welcome wagon showed up.
And there they are! From front to back, Tamsyn Sobriety (
brilliantcat), Hiram Ramnif
needlecream), and Wesley Sobriety (
I'm sure I gave Tamsyn a different hair, but I guess I may have accidentally deleted it the other night. Oops.
Unfortunately, no one rocks her boat.
The second test was to see who shared her interest in the greatness of grilled cheese.
Wesley failed.
As did Hiram.
And so did Tamsyn. Not that she was in the running, because Thrust prefers the guys, but exceptions could be made.
Since the WW was a bust, she went across the street to the Pink Iguana to see what was shaking. For some reason, she approached from the left, meaning she went around the block, because the Pink Iguana is directly across from her house.
(this ludicrous lot was built by yours truly)
Oh el oh el.
While she gets her drink on waiting for people to show up, the Pokemons, Snorlax (at the front) and Mewtwo (coming through the door, both by
javabean_dreams), make their presence known.
Snorlax goes first by getting it on with Sidney Tennyson, who is not a P_T townie. At least you're dating outside P_T Pool.
This is Hardwin Haskel, who you'll see soon in the Xenophilia challenge I've been working on. I've got the first few chapters sitting there, just requiring some tweaking. I don't know who let him out of the house! (That will make more sense when that story goes up)
Of course. The only guy there she likes is the one she can't have.
And who already has someone else.
And Mewtwo quickly moved on to Anne Reenboog (
scarred_id) after shooting Thrust down.
She's also not a fan of Harlequin von Prism (
radiationpoison). Come on, you have to like SOMEONE.
It doesn't help when she's dancing and accidentally falls through Nacrissa Sprita's leg (
jessiesims) and everyone laughs at her. That was the last straw, and she ran off home.
Since I have some hack conflict with the gypsy that I haven't figured out yet (she'll turn up when I call her, but then will immediately teleport off the lot), I cheated a little to use the crystal ball.
And we got Alejandro Valenzuela (
music-simbol), all set to get to know each other in the bathroom.
Shy flirting is very cute :) She had absolutely NO interest in going ahead with this, because all her wants were grilled cheese, but I made it happen anyway. Wouldn't be much of a legacy otherwise!
Now for the test!
Oh yes! He's a fan!
He likes to kiss and he has a job.
So sweet :)
Not so sweet. That looks quite painful, actually.
I love this.
I don't know if this is a case of it's okay to make out with your best friends, or if you make out with someone they'll be your best friend.
Alejandro likes it rough, and he'll get into the bedroom anyway he can.
Alejandro: Oh I think I could fall for her. Wait, where did she go?
Alejandro: And this one time, at space camp, I put my model rocket-
Thrust: Oh shut up and do me.
Alejandro: Okay!
Alejandro: Love 'em and leave 'em, baby. That's my motto.
Up before the sun, she's off to work.
For this week's
challenge, we rolled 6-5.
Asteroid! During the night, your house is inundated by a meteor shower, the house is saved but your lot didn't come out so well. Grab the lower ground tool, close your eyes, and randomly press it down all over the lot for an extended period of time. Live this way for a week until 'contractors' arrive to level everything out again. (requires University)
I guess this would have more effect on a yard that actually has stuff done to it.
Thrust: I wonder how the stork will fit a baby in there.
Run, Thrust, Run!
That would be a bingo.
So since he got her knocked up, I figure we'll have him move in. All she cares about is her grilled cheese, so someone has to make things happen!
At least he has some!
She doesn't care, but he rolled the want to get engaged, so that was good enough for me.
I know Romance is your secondary aspiration, but you liked that??
Thrust: Oh, yeah. Forgot to mention, but I'm pregnant. And it's yours.
Alejandro: Seriously? Hot damn, I'm good.
Speaking of babies...
Invisi-pop! Those are some tight pants.
That's better.
That's romantic.
She did wake up enough to celebrate their engagement/him moving in properly.
Which she reminisced about over breakfast.
Thrust: Oh god this is so good. I want to make sweet, sweet love to this sandwich, and have it's babies. And then I want to eat it's babies.
She works out, he dances nude. Maybe he's in the wrong career.
Since they don't really know anyone, and they have very little money, they have a simple ceremony in front of the house.
Again, she likes it. I guess that grilled cheese has stifled all of her romance fears.
Oh yeah.
Awww. This is sweet. But then he did it another three times, and it went from being sweet to stalkerish.
Thrust: OMG My water just broke! Oh wait, no it didn't.
And of course her husband is at work when she goes into labour.
This does not bode well for your parenting future.
It is generally recommended that you do NOT push your children through the wall.
Thrust: Oh she's okay, phew!
And then there was another, this one a slippery little boy that she almost dropped.
Oh yeah, NOW you turn up. But you got promoted...so we'll let that slide. For now.
Not to fear, she saved one for him. Yes. Triplets. *headdesk*
Two girls and a boy. In order of birth, Bubble Charm (girl), Spiderspaz (boy), and Dementia (girl), all using the random names website I told you about before.
I had only planned on one baby, so we had to quickly renovate and buy some more furniture.
I really do not know which one he's playing with there. But he is, and he's adorable, and that's all that matters.
Thrust: I need more shoes! In the name of science!
(this makes no sense, I know. But last night I had a dream where I'd decided to take part in this challenge (because I was on the fence about it), and she said that. I figured I might as well join in on the fun and hope she talked about shoes at some point!)
Alejandro: So, those babies, is that why you asked me to move in?
Thrust: Do you think it was for your buckets of money? It was because I love you, doofus. And to help look after the rugrats.
Alejandro: What was that?
Thrust: Nothing. Eat your sandwich.
Of course you'll feel sick if you eat the baby.
Thrust: What's that smell? It's almost...delicious. But I don't recognise it. I can smell cheese, though it's almost overpowered by something else.
Alejandro: Bacon and egg muffins. Try it! You might enjoy having other nutrients in your system.
Thrust: Highly unlikely.
Aren't you a cute little mascot. The athletic career obviously came up while she was on maternity leave.
While the babies slept he dabbled in the arts.
And received the first of many calls from Sidney, who is no doubt annoyed that he didn't get into the legacy properly.
Alejandro: Yeah, you're totally my best friend too you undead freak. No smeg off.
You don't seem too happy with that promotion.
Thrust: Oh I feel funny.
Thrust: HOLY CRAP look at my boobs!
Alejandro: Anytime, baby.
And that was just the first pop. It scared me. But it did settle down afterwards, lessening my fears that she was harbouring a football team.
Gotta love sims who love to clean.
While she's busy feeding the kids,
he's failing at catching butterflies.
Birthday time!!
First up is Dementia.
Then Bubble Charm, who has pointy ears, though you can't tell with this hair style.
But before she can get to Spiderspaz...
Uh oh. She's not due yet.