Glittergaze 1.6

May 28, 2010 10:42

Featuring sims from simpurity and music_simbol, and cameos from dragoncoar, radiationpoison, simtopi, simgarden, bondchick_nett and _simplyrandom.

Dementia: Oh my gosh, I'm starving!

Except...not. You're still GREEN. Not even yellow! And she hates that room, which annoyed me, until I realise I'd forgotten to put carpet down.

Oh, right. You weren't hungry for food, but for attention.

And because I forgot it last time, here's Bubble Charm's scholarships.

I love that it was bawling.


Spiderspaz: Thank you for helping me stay true and strong on my path to promotion, oh great Gnome Gods.

Uh, yeah. I'll get right on buying that for you.

Thrust: I'm gonna drown that kid if he breaks this tub one more time.

Danger Slam: I was sleepin' here! C'mon!

Ain't your bed, sunshine. He tries to get in there every night.

This family clearly doesn't understand the need for personal space.

Dragon was waiting for the toilet, but Danger jumped in ahead of him, hah.

Alejandro: I'm happily married to a wonderful woman, I have six fabulous children, a gorgeous house and I'm mayor! MY LIFE SUCKS.

I wondered why Bubble Charm wasn't getting on the bus with the others, and discovered she had a good reason why. I have no idea how she got stuck in the wall. Sibling rivalry gone too far, perhaps?

Dementia brought home Ceallagh Latrodectus (dragoncoar)...and I wish she hadn't.

I mean, he's cute and all, but he's a bastard. >:(

See what I mean?? He's one of THOSE HORRIBLE SIMS that steal Gnome Gods.

Or try to, anyway. I think it was Spidey's worship that held him off.

Dragon Snort got a job in Oceanography...though it looks like he's a bit under dressed. And hi again Rose von Prism! (radiationpoison). She walks by the most out of my PT townies. I think she's hoping if she does it enough she can get into the family.


And then there was one.

Well, we had these three as well, and I foolishly believed they were safe by the pond.

Well crap. They didn't have that much money in the bank at that point, but they lost it all and had nothing. Boo.

I knew it was too good to be true.

He stood there, staring at himself - naked - in the mirror for far too long.

Well crap.

I was trying to send Thrust to study the path of darkness again, but accidentally hit abandon. Queue heart attack. Phew! When I had to claim it again, she hadn't lost any progress. Check out how evil she is!

It seems it's easier to be parents to children, rather than babies or toddlers. They do so many more autonomous actions now.

That's it, Bubble Charm, make Spandex Vendetta do all the work.

Thrust: So we never got around to celebrating your promotion. Wanna see what else can go up?

They're all overachievers. Well, apart from Bubble Charm, who was until she was demoted.


An autonomous grilled cheese sighting!

Dragon Snort: I want a woman!

wishing Well: *provides*
Raven Cote: WTF? That's the last time I drink ten tequila slammers in a row.

An older woman. *sigh* Surely SOME of the teens had to be compatible??

Dragon Snort: *motorboats*

Where have you been, Bubble Charm??

YEAH. GOOD WORK! And what I found really funny about this, was that when I was playing this, I was also checking email, and I had only JUST commented on the last entry to eleme about how I had this happen in uni once, and I didn't know if they'd do it on the home lot too or not. She reassured me they would - and look what happened within minutes of that!

Gnome Gods: Our strength is building again!

Spidey was playing with Chlamydia. See? I have class.

WOO go you great thing, Bubble Charm.

I guess Chlamydia had enough of playing with Spidey.

Oh you do evil well too, Bubbles.

Bubble Charm: Forgive us for our sins, oh great Gnome Gods. I promise to protect you!

They sat there talking so long their dinner went bad!!

Spectral kitty! Dreadgoo Catcurse. That's how the name rolled up, so I had to go with it!

This is a change. He wanted to study anger management, and she wanted to play computer games.

Uh, it's okay to get dressed after a shower, Dementia.

Spidey looked at her for far too long.

I find the tail quite amusing in this position.

Yet again, no one won. That is annoying.

YEAH!! Her new LTW is to max 7 skills. Uh, okay.

Aww. She stood there and waited for him to get off the bus.

Alejandro: Oh no! My wife is as successful as me, and earns more money! What am I going to do??

These two adore each other. They spent ages autonomously playing tag, showing off and punching each other.

So maybe they don't adore each other THAT much.

Hrm. I do believe those hours will conflict with school. Guess it's time to send you to uni!

Alejandro was hitting rock bottom, so they went on a date, and finally got around to doing it in the car.

I think your chances of that are good. Seeing as he's your husband and all.

And then it was off to La Fiesta Tech!

Nice outfits, guys. Not.

Though I was tempted to keep Dementia dressed like that.

I successfully made P_T dormies, yay! I'd never done it before, so I wasn't sure it would work, but it did.

This is Cerise von Prism (radiationpoison).

Cecilia Baird (simtopi).

Noelle Bishop (simgarden). And she sounded AWFUL.

Penelope Phormuu (bondchick_nett).

Amsterdam Honeyblossom (_simplyrandom).

Penelope and Amsterdam hit it right off. o_O

And the last dormie was a Maxis one, grr. I had more P_T dormies waiting! Her name is Cassidy Chandra, and those eyes are fucking creepy. I have no idea where they came from.

Oh, Amsterdam and Cecilia also hit it right off.

You know, I think he's a bit of a slut.

And Dementia quite likes Cecilia.

I think Penelope does too. Oh dear.

She's a cutie.


Okay, makeover time! Her major is Art, to help with being an architect.

She's studying biology, to help be that ecological guru.

And he's going for psychology, to get into the SCIA.

She's popular with everyone!

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't take a pool queue to the throat as being flirtatious.

Oh big points in your favour, Cecilia! You like talking about grilled cheese! want to be friends with Bubble Charm. Great.

But you don't want Dementia to be mad at you...well, stop lusting for her sister, then!

Cecilia likes underwear and swimwear, but even when Dementia changed, Cecilia wasn't interested. They had negative chemsistry :( Yet Dementia kept heartfarting over her.

And she kept doing that. BOO.

We avoided a triangle simply by Bubble Charm not being interested.

Cecilia: You're a goddamn flaming cow, Bubble Charm. I'M GORGEOUS. YOU'RE MISSING OUT.

And right as they're getting their first kiss...Jasmine Baird, Cecilia's sister, walks by (so yes, she's also by (simtopi).

And then ACR took over. [insert jokes about "slippery when wet" here]

Cheerleader: Woo! Yeah! Goooooooooo lesbians!!

Well, they're both bi, but she didn't know that.

Cassidy really, really likes Bubble Charm. She follows her around, and sits there and stares while Bubble eats.

And with those eyes? It's extra creepy.

Cecilia: Oh yeah, I got laid.

Cecilia: Studying is fun, but I'd rather make out.
Dementia: *perks*

Amsterdam: I have no idea what I'm studying, man. I'm just here for the ladies.

I think you need to eat more, Cassidy. You're wasting away before my very eyes!

Well these two hit it off. Maybe they like that they're both bi.

I had nothing to do with their shenanigans, either. ACR hit them up big time.

Just a normal night in a dorm, right? People being creepy, people getting drunk, people walking around naked? He then went to write his term paper naked, too. That's normal in a dorm, right??

Oh no! All that flirting is wearing you out! DRINK FASTER!

Mac n cheese and pancakes do not satisfy a GC sim at all.

Uh, Spidey? You have your own bedroom! Your bed is just as good as hers! So I kicked him out.

Despite their chemistry issues, these two get along REALLY well.

I also keep writing Glittercakes instead of Glittergaze. I need to stop that. I also need to stop taking so many pictures! This generation will go on forever otherwise. I think this might be the only gen to go to uni too. I have a stack of pictures sitting there, ready to go, but I might have to cull more out.

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