LJ Index

Aug 01, 2019 13:21

Other than episode reviews and general squee about SG-1, the contents of this journal generally fall into one of three categories: fic recs, meta, and my own fic.

(Some links lead to Dreamwidth. Others lead to LJ.)

Fic recs

I have been a regular reccer for stargateficrec since April 2006, with well over 1,000 fics on my current rec list.

If you are looking for a specific story or author, recs are listed on the master list, which is updated through 2016. My archive of all my recs, figs_sg1_rec, is easily sorted by tags for character, genre, and era. Personal favorites are also tagged as reccer's choice. Most recent recs can be found through the tags on my journal here. Please note that the links lead to the recs, not to the fics themselves.

The vast majority of these recommendations are for gen fic; the occasional fic that includes a pairing (usually Daniel/Sha’re, although there are one or two with other pairings) will be clearly marked. Expect lots and lots of teamy goodness fics, with an emphasis on Daniel.


I wrote an irregular series of meta posts on the subject of Canon vs. Fanon in SG-1 fanfic. These essays highlight the more common fanon concepts and compare them with the reality of canon. Most of the Canon vs. Fanon posts focus on Daniel, but there are also more general team discussions and, to date, two entries on Jack and another on Sam. (I would happily do one on Teal'c, but there isn't enough fanfic about Teal'c out there, much less fanon!)

Canon vs. Fanon, part 1: Daniel and Coffee
Canon vs. Fanon, part 2: Oh, Danny-boy
Canon vs. Fanon, part 3: The Care and Feeding of Archeologists, part 1
Canon vs. Fanon, part 4: The Care and Feeding of Archeologists, part 2
Canon vs. Fanon, part 5: When Canon Isn't Canon
Canon vs. Fanon, part 6: The Care and Feeding of Archeologists, part 3
Canon vs. Fanon, part 7: "No more beer for you."
Canon vs. Fanon, part 8: Daniel, Pacifism, and Weapons Skills
Canon vs. Fanon, part 9: "It's just a deep, bleeding gash..."
Canon vs. Fanon, part 10: Pre-series Daniel
Canon vs. Fanon, part 11: The Fanonization of Saint Daniel, part one
Canon vs. Fanon, part 11: The Fanonization of Saint Daniel, part two
Canon vs. Fanon, part 12: A Jack O'Neill Edition
Canon vs. Fanon, part 13: Infirmary Fanon
Canon vs. Fanon, part 14: A Sam Carter Edition
Canon vs. Fanon, part 15: Daniel's glasses
Canon vs. Fanon, part 16: Clumsy, Sneezy Geek
Canon vs. Fanon, part 17: A Jack O'Neill Edition, part 2
Canon vs. Fanon, part 18: Off-world Fanon, part 1
Canon vs. Fanon, part 19: Sarcophagus Use
Canon vs. Fanon, part 20: Infirmary fanon, part 2
Canon vs. Fanon, part 21: Off-world fanon, part 2
Canon vs. Fanon, part 22: Goa'uld fanon

I have written additional meta posts on various subjects. Most can be found by using the meta tag, but I have several essays posted at redial_the_gate:

Sha'uri in the movie
Sha're in the series
Legacy: But why were they so STUPID?
Prisoners and Past and Present: Kera and Linea
Maternal Instinct: Daniel and Bra'tac
Chain Reaction: Passive-aggressive resistance
Between Two Fires: Deconstructing success: the Tollan and beyond
Homecoming: Calling it even, and saying good-bye to Jonas


I have the privilege of organizing and hosting SG-1 Gen Fic Day and the Alphabet Soup series, as well as the sg1friendathon. The links below are to my own fics, in the order in which they were written. For a list of fics arranged by season and episode, go here.

If there is no pairing specified, the story is gen.

In May 2017, I joined AO3 and have been slowly uploading my fics there. I will not be updating this list with links to older stories, but any new fics will include links to AO3 as well.

The Importance of Past and Future. ~1,300 words. PG. Daniel/Sha’re. A look back -- or possibly forward -- at a crucial scene in COTG. Includes spoilers for the end of S8.

A Gift of Consolation. ~1,700 words. G. Sam and Daniel friendship, post Shades of Grey. Podficced.

In Search of Possibilities, parts one, two, and three. ~22,000 words. PG. Sam and Daniel (and team), post Double Jeopardy. "Are we still so far from real to you?" When a mission turns disastrous, Sam and Daniel get the chance to find out. Lots of drama and angst, with hope at the end.

SG-1, Ninja Style. ~2,300 words. PG. Team. Teal’c. Ninjas! Aftermath to The Serpent's Lair. Podficced.

All This Time, parts one and two. ~12,000 words. PG. Sam, Teal'c, and Daniel. Sam's first mission as leader of SG-1 isn't going very well. Missing scenes from Zero Hour.

Shopping Trip, parts one, two, and three. ~12,000 words. PG. Jacob and Selmac take SG-1 on an off-world shopping trip with a stolen credit card. Team fun in the wake of Seth.

Team's Day Out. ~2,400 words. PG. Teal'c is wearing his BDUs. Jack's dressed in blue jeans and leather. Sam's got her jammies. And Daniel's wearing... not much. Good thing the Asgard don't care about clothing. Episode tag to Fair Game.

Promptings. A series of ten unrelated ficlets, between 500-950 words each, written by request. Prompts include a character or characters and a suggested phrase or snippet of dialogue. All are gen and related to classic SG-1. G to PG.
Self-interest: Daniel in Threads: "Not until I'm dead... and sometimes, not even then."

You Know Me, Sir: Jack finds out that Hammond always rocks.

Toos: Daniel and Jack, the night after Sha're's funeral. Spoilers for FIAD.

Coming Down: Sam and Janet, in the aftermath of Upgrades.

With All Due Respect: A still-amnesiac Daniel in Fallen considers General Hammond.

Spectator Sport: Sam and Jack: "I could warn him... but then it wouldn't be as funny."

Leitmotif: Teal'c, Sam, and rock music.

No Place Like Home: Sam listens as Daniel and Jacob and Selmac discuss the "Great and Powerful Oz." Spoilers for Tangent.

Making BABIES: Sam and Janet and an annoying Jack. The ladies win.

And Now For Something Completely Different: Jack, Daniel, and zombies!

Bittersweet. ~260 words. PG. Commentfic for Leapgate: Daniel on Skaara in the closing scene of Pretense.

Pay No Attention to the Tok'ra Behind the Curtain. ~4,000 words. PG. When SG-1 go on a scouting mission for the Tok'ra, the scenario on the other side of the Stargate is a little too familiar... Affectionate, slightly cracky Wizard of Oz team fic set in S7. References to various S4 Tok'ra episodes, particularly Tangent.

Multiple Uses. ~900 words. PG. Commentfic for Leapgate: Jack and Daniel, sometime in S3 and in trouble. Glasses can come in handy sometimes. Very vague references to Need.

G is for Gate. Part of the Alphabet Soup series. ~240 words. G. Sam will never stop loving the Stargate.

A is for Abydos. Part of the Alphabet Soup series. ~720 words. PG. Reflections on Abydos, with a very faint hint of Teal'c and Daniel friendship. Angst level on high. Set sometime after Orpheus.

E is for Exchanges. Part of the Alphabet Soup series. ~420 words. G. Daniel, Sam, and Jack have an exchange of ideas. There's a reason why the Goa'uld think the Tau'ri are telepathic. No spoilers, any season. Humorous fluff.

Speeding Again? ~390 words. G. Set sometime in S4 or S5, but no spoilers. Sam's on a roll, and Daniel is very unwillingly along for the ride. Humorous fluff.

'Tween Weft and Warp. ~6,650 words. PG. Difficult choices can lead to painful results. Would different pasts offer a better future? In the wake of FIAD, angst and AUs abound as Daniel and Teal'c struggle to find out. Spoilers for various episodes in Seasons 1-3.

T is for Tabloid. Part of the Alphabet Soup series. ~2,000 words. PG. Teal'c, team, and tabloids. Slight spoilers for One Hundred Days and Fallen.

Guilty Pleasures. 730 words. PG. Is it Sam and Jack's fault that rescuing Teal'c and Daniel is so much fun? Jack and Sam friendship with some bonding violence. Set in early S1, with no spoilers.

F is for Fine Line. Part of the Alphabet Soup series. ~285 words. G. George Hammond considers the fine line he has to walk every day. Vague references to various episodes in S1-5.

G is for Gamekeeper. Part of the Alphabet Soup series. ~355 words. G. Hammond debriefs SG-1 after The Gamekeeper.

Respect for Ritual. ~2,900 words. PG. Just once, Sam thought, it would be nice to go a mission that didn't involve SG-1 getting drunk... S1 team humor, in which Teal'c somehow ends up pwning everyone again. A few very vague references, but no spoilers.

Famed in Song and Story (The Forbidden Fruit Remix). ~1,370 words. PG. Back-up contribution to gateverse_remix, for majorsamfan's The Forbidden Fruit. What are friends for, if not to mock you mercilessly? Daniel's a little too entertained by Jack's latest problem. Set in S8, with no real spoilers

Just a Little Trouble. ~1,730 words. G. Birthday fic for aurora_novarum: When Daniel and Bill Lee accidentally trigger some Goa'uld technology, it'll take a little effort to get back to normal. Sadly, there is no pie. Humorous fluff. Set in S4, with no spoilers.

B is for Blood. Part of the Alphabet Soup series. ~365 words. PG-13 for canon torture. A dark fragment of Jack's stream of consciousness during Abyss.

U is for Undomesticated Equines. Part of the Alphabet Soup series. ~600 words. G. Jack and Teal'c take a side trip on the way home from Billings, Montana. Set immediately after Point of No Return.

Secret of Success. 972 words. A Goa'uld doesn't believe Jack's secret to success, until SG-1 offers a very pointed lesson. Set in late S3. PG for mild Jack whumping.

Sure Looks Strange. ~1,660 words. G. The team tackles a monster off-world, and identification comes from a surprising source. The team should know that Teal'c pwns all by now. Set in S2, with no spoilers.

General Hammond Goes to Washington. ~800 words. G. An extended scene from The Lost City, in which SG-1 and General Hammond get to bid each other farewell in style.

The Twilight Zone. ~735 words. G. "Twilight isn't proof of a fracture in the space-time continuum? Are you sure?" Slight spoilers for Moebius.

Team Effort. 1,070 words. PG. Teaching Daniel self-defense has always been a team effort. The team that trains together, breaks out of prisons together. Set just after Need in S2, with vague spoilers for that ep. Includes some pointed villain whumping.

The Daniel Jackson Theory of Hairy Relativity. 570 words. G. Daniel has a theory and insists on explaining it. Written for the Gen Battle, for the prompt: team, it's all about the hair. Total cracky silliness, set in late S4.

Line in the Sand. ~1,380 words. PG. Sha'uri takes the first steps on the road that will lead to Ra's destruction. Written for the Gen Battle, for the prompt: Sha'uri, line in the sand. Pre-series, with a snippet of Stargate: the Movie.

Dreadful Disappointment. 545 words. G. When Teal'c is distressed and angered by the shameful treatment of a legend, can SG-1 offer consolation? Written for the Gen Battle, for the prompt: Teal'c, "We will never speak of this again." Slightly cracky team fic. Set in S5 for continuity reasons, but no spoilers.

Undercover. ~620 words. G. The team has to act as a family to gain mineral rights. It's amazing how often Teal'c pwns the rest of the team, even when cuddling is involved. Humorous fluff. No spoilers, any season.

Grounded. Daniel/Sha're. ~1,600 words. PG. Daniel and Sha'uri are both a little lost, but they'll find a straight path together. Tag for the final scene of Stargate: the Movie.

Reciprocal Regard. 1,200 words. G. Written for jacksamfriends. Throughout the years, Jack and Sam have always been there for each other. Twelve drabbles that illustrate a lifetime of friendship and support. Includes spoilers for all seasons and SGA S4. Additional warning included in the entry.

Beauty in Skill. ~1,200 words. PG. The Goa'uld have always prized style over substance, but Teal'c finds beauty elsewhere. (Or "Why most Jaffa suffer from the Stormtrooper Effect, and why Bra'tac is awesome.") Set in early S1, before Bloodlines.

L is for Lockdown. Part of the Alphabet Soup series. ~630 words. PG. Against the backdrop of Message in a Bottle, Janet struggles with the conflict between her two oaths. Podficced.

Turn Left at the Lintel. ~1,530 words. G. It will take flawless teamwork to navigate the Labyrinth and save a teammate's life. Luckily, SG-1 is good at that kind of thing. Set some time in late S2, with no spoilers.

Attitude of the Knife . ~2,400 words. PG. Team in trouble, and Wonder Twins in classic geek mode. It's irritating when Jack can't tell if they're doing it to be annoying or just because they're geeks. Set in late S2 for continuity reasons, but no spoilers.

A is for Airborne. Part of the Alphabet Soup series. ~900 words. PG. For all the wonders Jacob witnesses as a Tok'ra, there's still nothing better than flying. Set in early S3, sometime before Jolinar's Memories.

C is for Coffee. Part of the Alphabet Soup series. ~625 words. G. "You gave up coffee for your symbiote?" Jacob brings his first real taste of Earth back to Vorash. Set in late S2, right after Show and Tell.

Something Smoother. ~660 words. G. If you're going to drown your frustrations in alcohol, you might as well drink something worthwhile. Jack and Bra'tac, in a missing scene from Sacrifices in S8.

Waiting for Daniel. ~1,250 words. PG. Jack takes a bleak look at seven years of waiting for Daniel, and wonders if he's ever coming back. Includes spoilers for Stargate: the Movie and the first six seasons.

Out of Step. ~1,020 words. G. Just why did Daniel rate the comfy general's chair in Proving Ground, anyway? With bonus Janet! Slightly cracky, with no real spoilers.

A Matter of Preference ~440 words. G. The gulf between Sha're's former life and her experience as Amaunet's host is vast beyond imagining. Set sometime in Season One, with no spoilers outside of Sha're's predicament.

Dabbles of Drabbles 1,000 words. G to PG. Ten prompted drabbles that range from pre-series through S9, on a variety of characters. Includes specific spoilers for for Thor's Hammer, Revelations, Abyss, Evolution, and an AU version of Enemy Mine.

Taking Tally. 4,350 words. PG. SG-1 doesn't always win. It's a good thing they have each other to help pick up the pieces. Jack POV, Daniel-centric, Teal'c awesomeness. Set in S2 immediately after Secrets, with spoilers for that episode.

Five Fix-Its That Weren't. 500 words. G. Five drabbles: five fix-its that didn't happen to Sam, Daniel, Jack, Teal'c, and Jonas. Includes specific spoilers for Full Circle, 1969, and Meridian, with a bit of random Jack and Sam friendship and pre-series Teal'c and Bra'tac thrown in for good measure.

All in the Timing. 1,015 words. G. The team may be waiting, but Daniel's not ready to rush things. Teal'c, as always, trumps everyone else. No spoilers, any season. Podficced.

At Least It's Not Poisonous. ~1,130 words. G. The team discovers that Chulakian customs aren't as alien as you might think. No spoilers, any season.

A is for Aspect. 912 words. G. The Goa'uld might be snaky symbiotes, but it's the hosts' faces that Vala has always hated. Spoilers through Continuum.

Checklist. 730 words. G. Whatever happened to Jack's rule that the team should stick to rations off-world? Jack, evil Wonder Twins, and Teal'c pwnage. Set some time in S1 after Brief Candle, but no real spoilers.

Softly Through the Seasons. 1,000 words. G. Ten drabbles, ten women, ten years of Stargate. All are episode related; the first nine are canon, and the last one could be. Specific spoilers included with each drabble.

Sports Night. 712 words. G. Sam and hockey, with background Jack and Daniel silliness and Teal'c pwnage. No spoilers, any season.

Where the Future Is Being Made Today. 1,480 words. G. They were hoping to meet the Furlings. It would be nice to know which one was which. Shameless crackfic crossover with The Muppet Show. No spoilers, any season.

Well Met at Midnight. 1,350 words. PG. Jonas Quinn dreams of Daniel Jackson, or maybe he doesn't. A little bit of angst set just before Redemption.

X is for X-Files. 775 words. G. Sam learns that Jonas doesn't quite understand television programming. Includes minor spoilers for Nightwalkers.

Shake Vigorously for Best Results. 843 words. PG. When the team comes under attack, Sam uses any weapons she can get. Slightly silly teamy goodness, set in S4 but with no real spoilers.

Breathless. 1,000 words. PG. Four times Sha're caught her breath, and one time she didn't. Mostly gen, with some Daniel/Sha're. Ranges from pre-series through FIAD and includes canon character death(s).

Read Between the Lines. 2,540 words. PG. Pre-series. When Sha'uri discovers forbidden drawings beneath the tunnels of Nagada, she must decide whether or not they carry any meaning. A companion piece to Line in the Sand.

D is for Duct Tape. Part of the Alphabet Soup series. ~450 words. G. Silly fluffy teaminess and a discussion on duct tape.

In Memoria. ~1,040 words. PG. He owed it to them not to give up: five things Daniel did in Ancient Egypt to honor his team's memory. Spoilers for Moebius, and includes references to canon character deaths.

All the Difference. 400 words. PG. Backstory for S10's Road Not Taken: four drabbles that highlight where the darker alternate reality diverged from the SGC's timeline. Includes reference to non-canon AU major character death.

Writing in Précis: Drabble WIPs. Seven drabbles based on seven different WIPs.

Better Luck Next Time. A Goa'uld thinks he has created the inescapable trap. He really ought to know better. No spoilers, any season. 1,060 words. PG for a slightly messy death.

Vested Interest. The geeks make good tac vests, but they're no help if they're not actually worn. Jack's thoughts in the wake of Heroes, with all the warning that entails. PG. ~730 words.

Previously, on Stargate SG-1. Eight episode-related drabbles with the women of Stargate. Spoilers for Solitudes, Prisoners, Crystal Skull, Fifth Man, Menace, Nightwalkers, Heroes, and Prometheus Unbound. G.

Motivation. Daniel's intense hatred for the Goa'uld runs deeper than others might expect. A character study set in late S3, with various spoilers for previous events. 1,472 words. Rated PG.

Previously, on Stargate SG-1 (Guys of the Gate). The sequel to the women's version: five ep-related drabbles for the guys of SG-1. Spoilers for Solitudes, Legacy, The Tomb, Abyss, and The Lost City. G.

Happiness Is. Ten happy drabbles on a variety of subjects. Mostly classic team, with some Janet, Cassie, and Mitchell included. Kittens, hockey, Star Wars, and Tengwar at no extra charge! G.

The Hunt. Team silliness, Teal'c pwnage. 671 words. G.

Temper, Temper. Sometimes, a little crankiness comes in handy. A missing scene with Jack and Jacob from Reckoning. 685 words. Rated G.

A Fine and Private Place. In the wake of Descension, Daniel considers the nature of memories, with an extra dose of angst. Centered around S7, but assume spoilers for anything from the beginning of the show through Ripple Effect in S9. 705 words. Rated PG.

Pawns' Promotion. The NID think Sam and Sha're would make fine experimental subjects. Sam and Sha're have other ideas. Set in late S2, after an AU Secrets in which Sha're makes it safely back to Earth and is freed by Thor's Hammer on Cimmeria. 2,910 words. Rated PG.

L is for L-Space. Part of the Alphabet Soup series. Crossover with Discworld: Daniel takes a wrong turn in an off-world library and strays through L-Space to Unseen University. ~1,715 words. Rated PG.

Dial it Up, Daniel. Daniel idly speculates on Ancient influence on the human psyche. Very vague references to events through much of the show, but no real spoilers. 520 words. Rated G.

Seeking Definition. Sam reflects on her working relationship and friendship with Teal'c. Set in early S2, with some spoilers for COTG and Bloodlines. 819 words. Rated G.

Speaking of SG-1. A series of prompted drabbles about the various members of SG-1 over the years. One drabble per prompt; most entries have twelve drabbles. Specific spoilers listed at each entry. G to PG-13.

Happiness Redux. Ten happy drabbles. Classic team with Jacob, Jonas, Siler, and Nyan thrown in at no extra charge! Rated G.

For All Your Beauty Needs. Sam and her boys, on a matriarchal planet that's not as much fun as it ought to be. A little bit of team silliness set sometime in late S1. Just over 1,600 words. Rated PG.

Canis Major. Written for the sg1friendathon. Teal'c and Daniel: "To be honest, I've had more successful conversations with dogs." 3,775 words. Set in early S1, shortly after Thor's Hammer and Cor Ai. Rated PG.

A Study of Cultural Behavior. "Daniel Jackson, this is not the first time we have learned that I possess a greater knowledge of Tau'ri popular culture than you." Teal'c and Daniel friendship. No spoilers, but sometime in S4, probably. ~990 words. Rated G.

Chug When They Reverse the Polarity. Sam, Janet, and movie choices! No spoilers, any season. 550 words. Rated G.

Purple Beaches and Green Bikinis. SG-1 brings its unique touch to everything, even a day at the beach. No spoilers, any season. Jack and Teal'c friendship, teamy goodness, Hammond awesomeness. ~935 words. Rated G.

Your Regularly Scheduled Programming. Another prison breakout, another squabble. Sam and Teal'c friendship with background Jack and Daniel friendship (sort of). No spoilers, any season. 700 words. Rated G.

Five Crossovers That Didn't Happen to SG-1. Five crossovers that didn't happen to SG-1 because they traveled in time to 1969 instead of some other era in Earth's past (or future). About 2,950 words. Rated PG.

Guidance. O'Neill's attitudes and preferences suit Teal'c best. Set in early S1, with very minor spoilers for Enemy Within. 786 words. Rated G.

On the Outside, Looking In. The first in a series: episode-related drabbles from the perspective of an outsider or a minor character. There's one here for Stargate: the Movie and every episode from Season One. Rated PG.

O is for Optimism. Written for Cam Alphabet Soup. Cam has always been an optimist; it's kept him going for a long time now. But sometimes, he needs a little proof. Major spoilers for Continuum, including AU canon character deaths, and a certain episode in S2. 1,290 words. Rated PG.

On the Outside, Looking In (Season Two). Continuing the series: a drabble from an outside perspective for every episode of S2. PG.

Happiness Cubed: yet another series of ten prompted happy drabbles. Team friendship, mostly, with Janet and Siler for additional squee. G.

On the Outside, Looking In (Season Three). Continuing the series: a drabble from an outside perspective for every episode of S3. PG.

R is for Reassessment (PG). Written for Bra'tac (and Jaffa) Alphabet Soup. Bra'tac dismisses the idea of Tau'ri as worthy allies... but then he has the chance to actually meet them. Spoilers for S1, particularly Bloodlines. ~1,200 words. PG.

On the Outside, Looking In (Season Four). Continuing the series: a drabble from an outside perspective for every episode of S4. PG.

V is for Victuals. Written for SGC Alphabet Soup. Aliens, civilians, military personnel -- they all need feeding. That's Sophie's job, and she's proud to do it. No real spoilers. 510 words. Rated G.

A Most Successful Treasure Hunt (PG-13). Pre-series Vala, trying to find enough trinkets to keep going. Includes spoilers for her backstory. 1,730 words. Rated PG-13 for references to certain Goa'uld habits.

On the Outside, Looking In (Season Five). Continuing the series: a drabble from an outside perspective for every episode of S5. PG.

On the Outside, Looking In (Season Six). Continuing the series: a drabble from an outside perspective for every episode of S6. PG.

Crossing the Line. ~1,200 words. PG. Ra may have punished Nagada, but Sha'uri isn't ready to abandon her newfound knowledge just yet. An expanded scene from Stargate: the Movie, and the third part of the Lines series.

I is for Ideology. Written for Allies Alphabet Soup: Two women from two different cultures have an exchange of ideas. Set sometime after Family, with minor spoilers for The Broca Divide and other S1-2 episodes. ~930 words. PG.

E is for Edora. Written for Allies Alphabet Soup: Even if Jack chose to leave at the end of 100 Days, there's still that naquadah treaty to negotiate. SG-9 and Edora do the dance of diplomacy. 830 words. Rated G.

Left Unspoken. ~1,850 words. PG. Five things Jack and Daniel never told anyone about their first trip through the Stargate. Includes references to Shades of Grey and Meridian.

Quadrigenti. A series of unrelated ficlets by request, each one exactly 400 words:

Command Performance. Sam and Jack are spectators to Teal'c and Daniel's command peformance. Pointless feel-good fluff. G.

Danger, Will Robinson!. The team is on the alert for danger! G.

Defining Coffee. Daniel/Sha're sappiness on Abydos. PG.

A Matter of Taste. Teal'c and Earth food. Set just after COTG. G.

Help Us, Sergeant Siler, You're Our Only Hope!. General Hammond explains why Sergeant Siler is needed offworld. Slightly cracky, in an in-character sort of way. G.

Jaffa Hot Water Bottle. The team keeps warm while they wait out a storm offworld. No spoilers, any season, and general teamy fluffiness. G.

Interviewing the Little Doc. A missing scene from Heroes of Emmett Bregman interviewing Janet. G.

Defining Good. A missing scene from Fallen/Homecoming as Daniel tries to understand Jack's definition of Jonas as "a good man." PG.

On the Outside, Looking In (Season Seven). Continuing the series: a drabble from an outside perspective for every episode of S7. PG.

A is for Alien. Written for On-world Alphabet Soup. Cassandra isn't so sure that she's going to be able to fit in properly on Earth, but Teal'c, her fellow alien, can be very reassuring. 560 words. Rated G.

...And Eat Pie. For Teal'c, exploring worlds through the Stargate isn't half as enjoyable as exploring Earth. Some Teal'c introspection within the framework of Urgo. Includes references to Teal'c's backstory and S1. ~1,780 words. Rated G.

Quarantine (G). When the team is stuck in special quarantine, it's hard to find a way to pass the time. A little exploration of Jack's head space. About 1,100 words. Rated G.

X is for Unknown. A tag for 1969 for Episode Alphabet Soup. When SG-1 returns to their own time, they try to find out what happened to Michael and Jenny. ~1,150 words, rated G.

On the Outside, Looking In (Season Eight) Continuing the series: a drabble from an outside perspective for every episode of S8. PG.

Kishotenketsu (PG). Backup fic for Episode Alphabet Soup. Jack does a little reflecting on how his understanding of the universe have changed since Stargate: the Movie. A direct lead-in to Jack's first appearance in COTG. About 460 words, and rated PG.

Transferring from the Pentagon. Captain Sam Carter, transferring from the Pentagon in COTG. 320 words. G.

Eyes on the Stars. An experiment in 2nd-person POV, from Torment of Tantalus. ~380 words, rated G.

The Art of Smiling. Teal'c has new skills to learn as a member of SG-1, but he's a relatively quick study. Spoilers for First Commandment and Singularity. ~385 words, rated G.

Strategem. A bit of stream-of-consciousness for poor Skaara, at the moment when Klorel was doing its best to fry Daniel's brains. 305 words. PG.

Sentry Duty. Some thoughts from an ordinary soldier, standing guard on not-so-ordinary duty. No real spoilers outside a reference to events in COTG. 747 words, rated PG.

Magnificence. Jack's thoughts during a bittersweet moment of The Serpent's Lair. 363 words. Rated PG.

For Want of a Symbiote (the World was Lost). Sam's choices in In the Line of Duty had tremendous impact on the universe. 464 words. Rated PG, with multiple AU deaths and apocalyptic histories, and spoilers for various S2 through S6 episodes.

Reflection. It's unpleasant to hear your own words reflected back at you, especially when you know they're right. Teal'c and Daniel, Family and Secrets. 406 words, and let's call it PG-13 for the subject matter.

Seven for a Secret. A bit of teamy goodness with Daniel in babble mode in the wake of Spirits. 408 words. Rated G.

Twisted Senses. A bit of Janet POV from Legacy. What do you when you can't trust your own perceptions? 420 words, rated G.

One Minute to Curtain. Jack will do his duty, even if he hates playing the game. Jack's thoughts on his team in Shades of Grey. 555 words, rated PG.

Podfic: Your Regularly Scheduled Programming. Short (as in, 5 minutes!) podfic of an older fic. Sam and Teal'c friendship, Jack and Daniel sniping.

R is for Rapport. Meditation isn't kel no reem, but it serves a purpose just the same. Teal'c and Daniel friendship, with references to Crossroads, Meridian, Revelations, and Changeling. ~1,410 words. PG.

Fifty Credits on the Wookiee. When Jack introduces Teal'c to Star Wars, he never imagines how obsessed his friend will become. Set immediately after 1969 with a few vague spoilers. ~1,400 words. Rated G.

M is for Moebius. Written for Time Travel Alphabet Soup, and rather unimaginatively titled. In a missing scene from Moebius, Sam argues with Daniel, or maybe with herself. 800 words. Rated PG, with a warning for canonical major character deaths.

X is for Xenolalia. The problem with amnesia is that memories aren't always in context. Missing scene from Fallen in Sam POV as the team tries to deal with Daniel's self-doubt. Includes references to certain episodes from S1 and S4. ~ 2,100 words. Rated PG.

Lost Letters. Written for Epistolary Alphabet Soup. Letters don't always survive long enough to be read. References/spoilers for Secrets, Fair Game, and Forever in a Day; includes references to Daniel/Sha're. 1,330 words. Rated PG.

Camouflage. Appearances can be deceiving, as the team knows all too well. Includes some unexpected Jack angst. ~1,200 words. PG.

T is for Teal'c. Written for Kidfic Alphabet Soup. Few people expect the former First Prime to be so good with children, but SG-1 knows that Teal'c has vast and unexpected depths. A Daniel retrospective on a friend. References various episodes throughout the series (mostly those with kids). 1,710 words. Rated PG.

O is for Other Perspectives. Written for Kidfic Alphabet Soup. Five times SG-1 had to accept an unusual perspective of childhood and adulthood. Jack POV, set in Seasons 1 & 2. Includes detailed spoilers for Brief Candle, the Nox, and Thor's Chariot. 2,250 words. Rated PG-13 for certain details involving Brief Candle.

Z is for Zen. Last-minute contribution to Kidfic Alphabet Soup. Baby Shifu has a limited comprehension of what's happening to him. Vague references to Secrets, FIAD, and Maternal Instinct. 262 words. Rated G.

All Those Who Desire It, on Dreamwidth or at AO3. written for stargate_summer. Off-world universities, solar power, and a riddle of the ages… SG-1 have a mystery to solve. 12,500 words. Rated PG.

C is for Consequence, on DW or AO3. For Quantum Mirror Alphabet Soup. An alternate perspective on certain scenes from TBFTGOG: Teal'c cares more about his reality than any other. 1,600 words. PG for canonical AU character deaths.

N is for Not Quite, on DW or AO3. For Quantum Mirror Alphabet Soup. Sam and Daniel and an alternate POV of an alternate reality. Canon, more or less, from POV. ~840 words.

V is for Variations, on Dreamwidth or at AO3. For Quantum Mirror Alphabet Soup. If quantum is the smallest possible bit of a thing that retains that thing’s essential qualities, how (or what) might define a quantum mirror? 780 words.

Wherever He Prospers, on Dreamwidth or at AO3. Four times Teal'c walked away from home, and the many times that he didn't. Just over 2,000 words, and spoilers for Teal'c's entire arc throughout the show.

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