FIC: The Forbidden Fruit - SG1 Team Ficathon

Nov 16, 2007 00:41

TITLE: The Forbidden Fruit
AUTHOR: majorsamfan
PROMPT/WRITING FOR: holdouttrout who wanted: apples, bickering, sleeping bags and didn't want: Dead Asgard, whumping, jello (I hope what I did isn’t considered “whumping”, at least not too bad a whumping…:D)
SPOILERS: None that I can think of
WARNINGS: Watch out if you have an aversion to fruit or green vegetables…
Author’s notes: I adore holdouttrout and hope this pleases. Many thanks to triciabyrne1978 for the excellent and speedy beta!

Written for the sg1teamficathon

“Oh, for crying out loud!” Colonel O’Neill stomped away from his team before he strangled a certain archaeologist. All the times he had told Doctor Jackson (and Carter) not to *touch* stuff, and now *he* touches something he shouldn’t have and faces the consequences!

You’d think he would have learned from their mistakes - and, okay, some of his own - but, no! He has to go and pick the “forbidden fruit” the Asparagus (Asparagans) allowed no one to eat. What? Was it poison or something? No! It was a religious thing. Something right out of Genesis. No, they didn’t think they’d die; well, maybe they did. He didn’t know. That wasn’t the point. No one was supposed to touch that fruit.

The previous day…

SG-1 emerged from the ‘glowing puddle’ onto the usual platform with steps. This time, however, instead of desert or lots of evergreens, the Stargate seemed to stand in the middle of an orchard. Or a grove, since most of the fruit nearest them looked like oranges.

“Ah…trees!” O’Neill quipped as he stepped off the platform.

“But at least they’re not evergreens, Sir.” Major Samantha Carter gave her C.O. a quick smile and then pretended to straighten up her expression when he pretended to find her insubordinate.

Two local young people crouched behind a tree.



“I think you’re up.” The Colonel pointed behind his archaeologist/linguist.

O’Neill had spotted two teenagers hiding behind one of the nearby trees. If Jack hadn’t said something, Daniel Jackson probably would have tripped over their basket while walking backwards and filming the gate and the unusual glyphs on columns standing to either side of it.

Jack took a second to see what had Daniel so interested and briefly wondered if this was another Asgard anti-Goa’uld device like on Cimmeria. If so, at least it hadn’t zapped Teal’c, so far. Jack gave them a wide berth as he walked up behind Daniel, who was just beginning his usual routine, which Jack wouldn’t miss for the world

“Oh, hello. I’m, Daniel Jackson, and these are my friends. We’re peaceful explorers. We’d like to -“

The teens launched from their hiding place like swimmers at a meet and took off running through the trees. They never looked back nor responded to Daniel’s pleas for them to wait and talk.

“Do you think it was something you said?” Jack teased. Daniel smirked and started after the young people. Jack grabbed a strap on Jackson’s pack and held him back. “Whoa, there, big fella. Let’s just give it a minute.”

They gave it several, and when no response seemed forthcoming, Jack decided that, rather than follow them through the trees, just in case the locals might consider that trespassing, SG-1should follow the main path that led away from the gate. He saw a one tree standing in the middle of the path in a raised bed about 50 yards ahead and set out for that. He thought it appeared to have two other paths branching off to either side.

The team had just emerged from the orchard (or grove) into that open area with the big tree when O’Neill observed, “Hey, anyone else notice that this looks like a Celtic cross, the way this circle connects all four paths?” For there were, indeed, two paths branching out at 90 degrees from the way they’d come and another in the same direction beyond the circular retaining wall surrounding a grassy bed at the base of the big tree. “Except for being filled in, that is,” Jack qualified.

“Reminds me of a round-about in England,” Sam offered. Jack smirked and she shrugged and Teal’c raised an eyebrow. Daniel just looked back and forth between them with a blank expression.

Within two minutes the village elders found them. Unfortunately, Jack needed less than one minute to hop up on the raised bed and grab an apple-like fruit, much to the chagrin of his teammates.

“O’Neill, is that wise?”

“Jack, that tree may have special significance to…”

“Sir, we should probably test that before you…”

“It’s just an *apple*, for cryin’ out -“

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?!?!?!?!?” bellowed a stout fellow in something akin to denim - though shiny - overalls and a plaid flannel shirt. The man perched forward on the balls of his feet, and Jack had this fleeting thought, ‘Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down.’ He kept that to himself, though and turned to his archaeologist/linguist.


Said archaeologist started his spiel from the beginning.

“Hi. I’m Daniel Jackson, and these are my friends. We’re peaceful explorers. We meant no disrespect if this tree or its fruits have special -” Jackson had extended his hand, but Old MacDonald (as Jack now referred to him in his head) made no move to take it. In fact, he recoiled with an aversion that put Jack’s snake-hatred to shame, which took some doing. Not a good sign!

The planter’s cohorts caught up with him at that point. They gasped and whispered and fumed in turn as they saw what Jack had in his hand, until Teal’c and Sam actually positioned themselves between their team leader and the gathering crowd. Not that the villagers were armed with anything more high tech than pitchforks, but those could be pretty dangerous when mob mentality turned ugly, as SG-1 had seen on far too many occasions to leave things to chance. The locals backed up, but their outrage seethed just below the surface behind darkened eyes, furrowed brows and tense postures.

It took the better part of an hour, but Daniel reported back that he had diffused the situation - at least temporarily - with some carefully chosen words of contrition, enough that the locals agreed to escort them to their village to hear SG-1 out. Their collective gasps of horror prevented Jack from setting the apple thing down on the ground when the leaders extended their arms to invite SG-1 to walk with them. They welcomed everyone but O’Neill to join them in a central “council” ring; Jack had to stand on the edge of the village, holding the evidence of his transgression, until they decided what to do with him.

The young couple who had run from SG-1 in the first place watched from behind a wagon. Any time Jack glanced in their direction, they ducked out of sight until Tam Donno - the robust farmer - ordered them to the circle to tell what they had seen at the Portal. Since the teens testified that they had not seen any of the strangers around the sacred tree, much less touching its fruit, confirming Daniel’s statement, the locals decided that Daniel, Sam and Teal’c could stay to discuss possible trade.

After a brief conversation with the Asparagan Elders, Daniel and Sam reported back to Jack that the planet did, indeed, have an older naquadah mine the Goa’uld had operated - enslaving the Asparagans for many years to mine it - which had been abandoned.

“The Goa’uld who claimed dominion here may have died or something. They did say that the mine had stopped producing huge amounts, so the Goa’uld may have decided it wasn’t worth maintaining the necessary Jaffa to oversee the operation.”

“With earth’s more sophisticated mining technology, Sir,” Sam continued, “The SGC probably can mine additional ore from it, just as we have several other similarly derelict mines. I think it behooves us to make nice and get permission to explore this resource. We could offer medicines and farming technology in return.”

“They want to discuss it further.”

“What about me?”

“Um, they said you can’t enter the village, but they’ve invited us to stay.”

“Of course not! And what am I supposed to do, just hang out here while you party hearty with the locals?”

Daniel huffed and pushed his glasses up in the way that just irked Jack no end when he knew Jackson was going to tell him something he didn’t want to hear.

“Jack, they wanted you to leave altogether, but since I explained that wouldn’t leave without your team, they’ve agreed to let you stay - outside the village - while we continue trade negotiations.”

“Fine. I’ll go tell Hammond we plan to stay the night.” As he walked away, though, O’Neill shouted back, “And find out what I’m supposed to do with this apple, since I can’t eat it or set it down.”

When he returned forty minutes or so later, Jack stopped at the edge of the village without being told and waited for someone to notice him. Daniel, Sam or Teal’c preferably, since the natives kept glaring at him. Finally, he coughed - twice, louder the second time - and his team emerged from a structure directly across the town square from his position. If he had to guess, he’d call it a church, but it just as easily could have been a store, for all he knew.

“So?” Jack hinted as his team approached.

“Well, they’re still pretty unhappy about that, Jack.”

“That bad, huh?”

“Indeed, O’Neill. It appears your faux pas has upset the Asparagans greatly.”

“Well, dare I ask what I can do to make it up to them?”

“Their religion is really interesting. They seem to be a cross between -”

“Daniel, getting old here.”

“Jack, this is serious.”

“And I’m giving it all the -” O’Neill struggled for the word. “-the consideration it’s due. But for cryin’ out loud, it’s an *apple*.”

“Did not God consider eating the fruit in the center of the garden quite a serious matter, O’Neill?”

“Still reading the Bible, huh, Teal’c?”


“Well, if it’s the only thing standing between us and a bunch of weapons-grade naquadah, I’ll do whatever it takes. Within reason. Just find out what it is for me - gather intel and report back, so there are no surprises.”

“The Elders have convened to determine that, Jack. I’ll pick Tam Donno’s brain at dinner and see if he’ll give us a clue as to what they’ll require. I’m sure that as long as you go along with whatever small ritual they come up with, the SGC will get its brand new source of naquadah.”

Jack hoped Daniel felt more confident than he or the rest of his team appeared. For now, there was nothing to be done but to wait for the Elders decision, so he dropped his pack and began to set up camp. Teal’c joined O’Neill in camping out under the stars, while Sam and Daniel accepted Tam Donno’s invitation to stay in his home.

“I could -” Sam waved at the tent and bedrolls.

“Nah, Carter, take a bed when you can get it. And keep an eye on Daniel. Try to make sure he doesn’t promise my firstborn or something, will ya’?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“T, you’re welcome to enjoy the local hospitality, too.”

“I shall remain with you, O’Neill.” When Jack raised his brows and tilted his head, the Jaffa explained, “I sense the villagers feel uncomfortable with my presence.”

“Teal’c, I don’t think any of these people have actually ever even seen a Jaffa. From what Tam Donno said, that mine has been closed for years.”

“Nonetheless, Major Carter, I shall stay with O’Neill.”

“Whatever you say, big guy.” Jack stopped his 2IC, who had started to follow Daniel back to the church. “Hey, Carter, gimme your bedroll, will ya’? If you’re gonna sleep in a bed, my back could use the extra cushion.” Sam pulled her sleeping bag out and tossed it to the Colonel with a smile.

The next morning Tam Donno and the other Village Elders came for O’Neill at oh-dark-thirty. Jack saw neither Carter nor Jackson but grabbed the forbidden fruit, which he’d given a place of honor on top of his pack for the night, and followed Tam Donno and the others. He sent Teal’c to get the rest of the team.

By the time Daniel and Sam got their boots on and joined the festivities, the Elders had already pronounced the atonement in front of Jack and the villagers who had gathered. Jack thought he should have seen it coming, especially when the only locals hanging about were men.

Jack told Daniel just by the look on his face Daniel would be atoning to *him* for a long time to come. The Elders allowed SG-1 to confer briefly before the ceremony, and heated bickering between O’Neill and Jackson erupted, albeit kept to low voices. Even the locals recognized the team’s utter disparity regarding compliance with the locals’ requirement, however.

“Daniel, you need to do something.”

“Jack, Tam Donno wouldn’t tell me last night what it was, but he said the Elders agreed unanimously. They won’t back down. If you don’t do this, bye-bye naquadah.”

“Daniel, we don’t even know if there’s any ore left to mine! You better come up with an alternative they’ll accept in the next five minutes, or so help me…”


“Daniel!” The Colonel whispered vehemently as Tam Donno called for him to step forward.

“Oh, for crying out loud!” Colonel O’Neill stomped away from his team before he strangled a certain archaeologist. When Jack glanced back at them, the rest of SG-1 attempted to cover the tiny hints of amusement they had allowed to show while his back was turned - a half grin for Daniel, sparkling eyes and a flushed face on Sam and well, he could tell Teal’c was amused as well. When they saw him looked at them, Sam straightened her posture, and she and the others assumed sympathetic countenances.

“Carter!” O’Neill barked.

“Yes, Sir?”

“I *order* you to close your eyes and not open them until I give the all clear. Is that understood?”

“Perfectly, Sir!” Sam barked back. She complied immediately with her C.O.’s direct order and bit her lips to keep from inadvertently smiling.

Jack might have given Daniel the same instructions, except, first of all, Daniel rarely obeyed his orders anyway, and second, his linguist currently was looking anywhere *but* at Jack. Teal’c stood rigid with his eyes fixed straight ahead, for the moment.

Tam Donno took Jack inside a small building next to their worship structure. When they emerged, Jack’s clothing stayed behind. All he had left was his apple and his pride, and that apple, big as it was, didn’t adequately cover his pride. The Elders required him to hold the apple in his outstretched hand and walk the length of the village. Walking back, he had to consume the apple - all of it, including the core and stem. He then had to return to their worship structure and prostrate himself before the altar while the villagers all prayed for him for over an hour. SG-1 remained outside for this part of the ceremony.

Jack thanked God - the real one - that they at least let him have his clothes back to return to the SGC. Imagine explaining *that* in a report! Once he had redressed, SG-1 left with promises to send a mining team and a medical team - and assurances none of the SGC personnel would touch the sacred tree. Jack would impress it upon them personally.

Since he said it with a smile, it seemed Colonel O’Neill harbored no ill feelings about his punishment. He ordered SG-1 to head back to the gate.

“Um, Sir, permission to open my eyes now?”

“Granted, Carter. Wouldn’t want *you* accidentally running into any special trees, now would we?”

“No, Sir!”
Jack smiled and shook his head. He could honestly say his job was never dull!


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