Alphabet Soup Index

May 01, 2008 15:40

Alphabet Soup is a series of multiple-author anthologies, organized and hosted on this LJ.

Each anthology includes twenty-six (or more) ficlets on a specific character from SG-1. Stories are canon-compliant and gen. To date, over 130 different authors have contributed their wonderful stories! Subject matters range from episode-related to pre-series to post-series to fluff to action to angst to humor to character study and back again.

Each ficlet is a minimum of 100 words; most are under 1,000 words, although there have certainly been longer ones. Shorter ficlets are included in full at the main page, with links to the author's own LJ for feedback whenever possible. Longer ficlets are excerpted, with links to the author's own LJ (or archive) for the rest of the story. Beginning with Janet Alphabet Soup, the unabridged anthologies have been mirrored in full at Dreamwidth. Beginning with Off-World Alphabet Soup, a table of contents was created for each anthology; the TOCs exist both on LJ and on DW, but the Soup itself is solely on Dreamwidth.

Feedback to individual authors is very strongly encouraged!

Alphabet Soup links:

Samantha Carter

Daniel Jackson


George Hammond

Jack O'Neill

Janet Fraiser

Jacob Carter

Vala Mal Doran

Jonas Quinn



Cameron Mitchell

Bra'tac (and Jaffa)

SGC ensemble





Time Travel

Off-World table of contents

Epistolary table of contents

Kidfic table of contents

Quantum Mirror table of contents

Extra! sg_fignewton Alphabet Soup, with squeeful review. :)

alphabet soup

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