Title: Going, Going, Gone Fandom and Pairing: Shinee, Jonghyun/Onew Rating: G Word Count: 200 Prompt/s Used: Picture prompt Summary: This trip was supposed to make things better. Warnings: N/A
Title: I wanna be a billionaire (or, why the '91-line should never meet in an office) Fandom and Pairing: FT Island/Shinee, Jaejin & Kibum Rating: PG Word Count: 800 Summary: Take-your-kids-to-work day turns out to be a lot more interesting than Jaejin expected. Warnings: Kid!fic.
Title: we're just misguided Fandom and Pairing: SHINee ; Onew + Taemin Rating: G Word Count: 200 Summary: Riding around in a sheet is really just a metaphor. Warnings: none.
Title: the road i lost Fandom and Pairing: shinee. jongkey. Rating: g. Word Count: 200. Summary: the sound of the rusted knife that rang out by my ear was like a sad melody. Warnings: au.
Title: within these walls Fandom and Pairing: SHINee ; Key-centric Rating: G Word Count: 200 Summary: Everyone hides from something, he thinks. Warnings: none.