Title: Dango Kyuubi [Doujinshi]
Rating: PG - for occasional bad language
Pairing: Sasuke and Naruto
Genre: Humour
Read right to left
Sasuke finds himself being followed by a fox after his dango. Yet after rejecting the fox, he chances upon a beautiful man? Why does he challenge him?
**UPDATE: Page 13
A new character is introduced. Kakashi senses a strange chakra along with Sasuke's. He goes to investigate. But what does he find!?!
Page 1 and 2 link Page 3 link Page 4 and 5 link Page 6 and 7 link Page 8 and 9 link Page 10 and 11 link Page 12 link Please do not comment to others with words that can be taken negatively. Do not questions another's preference for NaruSasu or SasuNaru. If you are going to be biting, only direct it at me. I don't want readers to be unhappy. This is a humourous doujinshi, I don't want another flame war. Please respect others and do not make judgements based on a few sentences. This is one stipulate I ask you to strictly adhere to.
Sorry about the cliffhanger and it's only one page too. But I'll try hard to make up for it! Look forward to next time. After all, something big (perverted) must be happening for Kakashi to be this surprised. ^^
Thanks for reading.