Title: Dango Kyuubi [Doujinshi]
Rating: PG - for occasional bad language
Pairing: Sasuke and Naruto
Genre: Humour
Read right to left
Sasuke finds himself being followed by a fox after his dango. Yet after rejecting the fox, he chances upon a beautiful man? Why does he challenge him?
**UPDATE: Page 10, 11, 12.5
And Naruto transforms again...
Page 1 and 2 link Page 3 link Page 4 and 5 link Page 6 and 7 link Page 8 and 9 link Please vote if you want this to go SasuNaru or NaruSasu. Your vote can be the deciding factor. Please give explaination why. I'm out of inspiration. I got to page 12 and got stuck halfway. If you don't want Sasuke to leave and the doujinshi to end there, please give suggestions. I'm seriously out of fuel.
What is Sasuke so shocked at? Please help the artist finish the page! Or the doujinshi ends right here.
Test week and I'm still drawing this. Good thing I'm out of fuel (hopefully only until after my exams).
I spend a lot of my time on is, planning, drawing, fixing, uploading (I've got dail up) and posting this in LJ. It doesn't take long for you guys to read something I spent an hour on. So just one minute of your time to give type up a real comment would greatly enliven my day. (I hope I'm not being annoying here...T_T)
Sorry to spam you again, so soon after my last update.