Title: Dango Kyuubi
Rating: PG - for occasional bad language
Pairing: Sasuke and Naruto
Genre: Humour
Read right to left
Sasuke finds himself being followed by a fox after his dango. Yet after rejecting the fox, he chances upon a beautiful man? Why does he challenge him?
**UPDATE: Page 8 and 9
Sasuke decides to get serious. And what mysterious powers does this kyuubi have?
Page 1 and 2 link Page 3 link Page 4 and 5 link Page 6 and 7 link Please vote if you want this to go SasuNaru or NaruSasu. Your vote can be the deciding factor. For NaruSasu shippers, you'll have to convince me, cause I'm a SasuNaru or switch fan.
Sorry about the quality, photobucket went weird on me and I had to keep resizing the image.
Yes, these pages are on crack. I'm in the middle of my exam week. The most important exams that I've been going to school for, for the last 17 years: HSC!!! I drew these while I was supposed to be studying for my maths 3 unit test. (That test was HORRIBLE! Just had it today.) It was a stress relief, so my brain went wild.
If anyone wants to see this doujin go a certain direction...or has other cracks to add...comment ^^
**That's Ichigo (strawberry) from Bleach. Ban-kai is a sword transformation in that anime. "Hajime" means "begin" (I think). My shihan used it in karate before a spar, so I think it's ok to use it there. That's the stick from the dango Naruto had caught in his mouth. Did anyone notice the heart in Sasuke's Sharingan?
IMPORTANT: Please VOTE if you want this to go SasuNaru or NaruSasu. Your vote can be the deciding factor. And please explain why.