Doujinshi UPDATE
Title: Dango Kyuubi
Rating: G/Worksafe
Pairing: Sasuke and Naruto
Genre: Humour
Read right to left
Sasuke finds himself being followed by a fox after his dango. Yet after rejecting the fox, he chances upon a beautiful woman?
**UPDATE: Page 4 and 5
Naruto checks Sasuke's sexuality(is he gay??)...And then transforms into his real self? (Whoa, he's not girly anymore!)
Page 1 and 2 link Page 3 link
I hate really uke, girly Naruto characterisation. Naruto should be Sasuke's equal. Tall, hot and powerful. Why would Sasuke want a weak, in need of protection Naruto?
Sorry if I offend anyone. It's just my opinion. ^^
By the way, Naruto's hair is like that for a reason. He's a kyuubi in this doujinshi, and I tried to make his hair look a bit like fox ears.