Title: Dango Kyuubi [Doujinshi]
Rating: PG - for occasional bad language
Pairing: Sasuke and Naruto
Genre: Humour
Read right to left
Sasuke finds himself being followed by a fox after his dango. Yet after rejecting the fox, he chances upon a beautiful man? Why does he challenge him?
**UPDATE: Page 12
WARNING SPOILERS for Bleach up to chapter 180
Sasuke's about to leave...what does Naruto come up with now???
Page 1 and 2 link Page 3 link Page 4 and 5 link Page 6 and 7 link Page 8 and 9 link Page 10 and 11 link Please vote if you want this to go SasuNaru or NaruSasu. Your vote can be the deciding factor. Please give explaination why.
SPOILERS for Bleach chapter 180!
I couldn't resist doing a crack at Sasuke's floaty scarf. The joke isn't very clear. But after Renji's first fight using Bankai against Kuchiki Byakuya Taichou, he grabs the scarf *squeal, yaoi moment!* (it's a very expensive scarf too. Look up Byakuya in Wikipedia and you'll get all the nifty little things on him.)
You can tell I like ByaRen too don't you? ^^
This doujin isn't quite during out the way I wanted it too. Seems easier to just pinch other people's ideas. But Superman got me out of that dry spell. I took me 3 days to draw this page. T_T
Some real comments will really make my day. I spent lots of effort in this, please put a little effort back. (I'm a pushy lil bugger...)
Thanks for reading!