Title: My Night (Chapter 02) Author: roseredqueen Rating: G Prompt Set: 100.1 Prompt: #033~Sarcasm Word Count: 418 Summary: In the hospital wing, various Weasleys and Potters hurry to Rose's side and hurl blame. Warnings: None Notes: Chapter two of an ongoing fic, My Night, a Rose/Scorpius sory. Cut text comes from Train's "It's About You"
Title: My Night (Chapter 01) Author: roseredqueen Rating: G Prompt Set: 100.1 Prompt: #079--Sickness Word Count: 425 Summary: Rose Weasley feels ill and ignores it, causing some problems at Quidditch practice. Warnings: None Notes: Chapter One of an ongoing fic, My Night, a Rose/Scorpius. Cut text comes from a Dire Straits song, I know the grammar is bad.
Okay, getting right back into the insanity of LJ. I've signed up for one exchange and a prompt table. Now to just keep it to one exchange and a prompt table *headdesk*