Title: My Night (Chapter 02)
roseredqueenRating: G
Prompt Set: 100.1
Prompt: #033~Sarcasm
Word Count: 418
Summary: In the hospital wing, various Weasleys and Potters hurry to Rose's side and hurl blame.
Warnings: None
Notes: Chapter two of an ongoing fic, My Night, a Rose/Scorpius sory. Cut text comes from Train's "It's About You"
This ain't about the things I've done/Where I've been or what I won. )
Comments 9
Ps. I've friended you. I hope you friend me back. :)
I love friends! *friends*
Offended sovereign :D I think the sarcasm works really well, too.
Albus's point of view is always a very nice thing to see. Though I really want to see more from his eyes.
Now, a bit of nitpick. How many cousins are actually there? Because Albus only shows a few of them, and I'd imagine a little more ruckus even if there are only the aforementioned people present.
Well there are quite a few, but--Victoire is graduated, married and pregnant, James, Dominique, and Molly have graduated, and Fred and Roxanne are there, just quieter than Hugo and Louis. Does that clear it up at all?
One little thing though...."which led to an interesting juxtaposition of their hair mingling, until you couldn’t tell where Rose ended and Lily began." I presume that Lily and Rose have the same colour hair...but it wouldn't be a juxtaposition, as that is talking about opposites mixing together.... don't mean to sound nit-picky, but that just jumped out at me...
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