Title: My Night (Chapter 02)
roseredqueenRating: G
Prompt Set: 100.1
Prompt: #033~Sarcasm
Word Count: 418
Summary: In the hospital wing, various Weasleys and Potters hurry to Rose's side and hurl blame.
Warnings: None
Notes: Chapter two of an ongoing fic, My Night, a Rose/Scorpius sory. Cut text comes from Train's "It's About You"
The hospital wing was full of orange, and Albus sighed as he sat in the corner, trying to melt into the background. He still had no idea how word had gotten around so quickly, other than the Weasley clan had a tendency to have very big mouths. In fact, at that very moment, Hugo was blustering at Madam Pomfrey as if it could hurry along Rose’s return to consciousness.
Lily was bent over her cousin in contrast, whispering to her about Merlin knew what, which led to an interesting juxtaposition of their hair mingling, until you couldn’t tell where Rose ended and Lily began. That was one of the things he did value about his family, no matter what, they put family first…well, mostly.
Louis was doing the opposite of Lily, and lambasting Scorpius, who was standing in a corner, still in his mud-streaked Quidditch robes, like Albus, for once his perfect hair ruffled and messy, and his arms crossed over his chest. His apparent stoicism only seemed to irritate Louis further, whose face was redder than his hair. Of course, Louis didn’t see the dangerous gleam in his eyes, and Albus winced, knowing that this was not going to go well if Louis kept pushing him. Albus knew his best friend’s temper and it wasn’t got and fiery, like Louis would understand. It was cold and unyielding.
“This is all you’re fault!” Louis screeched, and it was that which broke the Malfoy scion’s silence.
“Oh yes,” he drawled sarcastically. “It’s my fault for keeping her from slamming her head into the ground at a speed that would have surely killed her. How could I do such a thing?” That made Hugo stop and turn, and Louis go pale. “How merciful of you, Weasley, I suppose that might be considered mercy, put the poor Slytherin Weasley out of her misery.” He glared at Louis like he could burn a hole in his skull. “I apologize. I’ll let you explain how it’s all my fault to her when she wakes up.”
Even Hugo sputtered at that, and fell into silence, while Scorpius fell into a chair, looking like some offended sovereign. For the first time he could remember since he was a boy, Albus found that there were more than three of his cousins in one room, and no one said a thing. He hadn’t thought that possible, even the loquacious Lucy was at a loss, and he remembered why he was friends with Scorpius in the first place.