Title: My Night (Chapter 01)
roseredqueenRating: G
Prompt Set: 100.1
Prompt: #079--Sickness
Word Count: 425
Summary: Rose Weasley feels ill and ignores it, causing some problems at Quidditch practice.
Warnings: None
Notes: Chapter One of an ongoing fic, My Night, a Rose/Scorpius. Cut text comes from a Dire Straits song, I know the grammar is bad.
Rose Weasley was not feeling well, not that she was going to let that get in her way. She had things to do, and she was not one to let a little bout of disease that would likely be over in a day to stop her plans. She sunk down between her boyfriend and her cousin and had her usual breakfast of tea and scones, commanding her stomach mentally to obey and behave. It was her body, after all, and if it wouldn’t listen to her she was doing something wrong. Of course, she had always been a bit bossy.
She felt a bit dizzy when she stood, but pushed passed it, checking to make sure she had put on her prefect badge. She had classes damn it, and Quidditch practice. She had rebelled against how many years of unwritten rules to play, she was not about to let her body’s decision to go and get sick stop her. There was a time and place for disease-such as visits from Aunt Fleur’s family, or when James was being stupid-but not when she was in school. It was her N.E.W.T. year after all.
So, Rose made an incredibly stupid mistake, which was not her first or last, but certainly could be categorized as worst in her lifetime, and even if she wouldn’t call it that, everyone she held dear certainly would. It was Albus who noticed at first, from his standpoint at the hoops of the pitch how Rose was not quite at her usual speed not to mention a bit too high, and then everything slowed down, like a muggle movie put on slow motion, her broom seemed almost to spin and then, suddenly it tipped and the speck that was his cousin began to tumble like a rag doll.
Albus heard someone shout “Rose!” and barely realised it didn’t come from his throat. He went to his leg for his wand sheath but by the time he had his wand and opened his mouth to murmur a cushioning charm or something to slow her fall-anything really, he wasn’t picky-she was already on the ground, but not because she had fallen at all.
Instead, Scorpius Malfoy had caught her, and now had her cradled in his arms like a bride or child, her arms and head thrown back in a way that scared the Potter boy, but what scared him most was a feeling of dread that despite his hatred for Divination, he couldn’t seem to shake or escape.