Here's a straight forward Prediction. Whether people believe in anything else, my Psychic Readings will always shine true. They may be off the Wall and where I say things way out in left field, but when they surface in the news, it aligns with what I said no matter how weird.
A woman was killed and a 9-year-old girl was wounded when a gunman opened fire during a church service, prompting frightened parishioners to duck under pews for safety in Zion Hope Missionary Baptist Church:
- Zion:
- I said 2/26/2006 about the movie "Matrix Reloaded" with Neo
- In the movie "The Matrix," Agent Smith is interrogating Morpheus and wants to know how to get into Zion
- Hope: I said 2/11/2006 that Bob Hope was born 5/29 like me
- Gunman Kevin L. Collins:
- I said 2/26/2006 that I rotated Davis out of the program.
- I said I'm Clark Kent (CK) while Davis would be my opposite as KC
- Initials of the Gunman are KC
- Kevin:
- I said 11/12/2005 that Isabella's boyfriend is named Kevin (like the Gunman)
- I said Isabel(O) = Isabel(LA)
- It's a variation of a Davis character trying to eliminate me but hitting the mother instead
- Mother was Killed: I said I'm the Virgin Mary or the Virgin MOTHER. We're talking "figuratively." I assigned the "Variable" to point to me
- Gunman was 24 years old: (2)(4) = BD. I said 1/7/2006 that Davis' Initials are BD
- 19-year-old girlfriend, Jamika Williams:
- 19 = S = Superman Symbol. I said I'm Superman (Assigned Variable pionting to me)
- J/Am/I-KA = Cross-Eyed(J/10/X) Father(Am/Non-Ma/PA0 God(I) Penis(Florida/Non-KA/Non-Alaska) = Mother God Penis. My name is Rod and I'm the Mother
- 38-year-old Rosetta Williams:
- I said 2/14/2006 that Jessica Jaymes is Number 38
- I said 1/23/2006 that Jessica symbolizes a Dead CHRISTopher Reeve
- Ann Armstrong, 30:
- AA = II = Gemini
- 30 = Wisconsin the 30th Stateinducted 5/29
- It reflects my Psychic Abiities that "see" things unfold
- GODchild seated next to Williams was hit in the hand by shotgun pellets: I said 12/31/2005 that my GODfather is born 9/18 for my Initials I/R
The reason why my Psychic Abilities function well is because I'm specific. I've spent the last two years defining so many variables that when Subconscious Minds act out certain "scenes," they set up the shot by putting in all the Elements that reflect what I've already defined.
So when the shot is ready, everything is set in place and then you begin shooting. It then gets put in the Associated Press published for everyone to see.
That's why I said 6/9/2005 that God is a Director. Mother Earth is the Producer providing the Resources.
As Go/D, I tell Mother Earth what I need to shoot a film. The Resources are brought together, the actors (Subconscious Mind) are hired for a role in the Scene, and then the shooting begins. The finished product is what you see surface in the news.
I do "Big-Budget Films" for the St. u Di-O. That's why I'm a Famous Director. You'll always see my work :o).
D-IR/EC-T/Or = Leo Female(D) IR God(EC/53/I-Periodic Table) Female(T/20/XX) Sun(Or/V in Philosophy/5/Leo)
The reason why I can pull this off though is because I'm like Clark Kent working for the Daily Planet. I work on behalf of the Planet in getting this message through so the Planet is throwing its support behind me by making sure these things happen or take place.
Not anyone can do it. That's why the Planet came up with this elaborate Decryption Code and Variables that assign Letters and Numbers so no one off the street can just imitate or copycat me and do whatever they want. That would be a disaster, especially if you don't have the Mental Discipline or Emotional Maturity to know how to responto sibly manage the Forces you're dealing with.
It's a lot of Electricity to be managing to influence people.
Shooting in Detroit Church Kills Woman, Hurts Two
Suspected Gunman Shoots Himself Dead After Attack
DETROIT (Feb. 27) - A woman was killed and a 9-year-old girl was wounded when a gunman opened fire during a church service, prompting frightened parishioners to duck under pews for safety. The suspect fled and later shot a man before turning the gun on himself.
Susan Tusa, Detroit Free Press / AP
Parishioners wait outside the Zion Hope Missionary Baptist Church.
The shootings happened in and near Zion Hope Missionary Baptist Church about 11 a.m Sunday and grew out of a domestic dispute, said police Second Deputy Chief James Tate.
The gunman was identified as 24-year-old Kevin L. Collins, who reportedly went to the church looking for his 19-year-old girlfriend, Jamika Williams.
The young woman's aunt, Connie Minter, told The Detroit News that Collins began shooting after Jamika Williams's mother refused to tell him where to find her daughter.
The mother, 38-year-old Rosetta Williams, was killed. A girl seated next to Williams was hit in the hand by shotgun pellets. The little girl is Williams' godchild, according to published reports.
Ann Armstrong, 30, of Detroit, watched the shootings unfold.
"I seen him come in through the balcony door, and he pulled the gun from under his coat," Armstrong said. "He just started shooting her, then he shot at the pulpit."
The gunman then left the church. The third victim, a man in his 50s, was in critical condition after being shot when he tried to protect his wife from a carjacking attempt by the gunman.
About 5 1/2 hours later, Tate said officers spotted Collins walking about a mile south of the church and saw him run behind a home. "An officer then heard a loud boom," Tate said.
Collins died of what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
After the gunman left, church members embraced each other before continuing to pray as police started coming in, Armstrong said. "It was a lot of crying, a lot of hugging and a lot of praying," she said.
Church members then continued the service, Tate said.
"They didn't let this incident stop the reason why they came to church," he said. "They came to worship."
The Rev. Curtis Grant, the church's pastor, asked people to pray for those involved in the shooting.
"The sanctity of our sanctuary has been disturbed," Grant said. "We're just trying to get the families and children through this tragedy."
AP-ES-02-27-06 0500EST
Updated: 06:52 AM EST
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