LESSONS: Jesus Christ Metal, Dr. Doom, "Star Trek: Voyager"

Feb 26, 2006 09:18

Writing this Journal Entry makes me uncomfortable because I prefer to be in the background where no one knows I exist. Fame and fortunate and great, but it's only a temporary high. As soon people know who you are and you reach Celebrity Status, you don't have anymore privacy. Worse yet if you're on the Level of Spiritual Healer.

In the news today it said Thomas Haley was unloading supplies for his job at Hardy's Hardware when he said something odd caught his eye: the face of Jesus Christ on a piece of sheet metal:
  1. Manchester: It's in Manchester
    1. I said I'm from South Kitsap
    2. Manchester is in Port Orchard and near where I grew up right across from the Manchester State Park
  2. Thomas Haley:
    1. I said 12/31/2006 that Bliss is Thomas and Sharon Thomas is the mother of Dean Cain (Superman)
    2. I said 2/23/2006 about Halley's Comet. Bill Haley and the Comets got their name from it
  3. Sheet Metal:
    1. I've been watching "Fantastic Four" every day for the last week because it's my new favorite move. Whatever I dwell manifests itself.
    2. I said 2/25/2006 about Johnny Storm with no pants
    3. I said 2/24/2006 about movies coming true
    4. Dr. Doom in "Fantastic Four" has command over electricity the same way that I have control over the Electromagnetic Field
    5. Dr. Doom's entire body transforms into Metal
    6. M.E.-T/AL = Mother Earth(M.E.) Female(T/20/XX) IR(AL)
    7. I said 2/17/2006 that "Fantastic Four" is an inversion of what happened 2 years ago where you had 5 Colors and I was the Rebel as Dr. Doom. The story line is inverted where I'm portrayed as the Villain
  4. "I feel kind of bad just pawning off Christ," Haley said: It's good publicity.
Why Does Rod Claim It's Him
Most people are going to wonder why I claim it's me:
  1. Location of Manchester
  2. Power of the Electromagnetic Field
  3. Precision of the Human Body
Going around and claiming that you perform miracles can be viewed as conceited. If you do stuff like that, you better make sure you can back that up or have some plausible theory as to how that works.

As I've said numerous times, the Electromagnetic Field serves as a broadcast signal. Everybody around the Planet hears it. Everyone's listening or is tuned in to it like people that listen to the radio while they work.

Your Human Body is the same way. You're the Radio DJ that is constantly talking to all the living cells in your body telling them what to do. That's what your Subconscious is taking care of. It makes a difference whether you're in a good or bad mood because it affects how your body performs. Depression can hamper your body.

I've said numerous times that the body is a precision instrument. I said 1/23/2006 that Kobe Bryant scoring 81 points was staged. Yes, Kobe has skill, but it's regulated by his Subconscious. He was also working in conjunction with the rest of the teammates on the L.A. Lakers and the Subconscious Minds of the opposing team.

When you write software programs and want a certain outcome, you lay out parameters. I said that the Planet functions just like a Super Computer. So when it says that it wants a game score, the Subconscious Minds like Worker Bees come together and hit that goal.

When I do Decryption Readings of movies and cite the Time Stamps and how they fall on specific times, that's because the Subconscious Minds of the Film Editors know the EXACT Time Index and length of the reels. The Camera Operators of the Film Crew are aware of the Time Index and it's transmitted to the Subconscious Minds of the Film Crew. So when it comes to cutting and editing, it's done with precision that is on a higher level than the Conscious Mind of the Film Editor.

As I said, the Subconscious Minds of all the people around the Planet (even those who don't speak English) know what I write in my Journal and what I talk about. So they time things that concide with whatever I'm saying.

Some of it takes time though. Things don't just manifest themselves out of nowhere.

It took time for that Sheet Metal to be configured to where it has that ghostly image. It had to be delivered to Manchester, CT. It had to be a Thomas Haley with a certain name to pick it up. That's quite a feat to pull something like that off within 6 days of when I watched "Fantastic Four" on 2/17/2006. In fact, I'd even bought the DVD about the time that I got the "Herbie Fully Loaded" DVD on 2/11/2006. I'd just been procrastinating.

I've known that all the things I do are be moderated by my Subconscious. I said 1/4/2006 that I'm the Car. I'm the Physical Hardware or High-Performance Machine, and my Subconscious is the Driver.

Batmobile Remote Control in "Batman Returns"
I'm the Batmobile while my Subconscious is Batman. As a matter of fact, in "Batman Returns" with Danny DeVito as the Penguin, you see that scene where all those freakish Circus Clowns find a way to unlock the security on the Batmobile and plant a remote control on the Batmobile.

That was ME (Rod) as the Batmobile. Then you see Danny DeVito as the Penguin having fun using the Remote Control to have the Batmobile with Batman trapped inside driving all over the place. Batman has to punch a hole through the floorboard of the Batmobile to yank out the Remote Control.

Do you want to know what that BULLSHIT was?
  • On Level, that was Davis as Da/NN-y DeVito (NN = 2x14 = Valentine's Day when Davis is born) using me when he was setting all the business accounts in my name and where I was the one who was being held accountable three years ago. That's Davis, as the Penguin, doing all this DUMB SHIT. That's why Penguin starts with P for the Aquarian Male
  • On another Level, that was Subconscious Charlie two years ago who found a loophole and plugged in and was having me running ragged as the Batmobile driving crazy all over Gotham City. Go-T/H-Am = IR(Go-Spanish) Female(T/20/XX) Supermman(H/Pisces/Fe-ET/Iron Alien/Man of Steel) Father(Am/Non-Ma/Pa).
That's why the Batmobile got completed hosed over and Bruce Wayne had to do repairs on it. It was Michael Keaton (MK) for the Scorpio(M) Isabella(11). Notice the franchise was then taken over by Val Kilmer whose last name starts with K, which is 11 for Isabella or 11/Aquarius for Davis.

There was a lot of crap that went on that I had to put up with. However, it took 2,000 years and 70 years worth of popular movies to condense what's going on now and to explain what's been happening.

When you're talking and explain how the "God Force" works, you can't explain it in a couple sentences. It takes multiple lifetimes and major events in history to be able to explain how it works.

It shouldn't come as a surprsie to anyone. If you have this perception of God, wouldn't it make sense that if God was explaining things to you, it would take longer than a lifetime to even scratch the surface in understanding God?

As I said, I'm just a Software Program and the "Voice of God." I'm just transcribing what the PLANET is explaining. I'm the Translator and nothing more. I'm going to be dead soon. This is just a way of explaining to the People of Earth how it all works so that people can know what to do and have a better understanding.

The Program is now set up and running, and I'm just the Instruction "Man u AL" that is teaching everyone how to read all the Signs and have a diret patch or link to the Planet to be in sync with it now that the Super Informational Highway is fast enough to allow people to keep up with World Events and keep track of bodily functions.

Living Human Cells vs. Living Planetary Cellls
The Planet is just like a big floating body orbiting the Sun. It's like a Huge Brain. The Human Cells in your body have a similar communication link to your brain that lets you know if you're feeling pain or whatever is going on.

The Super Informational Highway keeping people plugged in to World Events is like the Nervous System that can now send messages to people everywhere so that they know what's happening and can respond.

Human Beings are like Blood Cells, Brain Cells, T-Cells (Immune System), or White Blood Cells all rolled into one working on behalf of the Planet. They're the Defense System being installed and doing upgrades for the Planet.

Your Living Cells in your body do the exact same thing. In fact, I've even been working on a Theory that before people die, their Blood Cells and Living Cells are also conscious and somewhere in your lifetime finally realize that they're part of a living entity. However, since they can't directly talk to you, you never really know.

What's happening on a Global Scale is the Realization of all the Human Beings as Living Cells of the Planet finally realizing, "Wow, we're part of a Larger Living Thing." That's how it is with my own personal living cells.

I'm of the personal belief that they're all conscious and like "Super Cells" now. I honestly believe that my brain cells, blood cells, and muscle tissue have all gotten and understood the message that they're part of one larger living entity that makes up me.

That's how you get a "God Consciousness" on a Human Level:
  1. I said 1/22/2006 about the Meaning of Life and that we're all Gods.
  2. You are a God in your own right.
  3. Your Consciousness that governs over your Physical Body functions on the same principles as the Planet Earth as a Consciousness with all of us as microscopic living cells
  4. That's how the Planet functions. It may not be able to talk directly to its living cells on its body, but it can leave Signs
That's the same thing that I do as a "God Consciousness" with my body. I talk to my brain cells, blood cells, etc. on my body and treat them like living things independent of me as if it's a Corporation with each of my Cells as Billions of Employees.

"Star Trek: Voyager" Prophecy
I get efficiency out of my Body even though we're running on minimal capacity. I said that I've been suffering from malnutrition and not having enough food to eat because I've been saving money. Davis soaked up everything. I said 2/21/2006 about "Star Trek: Voyager."

I gave instructions to my body telling them that we're way out in the Delta Quadrant and have to conserve energy and find a way to be more fuel-efficient while we're way the Hell out in Siberia with NO HELP.

That whole television series about the U.S.S. Voyager being cast all the way out in the Delta Quadrant with no help is ME (Rod). I got shoved way out in outer space where there's no help and no reinforcements.

When I asked for help from Scott, Bliss, Isabella, and other people, they didn't believe my story about Psychic Phenomenon and thought I was just being delusional and should go in for Psychiatric Evaluation.

That's where the movie "Cast AwaY" comes from. You're stranded on an Island and separated from society with nobody to save you. That's how you get "Gilligan's Island" where they're stranded AND GET VISITORS that end up being rescued and leave the castaways stranded there.

That refers to all the people that I have shown the Decryption Code to and asked for help. Those are the people visiting Gilligans Island, take a look around, and then leave.

The fact of the matter is 95% of the people who read this stuff don't believe it or find it as just recreational reading for mild entertainment. The remaining 5% who do believe my story have no fucking clue what to do or how to help me.

As I said, the only way the remaining 5% can help me is Word of Mouth and telling their friends so that the word spreads. However, that's a TALL ORDER. You're asking complete strangers to walk up to their friends and say, "I found Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary, and God!"

Like that's going to go over well with their friends. That's why the people who DO believe what I'm saying can't even tell anyone because they'll be also branded as and nuts. Now do you see why I'm sitting in a rut?

That's why the only thing I know how to do is by writing Journal Entrie day by day by day that chip away at people's Skepticism by proving a consistent track record of Divination Readings and Psychic Readings that show up DAILY proving that I'm the real deal. It could take 10 years. You need a whole SHITLOAD of DATA if you're going to prove something like this. It could take an entire lifetime.

Hell, I could even be dead by the time enough people stumble across this Journal and say, "Holy Crap! He was the real deal and we totally missed him while hew as alive. Now he's dead and it's too late!" I wouldn't put it past the Planet. It has a perverted sense of humor and funny like that.

That's why right now, my current priority is fuel efficiency and finding a way to raise money to pull out of this Black Hole. It's no coincidence that Davis Black. The Black Community may be offended by this, but Davis is Black because it's the Black of Space sucking up all the Light. I'm the St.-AR and Davis just sucks up everything.

It's like our Solar System with the Sun (Rod) giving off Light and the Black of Space (Davis) just keeps on absorbing Light and never gives anything back. It's a really sad intepretation, but it's apt.

He's the Black Hole, and I'm the ship trying pull out of its Gravitational Pull. I'm not kidding. It's so sad. That's why he's such a bonehead.

Fantastical vs. the Mundane
As I said, there are no professions out there for "Superhero." Do you know of any job openings for Superheroes? I don't. That's why in the Special Features Section of the "Incredibles" DVD Disk 2, Brad Bird talks about the "Fantastical and the Mundane."

You have Mr. Incredible and his whilfe Helen who can do amazing things, but they're BROKE. They have these mundane things holding them down. That's why Bob Parr is so depressed working for an Insurance Agency being treated like dirt and talked down to by his boss.

I said 1/22/2006 that Disney Movies will always portray me as the Villain. That's why Bob Parr's boss at Insuracare is a dickhead played by Shawn Wallace. WA-LL/Ace. = Washington(WA) Good(LL/Non-L/7) Expert(Ace).

That's how you get shackled. This comes back to why I said Davis is the L/Am-P (Bad "PA" Aquarian Male), and I'm the Genie stuck or chained to the Lamp. That's why the Genie, played by Robin Williams, tells Aladdin that the thing he wants most of all is Freedom.

A-L.A./DD-in = God(A) Los Angeles(L.A.) Aquarian Male(DD/Non-d/P/d-upside down) Final(I+N=W)

That's why Aladdin is nicknamed the "Street Rat" and Davis is born Year of the Rat. Davis is Aladdin. He means well, but he's got that sneaky streak in him. You notice that Aladdin's a good person, but he's sneak thief because of his socioeconomic background.

That's why I'm Prince/SS J-AS/Mine. I said I'm of Royal Blood. J is Cross-Eyed because it's portrayal of me as a Good Female. Like I said, D is NE-Y always portrays me as the Bad Guy so a Cross-Eyed Bad Guy would be a Good Female.

Like I said, that's the Planet's way of tagging anyone who tries to claim that I'm fake or not to be trusted. Because they don't see the long-term benefits they're K/Ids who watch D is NE-Y movies.

That's why SK/ARR is "Lion King" is played by Jeremy IR on S. I'm the South Kitsap(SK) IRR(ARR). That's why James Earl Jones, formerly Darth Vader, is portrayed as Mufasa.

M u F as A = Scorpio(M/Isabella) in Union with(U) Bad(F/6/Non-9) as God(A)

That's why Maine is Ma in E in the Northeast. On another Level, the Planet is teasing about how I'm the Bad Guy because I'm working toward "liberating" the People of Earth so that they can take control of their Lives. As I said, as the current status quo goes, the Planet is sitting in the background manipulating people to do things and they have no idea there's a God Force in effect.

That, in itself, is a form of manipulation. The Planet realizes that by educating people like this, they'll be more in control and harder to influence.

I play Chess and the easiest way to win is when people aren't aware of your strategies and moves. You can use it on people.

For example, my Psychic Abilities are the most potent when people don't believe I'm capable. Their own ignorance is what allows me to "slip suggestions" to them and they think it's their idea. So they will do things working as unconscious agents on my behalf.

However, if you know I'm capable, you can "review your cell phone bill" for any "unwanted charges" or unknown numbers. You're always supposed to look over your bill to make sure no one is using your line.

However, if people KNOW that I'm doing it, they'll have a trained eye and be able to avoid it or stop it. That's why in the mean time, most of my power comes from Ignorance.

"A Spell for Chameleon" by Piers Anthony
I've even cited this in the book "A Spell for Chameleon" by Piers Anthony that came out in 1977, which is 77 = IR on the Periodic Table. It talks about the God Force where Bink had the special magical talent of being immune to Magical Attacks. His Talent was Sentient or Alive and worked hard to keep itself hidden.

The reason why it kept itself hidden was because it knew it was a powerful talent. However, it would be rendered impotent if people knew its existence. If you have someone who is immune to magical attacks, that could be a problem. That's why you kill them using mundane means like with a non-magical sword.

If the Magical Talent's identity was known during the childhood years of Bink, someone would just kill Bink off. Same with me. If people knew my identity, there would be someone out there who wouldn't want me around and would kill me off.

With Piers Anthony (PA/Father), you have the "Incarnations of Immortality" Series that talks about Potical Offices for the God Powers. "Being a Green Mother" was book 5 and one of the most plain. Yet it was the first I read. My favorite is "For the Love of Evil," which is book 6 for Sex. It's about Satan being humanized and seen as a good person who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and shoved with the responsibility.

Book 7 is "And Eternity" and is about God. It talks about a Female God replacing the old God. It even has a picture of an artist's representation of Sunny Leone on the front cover. That came out in the mid-1990s and Sunny Leone would only have been in junior high or her early teens.

"Matrix Reloaded"
There was that scene in "Matrix Reloaded" where Neo and Trinity are looking forward to getting to spend some time together and when they get home, there's are hundreds of Followers that have set up camp outside of his place that want to beg for alms, be healed, have him lay his hands on them, or give them direction and guidance.

Trust me. When people get wind of my Psychic Abilities and that they're legitimate and that I've been the one manifesting Signs all over the Planet, they're going to swarm me. On top of that, you're going to get a whole bunch of Religious Leaders and the Vatican who AREN'T going to like it.

If you think that the Vatican and the Religious Leaders are going to welcome me with open arms, keep dreaming. They're going to hate me because when they find out what my Political Views are and that I approve of the Adult Industry, Gay/Lesbian Marriages, and plan a complete overhaul on the System, they won't like it one bit.

As anyone knows, people are afraid of change. The current Status Quo will be unhappy. That's because they don't know what to expect. They don't know what I'm going to try doing.

Perhaps one thing I should state is:
  1. As of 2/26/2006, my current plan is not to take any donations or money from any of the churches. If there are any people that claim that they're working on behalf of me and going around collecting money for the "Rodillon Fund" is lying and a scam
  2. I'm not interested radically altering the layout of any of the masses. So Religious Figures and priests can breathe a sigh of relief. Besides, if you use the Decryption Code on all the Names, they all still translate to the same message. It's Mathematical. As a matter of fact, the different Religions become even more specific. You could even have MORE people subscribe to a particular religion because it fits their ideals better
  3. The only thing I'd be interested in altering and modifying is that 30 minutes speech or that time when they're speaking to the congregation. All they have to modify is using TODAY's information like History, Music from the 1950s - 1990s, television shows over the last 70 years, and Movies. In fact, you'll get more a more attentive congregation because you're talking about stuff that the congregation has actually lived through and not some stuffy old Scripture Reading 2,000 years ago that people can't even verify actually happened.
  4. The other thing I'd modify is the usage of the Churches. Do you know how EMPTY the Churches are when there's no mass? That is such a WASTE of space. You could do so much with that space and keep Churches fully active by converting them into Learning Centers and Universtieis. You can make them into Classrooms teaching Business, Finance, Child Psychology, Parenting, etc. You can get volunteers from the Local Communities to teach classes. Make it worth their time by having a Collection Plate that goes around in terms of donations for the person who is volunteering to teach about Finance, History, Art, etc. Then you get more participation. You can have the church fully functional and active 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It would help for all the poor people that can't afford an education or to go to clollege but have a thirst for Knowledge and want to better themselves.
Why I Won't Take Money from the Churches
The reason why my current position is not to accept any money from the Churches is because the minute you start accepting money from people, you have an obligation. If I was to start accepting money from the Vatican or taking a cut of the money from the Churches and Religions, it's like I'm getting paid for services.

Religious Denominations will then have higher expectations of me. As long as I'm not getting paid and not accepting money of any sort from them, they can't tell me what to do. As any Political Leader knows, it's a give and take policy where you'll have financial support from special interest groups for your political campaigns. Once you get elected, you owe them.

By not being tied to the Church and accepting money of any sort, they can't control me or tell me what to do. It may be lean times right now, but at least I don't have to worry about Religious Leaders trying to influence me. If they're paying me, then I have to listen to them.

It's also a smarter strategy because you put the pressure on the Religious Leaders because the people will be watching what the Religious Leaders do. The pressure of me. If I accept money, then the people will start scrutinizing me and whatever decisions I make.

If you're paying somebody and you don't like what they're doing, you're going to be pissed off after a while and asking, "What am I paying you for?"

It's the same reason why I'm glad I'm not sponsored by any Scientific Research Labs regarding my own Psychic Research. It's all out of my own pocket. Because I'm the one paying for it, I don't have to worry about any Sponsors telling me to "doctor" or "change" my findings to suit whatever they want.

IF I was to accept money from Churches, they could stick it to me and threaten to yank the funding or whatever moeny if I don't comply to their way of thinking. Right now, I'm a Loose Cannon :o).

St. Malachy Prophecy Revisted
As I said, it would be such a shame to see the Vatican or all the Religious Denominations be stubborn and refuse to budge on what's happening.

I've said 4/21/2005 about the St. Malachy Prophecy, which talks about the Destruction of the Church as predicted by an IR is H Seer who said that you'll get a Sign about the end of the Church.

It's all a matter of Interpretation. If the Church wants to view it as their destruction, the it will become a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. They'll crash and burn. The SMART srategy would be to adjust with the times and see it as updating the Curriculum and what is being taught.

I'm sure there are many religious leaders that would like something new or a way to bring more people back to the Church and get more believers. The Church runs just like a business and it has a product that it's trying to sell and get people to buy into.

People buy into Religion because they're looking for something to give them Faith and something to believe in so they don't lose their way and feel lost. I can understand that. Personally, I say that people should learn how to run off their own steam and not need Religion as a Crutch though. However, from a business perspective, the Church is a powerful organization. To just discard it or scrap it is a waste of Human Resources.

In fact, if the Religious Leaders were SMART, they'd capitalize on it and use it as a way of Unifying all or most of the Religious so that they're not splintered and then be able to push forward with their plans of install Churches in other 3rd World Countries so they can start outreach programs.

History and Religion
If you look History, the Religion used to be synonymous with Philosophy. It wasn't until St. Thomas Aquinas came along in 1,000 AD and taught people who to start thinking on their own because people asked, "What do we do if we don't know between right or wrong?" St. Thomas Aquinas was saying use common sense.

If The Church wants to survive, their best Strategy would be to switch tracks and align itself iwth Education. That's something people would support. As I said, if you convert all the Churches into Learning Centers and mini-Universities with volunteer staff teaching classes on business, relationships, psychology, philosophy, and such you'll bring people there. You'll increase the education level of the people. Those people and their children whom you educate will become prominent leaders in community for the future and give back to the community and possibly to the church.

As I said, the Public Education System SUCKS. There is so much the Churches could do to fill in the gaps of education that missing in the School System. If people are unhappy with the U.S. Government and the way that the Public Schooling System is working, they should pair up with the Church and give it new life by creating its own Schooling Systems.

The U.S. Government can't stop the Churches from teaching or rivaling the Public Schooling System. Who knows? The Churches could even take in some Tax Benefits if they can prove that they're serving as an Education Center that has staff in its employ.

I still personally think that the Donation and Collection Plate is the best idea. It's not that people are greedy, but time is money. I think it's fair if you make it worth certain the Educator's Time if you pass around a collection plate after the Professor or Teacher volunteering his or her time to teach a class in the Church.
  • If the Educator doesn't want to accept money, they can just turn the proceeds over to the Church itself.
  • If the Educator doesn't want to accept money but has a son or a daughter that is trying to raise money for college and that son or daughter is willing to attend with the Educator to serve as a assistant, have the money in the Collection Plate go to the daughter/son as the Teaching Assistant to save up for College or just be some spending cash
If the Educators volunteering don't want to accept money, they should do it for the kids. A lot of kids and teens have no direction. That's why they hang around and just loiter. Then they graduate from high school, don't have what it takes to compete against people who do have money and are able to affrod a college education.

Converting Churches into Education Centers
The reason why it would benefit children and teens is that it would prep high school graduates for the University Level and give them a head start. Most high school students aren't prepared for college. There are so many things with real life that adults could teach kids prepping them for living independently:
  • Finding an apartment space
  • Doing laundry
  • Nutrition
  • Contraception
  • Balancing college and a job
In today's world, there is just so much that you need to know that isn't being taught in Public Schools.

If the Church was smart, they'd convert over to Learning Centers and take control of Education by showing what's popular and what people are really interested in learning about. Then the Public Schooling Systems can follow the Church's Lead.

Don't Use Religion as a Crutch
The one thing I'll tell you though is that you shouldn't use Religion as a Crutch. I may be suggesting things that the Church can do to update its program, but people shouldn't be dependent on Religion. Period.

I'm simply offering suggestions to the Church because it's a waste to see an entire organization completely dismantled when it has a really good Communication System and can still get messages out to people. They just need to be very careful with how they use that Power.

Idolatry and worship of Deities was simply set in place 2,000 years ago because people didn't have a high enough Comulative Intelligence to understand the way the world works and what is around them. The Technology, Science, and Math had to be at a certain level.

It was just easier for the Planet to have people believe in Religion in order to explain things around them until our Level of Education was sufficient. The stuff I mention here is just an alternative to the Church. It's really up to them on what they want to do.

Man Sells Holy Hardware on eBay... Oh Jesus!
MANCHESTER, Conn. (Feb. 26) - Thomas Haley was unloading supplies for his job at Hardy's Hardware when he said something odd caught his eye: the face of Jesus Christ on a piece of sheet metal.

Thomas Haley hopes potential bidders will agree that the blurry oil stain on the sheet metal, as seen on eBay.com above, resembles Jesus.

Now, Haley and a co-worker are hawking the holy hardware on eBay, hoping potential bidders will agree that the blurry oil stain on the sheet metal does, indeed, resemble Jesus.

"I mean, it hasn't done anything miraculous as of yet, but seeing it is kind of groovy," said Haley, 23. "Just seeing it brightens people's day."

Haley said he was unloading a supply truck two weeks ago at the Manchester hardware store when he turned a corner and was awe-struck by the holy likeness gazing back at him from the $15.49 piece of sheet metal.

Since then, Haley and 18-year-old co-worker Jonathan Jackson have shown the piece to a few other workers and customers, and even took it on a short pilgrimage to a nearby hair salon. They say several people agreed with their assessment, although a few suggested it looks more like legendary rock singer Jim Morrison of The Doors.

"Some people said, 'Are you sure it's Jesus?' and I think, 'Who else would come to give us a sign, Groucho Marx?' " Jackson said. "I think it's a good thing. Maybe it's trying to give some people hope."

The online eBay auction for the potentially pious sheet of metal started Wednesday, but no potential buyers had placed the minimum $19.95 bid as of Saturday afternoon.

The auction is scheduled to end March 1 unless someone pays the "buy it now" price: $10,000.

Haley said that whatever money is raised will be split between him, Jackson, another worker, and two customers. But he's still a little ambivalent about the sale.

"I feel kind of bad just pawning off Christ," Haley said.

2/26/2006 07:57:56

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personal, miracles, davis, psychic, literature, technology, signs, religion, childhood, parenthood, authors, predictions, superheroes, science

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