Here's an example of political ripples or tides that occur with decision I make:
- I said 2/25/2006 that I was shifting Davis out of the program
- I said 2/27/2006 that Davis is the Letter P for the Aquarian Male
- Shouting "No to martial law!" and displaying anti-Arroyo placards: I said I've declared Martial Law. Some people don't like it. Not everyone likes having someone come in and seize control over everything
- Arro(Yo) = Arro(W) when God(Yo/I-Spanish) = Final(W)
I said that I get exhausted a lot and sometimes ask myself what I got myself into. Two years ago, I was just trying to rescue a Phone Sex Operator from being cruelly mistreated by her co-partner who was taking advantage of her. The next thing I know, I'm proverbialy dressed in drag acting like the Male Virgin Mary and Queen Elizabeth.
To make it worse, I ended up getting the woman I was trying to rescue pissed off at me, got branded as a Stalker, lost my friends who thought I went crazy, have to manage the Planet, and figure out how to launch one-man marketing campaign on behalf of the Planet.
What the Hell happened? Talk about being suckered into a job :(.
That's all it took. Dangling a couple pictures of a Penthouse Pet Model as bait and then WHAM the gates close. That's why I'm trapped in a CA/G.E. :(
I remember how my stepdad was alwasy trying to catch this crafty mouse in our garage. It always found a way to wriggle out of the traps my dad set. My stepdad said it was the smartest mouse he's ever seen.
He was finally able to capture it. My stepdad's not into killing animals (aside from three he's accidentally run over with the truck or accidentally stepped on). He took the mouse in his truck and drove a block away and set it on the ground.
He said the mouse looked up at him for a little while, then looked at the woods, and then scurried away.
I know all the animals that have showed up at our house when I was growing up and who they symbolize. The first one we ever got was Kam who was a pure white Labrador Retriever that my dad ran over with the car.
There was a cute kitten that found its way to our house years later. It was following my dad while he was cleaning the rooves of pine needles. the Kitten was following too close and when my dad set the ladder down, he stepped backward and accidentally crushed the skull of that poor kitten with his steel toe boots.
That kitten represented one of the original team members.
My stepdad was the one who always had to be the one who would go and bury the remains of all the animals out in our field.
That's the same thing with me. I inherited the sad role of having to "terminate" each of the former members and teammates. I bury them out in the [Electromagnetic] Field the same way my stepdad had to bury all those animals.
My dog Ringo Starr (named after the Beatles) was the last one to get run over in March 1999. He was the oldest:
- RI/n-GO = 5/29(RI) Nature(N) IR(Go-Spanish)
- On one Level it represents Bliss
- On another level it represents me
I said that that I never understood why my dog who was 14 years old ran under the wheel of the truck. He knew better than that. It was like he did it on purpose. I'll never forget that day because I had just played with him the day before.
It was unusual because I was busy juggling my colloege studies and also training for the a managerial position in Redding. My mom wouldn't allow Ringo in the new house because she didn't want dog hair and muddy paw prints on the white carpet. So he had to be put on a runner outside in the garage.
I always felt sorry for him. That's why that last day I came home from school that afternooon, I saw him there and just sat and played with him for a half hour. He was so excited to see me. He was always excited to see me every day even though I'd just walk in and out of the house not paying attention to him.
That's why the last thing I remember is rubbing his tummy and him smiling up at me happy. That's the last time I ever saw him. The next day I just remember my dad walking in with a grave face telling me that Ringo was dead. He had already buried him.
I had to go outside and take the garden house and wash all the blood offf the pavement of our driveway. I didn't cry. I just remember taking the garden house and washing the driveway emotionless like I water the plants or doing something mundane.
I wasn't until three months later when I was down in Redding, CA talking to my receptionist Misty and when I talked about Ringo I just started crying in front of her. I think it was a late reaction because I was so exhausted and so busy.
Ezra Snyder quit the Tacoma Branch in the middle of training so I had to from Port Orchard/Kitsap County around the Puget Sound to Seattle. That's a 90 minute drive. I was so tired from having to drive all the way there.
That physical drive represents what I've had to do in the Subconscious/Psychic Realm. People think what I do is easy and that I just waved my hands and suddenly got endowed with Powers. There was a lot of sweat and toil.
My Branch Office didn't do as well as it should have. That's a reflection of what happens when you're not aggressive enough with your sales reps to drive the sales. I'm the Sales.
S-AL/ES = Superman(S) IR(AL) Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW).
When it comes to "navigating the business waters" you need W-in-D in your S-AL/ES :P.
Did I mention where the Planet has a perverted sense of humor when it comes to puns?
When it comes to my Dog, not only was it Bliss from Liverpool where you have the Beatles, but it's most likely symbolic of the Planet Earth's Life Span on another Level and my dog's Death symbolizes mine. I know that I'm going to die as well.
I said I'm a trained dog. The Subconscious Mind would be my trainer. That's why a part of me is looking forward to finally finishing this task so I can just rest and go to sleep. I just want to finish my job and what I need to do for the Planet and then finally be able to sleep.
I'm so worn out. This comes back to what I said about God. They always talk about how God is the one who picks you up and carries you. However, what happens if you're God? Who carries you when you're tired and can't go any further.
This is why the last two years relied upon Sunny Leone as Helen of Troy. When I didn't have the strength to go on, Sunny Leone's face was what kept me going. That's why Superman got his Super Strength from the Sun(ny Leone).
Who's your Sun(ny Leone) or whomever that gives you the strength to go on?
- Is it your kids?
- Is it Money?
- Is it Love?
- Is it Success?
What is it that powers you? You need to make sure you choose wisely when it comes to your Power Source and where you want something that's self-sustaining. A lot of people choose the wrong sources of power:
- If you choose Beauty, it will fade and when a person's looks disappear, so does that energy
- If it's money, it's contingent on how rich you are
- If it's Love, it depends on who you love
So far the thing that keeps me going and doing this is because it's the right thing to do. It's morals and principles as the Primary Goal. The second is to win back my best friend Scott because he's my best friend and I don't want him to think that I went crazy. Scott's opinion of me matters and I'll never be at peace until he sees that I was telling the Truth about the Psychic Realm and I wasn't the Stalker that those women tried to make me out to be.
I had said that the reason why I was trying to communicate with them was to obtain their help because people were getting hospitalized and killed. That's why I keep submitting all this proof and research so that someday I'll be able to go back to Scott and show him that I was telling the Truth. I don't care if it's 20 or 30 years from now.
Once agan, this comes back to why I really don't want to hear about other people's complaints about how their lives suck. They take a lot of freedoms for granted like not being seen as crazy. People are so used to being seen as sane that they don't know what it's like to have to fight every day to prove that they're sane and where everyone already has a closed mind.
That's why when it comes to the Black Community, I know EXACTLY what descrimination is like. IN FACT, Davis is Black and he behaves the same way like everyone else even though he actually witnesses first hand Psychic Phenomenon.
That's how you get irony.
That's why I wonder if the African American people of today REALLY know what it's like to be discriminated like their forefathers 60 or 80 years ago or if they're just passing on the hate and being oversensitive and seeing things that may not even be there.
Are they sure?
Do they really know what it's like to have EVERYBODY looking down upon you? I know there are a couple of Racist White people out there, but have they ever had EVERYONE in the room look at you and discriminate against you like they do me when they think I'm crazy? Including women? Or where they tell their friends and their friends treat you like you have some Psychological Venereal Disease they're afraid they'll catch just by talking to you?
I'm just asking. Sometimes some people just assume.
I said that you have to be careful with women that talk about Stalking. They talk about women and their kind who get stalked and then other women hear the term and then just throw it around loosely to canvas just about any male that looks at them the wrong way.
That's why I have serious doubts as to whether women know what Stalking is. Yes, there are women who get stalked, but a group of women who just band together and brand one guy as a Stalker just because one woman says so and where whatever the guy says is immediately thrown out and distrusted is not very fair.
All it takes is just one woman who is spiteful and doesn't like a guy to point the finger and say that guy she doesn't like is a Stalker and you get a mob of women who don't trust men in the first place or anything they say that will jump all over the guy and form a lynch mob.
That's why I was so unhappy where the women brand guys as being stupid and you had one woman who believed what some guy told her. If it's true that guys don't give good advice or are stupid, one woman believing a stuipd guy that passes that information on to a group of women is a GROUP of women following what that stupid guy said.
That's why I get so mad. I lost friends over that. And why? Because I saw the Signs that guy was a Control Freak and threatened her. However, she was too dense to see his underlying motives.
She told me herself that he was pissed 4/2/2004 and threatened to shut down the business on her and acted rashly deleting all her business accounts on the system. Isabella just giggled girlishly to me on the phone and said, "Oh, it's no big deal. I'll jsut go in and reinstate them."
He was the one who was Psycho. I said that man needs to take some Anger Management Courses. I asked Isabella, "Are you sure you want to work with someone like that who's an Emotional Rollercoaster?"
I said that because that vile man called me up at 4 am in the morning Friday in February 2004 and started cussing me out for a full HALF HOUR. That man just went off on me because I had sent Isabella a "gift" of an Airbrush Kit that cost $340 that she had on her Wish List. Her friend Erin who was poking around in her E-mail for whatever reason saw the receipt and forwarded it to the that guy while Isabella was asleep and didn't know about it.
That present was really supposed to be between me and Isabella. Isabella could've handled it. It could've waited till morning. That's how you can tell that guy was a Control Freak and a micromanager. That's why I still say it's suspicious that she flew from San Diego to spend Thanksgiving 2004 in New York to be with him and then quit the business less than 2 weeks later.
When a business is doing well and you're the owner with employees working under you, you don't quit and go independent unless there's something wrong with the partner you're working with.
On another Level Bay City Blues runs parallel to my business relationship with Davis where I'm the Fe-Male Isabella and Davis is the WHITE Caucasian Male in New Jersey. That's why I keep saying people shouldn't be fooled by Davis' Skin Color and what he looks like on the outside. He may be black on the outside, but he's white on the inside. That's why he's an Oreo Cookie.
With me, I may be male on the outside, but I'm Fe-Male on the inside. The Planet set up a whole bunch of examples that align with what is said and done.
Police Charge 16 in Alleged Philippine Coup Plot
MANILA, Philippines (Feb. 27) - Police filed charges of rebellion Monday against 16 people suspected of plotting to overthrow Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, as dozens of protesters attempted to storm the legislature, officials said.
Among those charged were former opposition Sen. Gregorio "Gringo" Honasan, a veteran of past coup attempts in the 1990s, five members of the House of Representatives, a communist rebel leader and some soldiers.
"Leftist and rightist movements have conspired to overthrow the duly constituted government," said Virgilio Pablico, head of the police legal department.
He said police had gathered testimony and "pieces of electronic paraphernalia containing the membership and tactical alliance of the two movements."
Arroyo on Friday declared a state of emergency to quash what she called a coup plot. The decree has provoked a backlash, with even some supporters accusing Arroyo of needlessly curbing civil liberties.
About 100 left-wing protesters, yelling anti-government slogans, barged into the House of Representatives building on Monday to denounce the decree and the arrest of a leftist lawmaker, but were pushed back by police, officials said.
Shouting "No to martial law!" and displaying anti-Arroyo placards, the rowdy protesters ran past guards and entered the House lobby, but other guards quickly shut the main door to the plenary hall, where lawmakers had just gone into recess after opening their session.
Only two of those charged Monday have been detained, while the others remain at large. Left-wing Rep. Crispin Beltran and Philippine army Lt. Lawrence San Juan _ who was recently recaptured after escaping from military detention for a failed mutiny in 2003 _ were brought before a panel of prosecutors.
They refused to participate in the proceedings, calling them a sham.
Beltran's lawyer, Romeo Capulong, said his client was arrested based on a 21-year-old warrant, which he claimed was dismissed in 1988.
"We don't accept the legitimacy of these proceedings," Capulong told state prosecutor Emmanuel Velasco, after being prevented from making an opening statement.
"This is scripted, and we can't blame you because you are acting on orders of your superiors," Capulong said.
In a television appearance Monday, Arroyo said her government would work to prevent economic fallout from the political turmoil. She said several attempts to unseat the Philippine government since 1989 had undermined economic growth in what she described as a "steep price for political mischief."
"Our government will work twice as hard to ensure the momentum is not lost and that we avoid economic fallout," Arroyo said. Thanking those who remained loyal in the political crisis, she announced the government has earmarked money for salary increases and housing for soldiers, policemen, teachers and other government workers.
In a sign that efforts to force Arroyo were still alive, disgruntled marine officers urged people Sunday to defy a ban on rallies and turn out en masse to protect officers implicated in the foiled plot. The effort fizzled, however, after only a few thousand supporters heeded the call.
The head of the marines, Maj. Gen. Renato Miranda, was removed from his post Sunday, sparking a five-hour standoff by marines at their headquarters. The marines have been widely rumored to have been among military units involved in the coup plot.
The standoff ended peacefully when a massive street rally never materialized.
Military spokesman Lt. Col. Tristan said Miranda had asked to be relieved as commander of the marines for personal reasons was not been implicated in the coup plot. But other reports suggested he had been forced out.
The 8,000-strong marines are an elite, well-armed unit at the front line of the government's war against Muslim and communist guerrillas and al-Qaida-linked militants in the country's volatile south.
Two groups of lawyers and other citizens petitioned the Supreme Court to lift the emergency decree, saying it was unconstitutional. The decree bans rallies, permits arrests without warrants and allows the president to take over facilities -- including media outlets -- that may affect national security.
Schools across the Philippine capital were closed in an apparent bid to prevent students from protesting against Arroyo
2/27/2006 05:28:27
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