PROPHECY: $20 "Banana" Bill, “Men in Black, “I, Robot,” "Bewitched"

Jan 07, 2006 14:00

An article was posted in the Odd News about a $20 bill with a Del Monte Banana Sticker on it:
  1. Del Monte Bananas:
    1. I said 1/5/2006 that my business associate is nicknamed "Mont."
    2. I wrote a letter to my mom 1/7/2006 saying how nuts (bananas) my business associate "Mont" is trying to borrow more money from my family when he has already borrowed over 7 consecutive times over $45,000 unable to pay it back. I said he's more crazy than I am thinking my family would give him more money
    3. I said 1/4/2006 that Davis is "delusional" trying to borrow more money. I said he's the one who's crazy, and "he lives in his own fantasy world." That’s why how you get a Del Monte Banana on a $20 Bill for money that he likes to borrow :o)
    (1/4/2006 is 48 hours BEFORE that Bananas Note News Article Surfaced 1/6/2006 )
  2. My name is Isabelo. I said 11/8/2005 that Nicole Kidman was Isabel Bigalow. In the business marriage, I'm Isabel (Isabel Bigalow) the real Witch, and Davis is Darin. I said 1/6/2006 that I'm a Male Witch (Warlock)
  3. Dustin Johnston, director of auctions: Initials are DJ. I said “God is a DJ” sung by Pink
  4. Jason Bradford, president of PCGS Currency: PC/GS = Personal Computer(PC) Non-Supergirl(GS/Superman). Initials JB means the Cross-Eyed(X) Gemini(B/2). I said 12/30/2005 about the Initials JB. I’m a Gemini and my mom is a Sagittarius opposite of me on the 12-Slice Pie Chart
Will Farrell Jack Wyatt/Darrin. Jack Wyatt tries to retool the "Bewitched" Show all around him. I've been complaiining about how Davis thinks all the business deals he's closing is all solely off his efforts. He doesn't believe I'm Psychic and that I've been using my Psychic Abilities to draw in Leads and Networking Contacts like a Magnet.

That's why you see Isabel ticked off as Darrin starts to take over and get a swelled head. So she starts using her WitchCraft/Magic to fiddle with things causing Jack Wyatt to say and do weird things.

I've been doing the same thing where I've been fiddling with Davis' personality by going through the back end through his Subconscious and getting him to do things. That's how you go in through the back door of someone's mind and do a manual override on their cognitive thinking.

Hints of the Planet Being Alive and Sentient
Hints of Sentient Planet programming things like a Software Code. It knew that Davis woiuld try to give his own version or recount of the story. That's why the Planet had him born on specific dates and given a specific name that has more weight than any story he tries to come up with to contest my findings:
  1. Davis as born 2/14/1972 (Year of the Rat)
  2. Notice that bill surfaced in 1996
  3. I didn't meet Davis until October 2002
You also see how the Earth as a Sentient Being planned ahead. Prophecies and Worldly Events are nothing more than Planetary Events lined up to be carried out by Earth. It’s like a tiny blood cell in your body that is watching in awe as you as the Consciousness of the Planet does something as promised. To us, it’s nothing. However, to a tiny blood cell in your body trying to process the colossus effect of your actions that affect it as well as all its brethren blood cells, that would seem magnificent.

It’s like a tiny ant looking up at a human being and being in awe of how the human being can lift something that hundreds of thousands of ants combined couldn’t do. To the ant population, that’s amazing. To us as human beings, it’s no big deal. Human Beings take that same awestruck approach with “Prophecies” thinking it’s a really big deal, when it’s not. It’s just normal operations.

For example a person with a small business with minimal influence would be in awe of Microsoft that is a huge corporate conglomerate whose product with the Windows Desktop is used by PCs around the world. That’s a lot of influence and power. It’s the same thing with the Electromagnetic Field generated by the Planet serving as a Power Grid for the Communication Array that instructs all the Subconscious Minds to carry out assignments using the Conscoius Minds/Bodies as “organic machinery.”

”Men in Black” and “I, Robot”
Remember that scene in “ Men in Black” with Will Smith where that old guy was protecting something important and gets killed? When they do the autopsy, the brain of the deceased old guy opens up and there’s this tiny alien body that was inside with all these navigation controls that breathes its last breath. That alien was equivalent to a person’s Subconscious Mind operating the human body as a mechanized robot.

Remember at the end of the movie how that thing hanging around the cat’s neck contains a universe inside of it? That was the Planet giving humungous hint about the Universe. Technically, every human’s mind is like a Universe if you interpret each individual brain cell as a star or even a Galaxy. Life mimics itself on all levels.

We may be organic, but we still function on the same principles as highly evolved robots composed of organic tissue. That’s why when you watch “ I, Robot” with Will Smith, you see how Sonny is the first free will robot that can override its operating procedure and think for itself. That’s kind of like me. I override my programming and think for myself. Sonny is for Sunny Leone.
  1. Will Smith’s IMDB Number is 226, meaning the Gemini(2) Aquarius(26/Z). Davis is African-American.
  2. Will Smith is born 9/25.
  3. 925 is the same birthday as CHRISTopher Reeve.
  4. My birthday is 5/29. When you flip the 5 and the 9, you get 925. Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker was also born 9/25
  5. Both Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones are born 9/25 and got married
It’ s a very unique date because it means God(I/9) Jesus Christ(25).

Programmed Languages, Birthdates, Names
Here are other hints about Davis’ origin that has speical tags and indicates a programmed language setting things in motion:
  1. Davis was born 2/14. That translates to the Letters B-A-D
  2. I said 12/29/2005 that Isabella Valentine is born 11/11 the same day Washington State was inducted into the Union
  3. K = 11th Letter
  4. Bananas are high in Potassium
  5. K = Potassium
  6. K = 11th Letter
  7. Aquarius = 11th Sign
It's showing how Isabella Valentine and Davis are nice people, but their versions of the story on their relationships with me are criss-crossed and not cross-eyed. People associated people who ar cross-eyed as being mentally handicapped. I said 11 = 10 + 1, meaning the Cross-Eyed(10/X) God(1). Cross-Eyed (X) is opposite of II/Gemini and a Pair of "Eyes" that see straight.
  1. K = 19th Element
  2. S = 19th Letter
  3. KS = Kansas where Clark Kent was born meaning the Gemini(2) Superman(19 for Letter S or Element K)
  4. Year of the Rat: R/At = Gemini(18/2x9/2xI/II) Superman(S=AT=20/T-1/A=19)
  5. I said 6/25/2005 that I'm like Superman and Davis is like Man of Steel (John Henry Irons)
If you visit my Complaints section, I'm always bitching about how my associate takes a condescending air about my Psychic Abilities and thinks it's all him.
  1. Fixed = -11(FI/Unconditional/Non-If) Cross-Eyed(X) Education(Ed)
  2. Davis was specifically born in the Aquarius, which is the 11th Sign
  3. K = 11th Letter for KKK
  4. Chapter 11: Bankruptcy
You see how John Henry Irons falls off a Construction Building, and Superman swoops in and saves him. My family finances have been what has carried Davis and kept him afloat for two years. All the finances were written in my name. Not his. So when we tanked and fell into a financial rut, it was MY credit that went down the Toilet. Not his.

Planet's Definition of a Con Artist
That's why Davis hated the Psychic Reading that Lenny gave of him 10/21/2005 calling Davis a "Con Artist." Sneaky people will come up with a crafty answer to wheedle out of that accusation. However, the Planet knew that. That's why C/On Artist means a Dominant(C) Activated(On) Artist.

When you're being sneaky and manipulative, one consistent trait about such individuals that get people into trouble is that they had a "Dominant" Streak" and used their Influence to dominate or control the others to do something or have things done their way.

That is a more accurate perception. That's how the meek or shy people get abused or trampled on and they usually don't have the backbone or spine to stand up to the people who are using them.

The very people who are slick with words and crafty with Logic are able to give a charming answer. What else do you expect from people who are effective communicators that can outdebate, out-think, or out-rationalize you?

That's why a lot of innocent people get blamed or tricked into accepting blame for someone else who was sly or sneaky enough to shift the data around so it keeps the blame off of them.

For example, Davis has been trying to get me to sign for responsibility of $150,000 under my name. It's under the assumption that it's borrowed money. However, he hasn't fully thought through what will happen if there's a default or payment and where I'm the one held liable for it and not him.

That's the one complaint that I had with how Davis borrowed that $15,000 on 12/23/2005 where he gave my mom this long letter explaining how crucial it was to put money into Dave Summers who would refi and give us a loan of $100,000. $50,000 would cover the debts to my mom with money he'd borrowed and it would give him an extra $50,000 to use as working capital to make more money.

However, at the last minute, he chickened out and gave this lame excuse about how he just wasn't sure if he'd be able to find a way to pay back Dave Summers. It was a total 180 from the letter that he'd written my mom. It was as if he'd abandoned his self-confidence of his own abilities because he always talks about how he really doesn't need me since all I do is just send out E-mails without handling any of the calls.

Rather than informing me that he didn't turn the money over to Dave Summers. He covered it up and made it look like Dave Summers was the one who was taking his time with the refinancing. In some way, Davis thought he could make up for it and raise the $15,000 without me ever knowing. He finally had to admit March 2005 that he hadn't given Dave Summers any money.

To add insult to injury he even told Dave Summers it was my fault and that I never came up with the money in the first place because of family problems. That was untrue. I delivered on my part, and Davis knows it. He's the one who fucked up. That's why he's so stupid thining that my family should invest in a deal for more collateral and says that is shouldn't be about his credibility.

Davis is a very good communicator, but that doesn't mean that he's intelligent. Some people can communicate very well, but that doesn't mean that the ideas that they have are sound. It just means they're very persuasive. That's why you have to be careful about smoke and mirrors.

I've been very lenient with Davis. I don't say anything to any of the people who he has debts with that would love to use me as a witness. I don't say anything, and I keep to myself when it comes to whatever business deals he does so that I don't get sucked into whatever mess he has gotten himself into.

Not Getting Credit for Your Work
That's why I get irritated with how Davis is taking credit connecting with K.D. who led him to Q.T. who is going to produce the movie "S.B." for $6.5 million using from M.B.'s friend who owns a bank. Davis will make over $100,000 for closing it, and he talks about it as if it's all HIS money.

Now do you see why I get irritated with how he takes credit for what I've been doing? This is how we come back to working under someone when you're really the one driving the business. All Davis does is just go to the appointments. I've been the one making the "CA/LLs."

This comes back to how I said I'm a B/L.A.-CK Fe-Male, meaning a Gemini(B/2) Los Angeles(L.A.) Clark Kent(CK) Iron Male(Fe-Male) who is getting underpaid and not getting credit. With all the money that Davis was borrowing off my family, he's more like my Employee.

I said all the Letters in CHRIST = 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table. Tina Turner = Christina Turner. The abusive manager/boyfriend was Ike Turner. I/KE = God Aquarius(11) Sun(E). Lawrenche Fishburne's Initials are 12/6, which transaltes to 126 or 1/26 meaning God Z(Aquairus). Davis is Aquarius. Gemini is 2/II and Z looks like a hardened 2. Gemini is a Soft 2 (Mutable or Adaptable Air) and Aquarius is a Hardened 2(Z/Fixed or Opinionated Air). That's why Tina Turner was battered, bruised and bloodied.

I said Davis is abusive with the way he manages our business relationship. He pays off all of his bills because in his mind he believes he's the one who gets first dibs "for doing all the work."

That's why it's so sick the way he talks to me on the phone says, "Wow, what a coincidence that I met this guy from ________." He doesn't follow my Journal Entries where I post the day before about something and those people surface.

Collectors Go Bananas for Flawed $20 Bill
DALLAS (Jan. 6) - A $20 bill mysteriously printed on top of an ordinary fruit sticker sold Friday for $25,300, an auction company official said.

"I've collected for probably seven years now, and nothing comes close to the way people react to it -- their eyes pop out," said Daniel Wishnatsky of the "banana note." He is auctioning the bill Friday.

The flawed note bears a red, green and yellow Del Monte sticker next to Andrew Jackson's portrait.

The buyer at the auction in Orlando, Fla., did not want to be identified, said Dustin Johnston, director of auctions for Heritage Galleries and Auctioneers of Dallas.

The 1996 bill originated at a U.S. Treasury Department printing facility in Fort Worth, but how the fruit tag found its way onto the paper of the greenback is unknown.

"I've collected for probably seven years now and nothing comes close to the way people react to it - their eyes pop out," said Daniel Wishnatsky, a Phoenix currency collector who bought the bill online in 2003 for $10,100.

Jason Bradford, president of PCGS Currency in Newport Beach, Calif., authenticated that the error was genuine and not faked outside the printing plant.

Currency goes through three printing stages, Bradford said: first the back is printed, then the face, and then the bill receives serial number and treasury seal stamps.

In the case of the Del Monte note, the seal and serial number are both printed on top of the sticker, meaning the fruit tag must have found its way onto the bill midway through the process, he said.

The note, in nearly perfect condition, has achieved celebrity status among currency collectors, appearing on the covers of the Bank Note Reporter and Numismatic News.

1/6/2006 18:47 EST

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magic, humor, scott, davis, psychic, lessons, signs, debts, predictions, witchcraft

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