I think this is one of my best letters explaining how everything works in the Psychic Realm. I guess it just helps being repetitive and explaining it all the time so you can refine your approach and how you want to convey it to others.
From: Rod
Date: Jan 23, 2006 2:41 PM
Subject: Subconscious Minds, Dark Arts, Riding Accident, Your Dad
Dear Jessica,
I was attuned to you because of:
- Your name
- Your riding accident
- Mention of the Dark Arts
- Interest in Subconscious Minds
Your Riding Accident
Your riding accident is actually tied to your stage name and symbolic.
Events are moving in a certain direction. When you chose that name Jessica James, your Initials JJ translate to 10/10 because J is the 10th Letter.
CHRISTopher Columbus Day coincided with CHRISTopher Reeve's Death Anniversary. This plays heavily with the Planetary Alignment and Signs.
In your case, when you chose that name symbolic of Christopher Reeve, you mimicked this riding accident that crippled him.
Notice that his name has CHRIST in it. Singer Madonna is born 8/16 and she was in a riding accident on her birthday last year where the horse threw her off.
That wasn't an accident. That's why I thought you might like to know that your riding accident has more meaning than you realize.
Alaskan Volcano Eruption
I noticed you're from Alaska. Even though I hadn't met you yet, there was an Alaskan Volcano that erupted earlier this month.
The time index in which it erupted is significant because it was at 4:44 am. I know that date because Craig T. Nelson who played Mr. Incredible in the "Incredibles" is born 4/4/44, which is no accident.
Neither is Holly Hunter who plays the wife with Double Letters and who recently gave birth to Twins a week ago.
Subconscious Mind
I haven't read the book about the Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy, but I can tell you a lot about the Subconscious Mind because I've conducted multiple experiments.
The Psychic Realm and the Subconscious Realm coincide because it's about Psychic Energy in the form of Electricity. I talk about it in my Theories Section on my web site:
The summary of it is where the Planet's Electromagnetic Field serves as Power Grid that interconnects the Minds of all Living Things. Our Minds are like Organic Host Servers or Wireless Laptops with a LAN Connection.
The Psychic Realm runs parallell to the Internet and functions on the same principles. The only difference is that the hardware is organic and installed in your head and you don't need a mouse, computer screen, or keyboard because it's like a "Psychic USB Port" plugged in.
That's how you get Telepathy. Your Subconscious Mind is tapped into that and guides your Conscious Mind. Your Subconscious chose very specific things to write about in your page that stick out.
Your Dad
The Human Mind is like a House or a Car where it can have Multiple Occupants. It's possible to house other souls like residents or passengers in a car because the Soul is Electrical.
With your dad, you have to think of human lives like charaters in a movie or a television series. The Subconscious Mind is the Actor and the Conscious Mind is the character.
William Shakespeare said, "All the world is a stage, and we are but actors." William Shakesspeare's Subconscious was referring to humankind that takes on roles when they are born and then when they die, the soul goes on to a new role.
Past lives are like Film Credits of previous movies you've been in. That's why it was no coincidence that William Shakespeare was born on 4/23 and died on 4/23, which is when Jesus Christ was crucified.
So when it comes to your dad, his physical body may be gone, but your mind is like a house and the Spirit of your dad comes to visit "your House" or the inside of your mind from time to time. When you think about him, he's stopping by to say hello.
He may have moved on to another "Acting Role," but he's still associated with you. The cast of "Lord of the Rings" said how they were sad when they finished production and were excited when they all got to get back together to reshoot some of the scenes.
That's like Reincarnation with the same Souls that you knew in past lives. The point is that you can run into people again.
Communicating with Your Dad Beyond the Grave
If you ever want to talk to your dad, he's still there. Seriously. I commune with the dead all the time. You just need to forge a language composed of symbols.
A simple way to communicating with him is by assigning him numbers and symbols. When you give him icons or specific numbers that represent him, you'll establish a rudimentary Boolean form of Communication of Yes/No with him when he's sending you thoughts or ideas.
The easiest one is taking his birthdate and associating it with the time. I get data transmissions from the Subconscious Minds of all my friends and relatives.
My mom's born 12/8. So when I get a thought that pops into my head and my watch says it's 12:08 am/pm, I know it's associated with my mom.
My best friend is born 3/10. I get transmission from him that arrive at 3:10 am/pm. Whenever I see 310 when I'm reading a news article or on a car license plate, I know it's him.
Do the same thing with your dad and he'll reply.
Dark Arts
I don't know what your definition of the Dark Arts is or your Level of Expertise, but I work with the Dark Arts in the form of Witchcraft because it goes hand in hand with Psychic Abilities that is tied in with knowing how the Subconscious Mind functions
Ironically, I'm a Witch. My Subconscious Mind is actually Female while I'm physically male.
I always get a kick out of skeptics that laugh when I talk about Hexes and Curses because they don't believe it's possible to do it in this day and age.
Scientific Placebo Effect
There's Scientific Placebo Effect that is prevalent in today's society where they don't believe it's humanly possible.
However, it is because it's all about Electricity. Every individual gives off a distinct brainwave pattern that is like a "Psychic IP Address." It's jsut like the Internet. Administrators and people who have access can locate you by that IP Address.
The same thing goes for the Human Mind that emits a signal. By using that Signal, you can plug in to anyone, especially if they have a low "Psychic Firewall." You can install "Psychic Spyware" and "Psychic Trojan Horses" that can really mess up someone's mind. It's hilarious.
Most people don't know how to develop a Psychic Firewall or even grasp the concept how their Subconscious Mind is like an Operating System that is running and where people can hack your mind and install "Psychic Cookies" or "Scripts."
So when it comes to the way I perform Hexes and Curses on people, you can locate them and then you can shift the energy around them including the people who interact with them and cause a manifestation of evnts.
Psychic Auto-Mechanic
This is good stuff to know when it comes to Psychic Abilities, Subconscious Minds, and Witchcraft because when it comes to dealing with other hostile individuals, you know how to recognize hostile Psychic Attacks or Magic being cast.
The Mind is like a Car. I've been perfecting the technique for almost two years now on how you can fine-tune your engine. It's really good to know how to fix your car in the event that something goes wrong or someone tries to attack you.
I had a couple of instances where I was attacked last year and had to learn really fast who to defend and block against them.
Sex and Psychic Communication
I always like people in the Adult Industry because Sex and Psychic Communication go hand in hand.
Communication is Sex.
E-mail (Information Sperm) is deposited in a Mailbox (Vagina) and you open the letter (give birth).
In Mythology, they referred to Male Gods impregnating minds with the "Seeds of Knowledge." The breast milk from the Goddesses was for nurturing those ideas.
That's why you should always pay attention to who you're listening to and what they're feeding you. When people feed you bad ideas, that's bad food. When people feed you good ideas, that healthy food.
Good breast milk is when people nurture your ideas, bad breast milk is when people try to tear down your good ideas.
Psychic Sex
What people don't realize is that Subconscious/Psychic Communication is a sexual act. When you get Psychic Transmissions, you're getting "impregnated" with thought.
When you receive a thought transmitted from someone else, that's someone plugging into you and "depositing" ideas (information sperm).
I said that my Subconscious Mind is female. My female side is hungry for Knowledge and can't get enough. It's always yearning for more information and more data to be sent to it.
That's why I joke about being an "Information Slut" or a "Psychic Slut."
Psychic Bukkake Transmissions
When you see scenes of bukkake sex where you've got one female who is surrounded by a whole bunch of men that are shooting cum all over her, that' symbolic of the Psychic Realm where you have one Host Server (your mind) serving as a data node and other Host Servers transmitting data.
It's about a whole bunch of information being sent by multiple sources at one time and attempting to catch all of that "information cum."
Psychic/Subconscious Orgasms
When it comes to the volume of information, that's the amount of cum that is being given. You see examples of where a girl is sucking cock and the guy blows his load all over her face.
When she's swallowing it, that's symbolic of ingesting information. When there's a lot of information and not all of it is getting swallowed, that spilled information is like cum all over a woman's face that isn't licked up and is drooling out of her mouth.
The intensity of an orgasm in the Psychic Realm is how much information and how fast.
It's funny how women look down upon geeky nerds that cum within seconds of being in contact with a hot female or only last for a short while.
If you translate it into a data download, a geeky nerd who blows his load in seconds is like a DSL download while a guy who takes for ever to cum is like a 56K Dial-Up...LOL
Conversely, good sex is like good communication. It's where the exchange with someone is gratifying. So it's a prolonged enjoyalbe interaction or experience.
The point though is that an intense, major orgasm represents a lot of information. A small orgasm means that the person depositing that information really didn't have much of information value to say or communicate..
Brittney Skye
Your Subconscious Mind posted a picture pf Brittney Skye for a reason. It's because your Subconscious knew I'd be communicating with you and is aware of the relationship between me and Subconscious Brittney.
Conscious Brittney has no clue about me. She doesn't know anything about me in the Conscious World. I've told her that there was a mistake almost two years ago where someone else was using her pictures.
I said that everyone gives off a distinct brainwave pattern. When I connected, I thought I was communicating with the individual who was usurping her pictures. Instead, I got rerouted to Brittney's Subconscious Mind.
That's why I was confused as to why Subconscious Brittney was behaving differently and nothing like the individual pretending to be her.
The individual pretending to be her was a female who has a marketing degree and is extremely analytical. I don't know Brittney personally, but from what I've read about her once I discovered her true identity appears to match the personality I met in the Subconscious Realm.
Your Subconscious your Twin and it's like a running programming based off of all your core values and beliefs.
I was accidentally assigning Subconscious Brittney assignments thinking she was a Marketing Expert and Subconscious mind of Brittney was acting weird on me. She would get frustrated easily, and I could never undrstand why.
Now I know why.
Sex is Actually a Good Thing
Interestingly enough, if you pay close attention to all the stage names of the Adult Film Stars, they have very specific initials.
Hugh Hefner has a Double H for a reason the same way that Marilyn Monroe who launched the Playboy Empire is MM.
Sex is actually healthy and a good thing. However, it was taught as bad 2,000 years ago because the objective was to focus humankind on developing Natural Sciences, Math, Social Sciences, and Technology first in order to explain conceptually how Psychic Abilities function.
If people were told that Sex was really a good thing, the Cumulative Intelligence of Humankind would be much lower right now and we'd be wallowing in poverty and with more 3rd World Countries.
Famous historical figures wouldn't have come into existence because their parents, grandparents, or someone in their ancestry wouldn't have gone on to have been successful because they either wouldn't have gotten born or would've been too busy FUCKING.
However, we've now reached a plateau in Society where we can now progress onto the next level.
That's why I can personally tell you that some great changes are in store for the Adult Entertainment Industry to where Sex will be seen as an acceptable profession.
Hopefully, you'll find some of this information useful in your own research and whatever it is you're trying to uncover about the Subconscious Mind.
Even when it comes to the existence of God or development of Spirituality, the answer is actuall in the Mind. It's all a matter of knowing how to understand how Life mimics itself on all levels.
If you have any questions or would like to chat some time, let me know. You seem like one of the people that would actually understand the terminology I use.
I talk to people about this stuff and it just goes over their heads. I did read "Love Signs" by Linda Goodman, but that was before I uncovered my natural Psychic Abilities.
There's some valid information embedded in the Astrological Charts. I'm Gemini by the way, which is the Sign of Communication. That's why your Subconscious posted mention about Geminis in your Profile :).