★ Experiments
As you may have noticed, when things happen, it usually affects the entire experiment group. But sometimes, it’s just not viable to test every single subject. Sometimes it’s just better to nab some unsuspecting sap, tinker with them and promptly kick them out the door to see what happens. This is what individual experiments are for.
★ Scope
Experiments can affect a person or a reality and have a fairly broad range. Some possibilities are making someone mute, psychologically reverting someone to their childhood, replacing their world with a giant candy shop, or making it so that Brian Blessed is inexplicably narrating their lives. While Meredith and the Twins are limited in what they're doing, and while the Twins are trying to learn not to do terrible things to good people, other powers can get their hands on the Machine, and they may choose to subject participants to any variety of experiment.
However, some experiments are simply not possible. For that reason, we ask for all experiments to be approved before they are implemented.
★ Solvability
Some experiments can be solved. If, for example, a character suffers memory loss, this may have been induced by psychic means. As such, a character with psychic abilities may be able to go into the amnesiac character's head and solve the problem. Whether or not this is possible is left to player discretion.
If you want it to be possible for your experiment to be solved, please be sure to include how you want the experiment to be done (nanobots rewiring mind, a curse) and how you would like it to be done (Electromagnetic pulse, a neutralizing spell).
★ Form
If you wish to have an experiment done to your character, please fill out the following form.
Character Name:Character Journal:Experiment Effects:Solvibility:Duration of Experiment: Under the 'effects', we would like a description of what you would like to happen and any side-effects or permanent effects it may have. For example, if you want the reality altered into the character's nightmarescape, then will parts of the nightmare land still linger afterwards?
As for duration, we at least need the starting date you would like and a rough guess at how long it will last. Naturally, sometimes something sounds good in theory and ends up being better suited for a shorter span. Conversely, sometimes things need to be drawn out for longer than expected. We like to use these as rough ideas for helping us plan game-wide plots without interfering in too many individual experiments.
If you've any further questions, just prod a mod!
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