I read through
this post and would like not to let it pass without comment. In the first part of my response I will do my best to explain how Dean’s behavior toward Sam meets a lot of the criteria for intimate partner abuse, because the OP does not seem to grasp the argument we are making. I will assume good faith, though - this is a difficult
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Comments 48
*I'm actually not sure how much all of the angels can be said to have chosen certain courses of action, but they are certainly considered to be accountable by fandom at large.
ETA: I have major PTSD but it hasn't made me repeat the pattern. I made that decision.
Oh, totally. Dean learned his bullshit somewhere. It doesn't mean he cannot help himself or that he's entitled to cause pain because of it (especially not to Sam, since even under the stupid ~cosmic justice~ rubric, John put Sam through quite enough as well). People adapt; sometimes those adaptations are perverse.
Dean came busting in saying THERE IS NEVER ANYTHING I WOULD PUT IN FRONT OF YOU when in fact we'd seen him do that for a good part of S8.
ha, yup. Dean's ~poor bruised fee-fees have been leaving Sam in the dust for a long time.
That response of Dean's really angered me, because it did not seem to come from a truly loving place. Screaming at someone who is that vulnerable is showing love? I don't think so.Yes, exactly. It takes a pretty special kind of asshole to make "I don't want you to die" be just blatantly ( ... )
And yes, I've always found it very telling that Dean's admission of culpability for his part in the apocalypse is about something he was forced to do and that he knows nobody blames him for, and not at all for his part in increasing Sam's vulnerability to Ruby's manipulations and gaslighting with the shocking uptick in his own abusive behavior. (As much as I admire Sam for wanting to step up and make things right, IMO he would be entirely justified if he had decided to blame pretty much anyone else for his ( ... )
I'm curious to know whether you think the writers have deliberately written Dean has an abusive character? Over the years they have added canon to suggest that John was possibly abusive - certainly neglectful. Do you think they've just added canon over the years that have built up a picture of an abusive person or that they've deliberately set out to make him one?Authorial intent is slippery, and I don't think I really read enough interviews to go as far as one can with it, so all of this comes with a big HIGHLY SPECULATIVE disclaimer. On top of that, this is the kind of thing that happens slowly and people don't usually notice IRL, otherwise everyone would bail on abusers quickly and with ease, and I think it also got worse and worse over time and the people who lived with Dean in their heads could easily have been lacking in perspective in a similar way ( ... )
The one where they work together, they make each other human, they share the crappiness and they appreciate the sacrifices each other has made. The one where they prank each other, share a laugh, a beer and a joke. I've seen many say this relationship is dead.I don't think it's dead, so much as I think we're finally acknowledging that it wasn't what it looked like. It wasn't an equal give-and-take partnership. It's just that the power imbalance was buried - Dean wants to hunt, Sam doesn't want to hunt, the show is about hunting so we take it as a given that Dean will get his way 100%. Dean really didn't appreciate the sacrifices Sam has made, not nearly so much as Sam has made a point to appreciate him, but nobody articulates that point so it skates by the audience. Sam is always `~learning some lesson~ about the relationship between John and Dean, while Dean still refuses to acknowledge that John was extremely abusive to Sam as well - and people still take Dean's skewed POV as evidence that John objectively was a loving ( ... )
And yeah, fanon-Dean is frustrating because he is so wildly different from canon-Dean.
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