Chloe and the Immortals

Aug 29, 2007 12:34

I'm posting this to organize all of my Chloe and the immortals fiction.

Summary: In the future, Chloe's metahuman healing powers have turned inward and made her ageless.  As she wanders through time and space, she's made friends with a group of odd, sword toting men and women who don't seem to be getting any older either.

The Five Times Immortal!Dean met Meta!Chloe -- A crossover between my series and
's Immortal!Dean  series.  Takes place before, during and after the Chloe and the Immortals series, and really just goes to prove that the two series take place in the same universe.  
Chapter1: When First We Met
Chapter 2: Never in a Million
Chapter 3: Kids These Days
Chapter 4: Against Her Will
Chapter 5:When the Fighting’s Done

strangevisitor7 wrote a continuation of chapter 1 of this story.  It's entitled We Can't Keep Her.
Part 2 is called Not Looking for Trouble.  Directly following these are the stories Nobody's Girl, and And then I crashed into you.

A Kiss Is Just A Kiss -- Takes Place after Nobody's Girl and And Then I Crashed Into You.  While on the run from an unaging supervillian, Chloe takes the time to warn her friend Richie Ryan.

Beautiful Disaster -- Chloe calls Sam Winchester to say goodbye one last time.

When Chloe Met Methos -- She doubted very seriously that he’d ever watched a fellow Immortal challenge the wrong person, get shot dead for his troubles, and then have the challenge-ee subdue the challenger rather than take his head.  Which would probably explain his amusement with the situation.

5 times Meta!Chloe thought about telling Immortal!Dean her secret -- Chloe has a secret.  Dean doesn't know.  Here's why.

You Go First, Ensign Red Shirt -- Chloe, Methos, a multi-generational starship, and an arguement on blending in.

In Space, No One Can Hear You Snark -- Methos wonders how Chloe Sullivan is immortal (lower case) without being Immortal (upper case).

The Really Long View -- What do you do when your ship is broken down on a desert planet?  You could wait for help, or you could make your own help.

Just Killing time -- Methos has a lot of time and a lot of space.  All of time and space, actually.   And a lot of boredom.

The One Left Behind -- What do you do when you're the one left behind?  (hanky warning!)

Gestalt Therapy Courtesy Chloe Sullivan --  In the shared verse of Meta!Chloe and Immortal!Dean, Chloe kept her unaging status a secret from Dean for several hundred years.  This is what happened when he finally found out.

Lost in Space -- After an accident leaves Chloe with temporary amnesia, she and Dean have to face some uncomfortable truths about her past.

Chloe and Methos Save the Planet -- Takes place between chapters 4 and 5 of The Five Times Immortal!Dean met Meta!Chloe .  Chloe enlists Methos in a plan to steal her stuff back from a planet filled with religous Zealots.

Losing My Religion -- Followd directly on the heels of Chloe and Methos save the planet.

Note: Both Chloe and Methos Save the Planet and Losing My Religion could be seen as companion pieces to Strangevisitor7's story The Rescue of Richie Ryan.

Since I found Serenity -- by Strangevisitor7 Crossover with Firefly.  The gang's all here.  With a major surprise!


galathea_snb made an awsome manip of immortal!Dean.

An AU of an AU:
Anticipation -- What if Dean found out about Chloe sooner?

Not Exactly Romeo -- The same story from Dean's Point of View.

Meet the Chloe - Hallmark didn't exactly make "Thank you for putting up with my immortal brother-in-law" cards.

Family ties - Chloe gets the family she never really had. Complete with feuding siblings.

If Life Stayed The Way It Was -- It's Chloe's Birthday (a Chloe, MJ and Katie Fic).

And yet a different AU (Crossover with all of my other verses)  Interdemensional hopscotch.  Dean has been on a long journey, Sliders style.

highlander, chloe and the immortals, smallville, chloe

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