Fic: Not exactly Romeo (1/1)

Oct 23, 2008 10:06

Fic: Not exactly Romeo (1/1)
Summary: An AU of an AU Crossover. Takes place in the Immortal!Dean and Meta!Chloe universe. Companion piece to Anticipation.
What if Dean found out?
Author: pen37
Fandoms: Supernatural/Highlander/Smallville.
Characters: Chloe, Methos
Rating: PG for Language.

A/N: This is a story set AU to mine and Strangevisitor7's Immortal!Dean Meta!Chloe universe. In the primary storyline, Dean did not find out that Chloe was an unaging meta for several hundred years. In this AU, he found out a little bit sooner.

The phone ringing in the middle of the night pulled Sam from an interesting dream involving Katie and a can of whipped cream.

“Get it, it's probably Dean.” Katie prodded his side, mumbling almost incoherently.

Sam grunted at that and reached for his cell phone on the bedside table. She was probably right. Dean was about the only person with the lack of couth or boundaries to call in the middle of the night.

When the kids had been small, it never failed to wake them. Now it was just damned annoying.

Sam pulled the phone off of its charger, flipped it on and held it to his ear. “Dean, so help me, someone had better be dead. And I mean in the Sam, come help me hide this dude's head sense.”

“Chloe's alive,” Dean's voice was clipped. Angry. Like he was seconds away from throwing punches.

“What?” Sam nearly dropped the phone. He sat up in bed. Katie opened her eyes next to him, and sat up with him. “Hang on, Dean. Katie's up.” He covered the mouthpiece to give her a brief explanation. “Chloe's alive.”

“Who's Chloe?”

“The one that got away.”

“In the duel to the death sense?”

“No, in the Dean was in love with her and was an idiot sense.”

Kate's eyes rounded like saucers. “Dean was in love?”

“Not that he'd admit.”

“And you all thought she was dead,” Katie surmised.

“For about five years now.” Sam scrubbed his face with his free hand. “She was a reporter. We thought she died in a plane crash.”

“Five years - That's why Dean tied on the mother of all benders. No one would tell us what was going on. The kids were worried.”

“Yeah.” Sam nodded. “Dean didn't talk about Chloe. Ever. Richie kept prodding him to go after her. But you know how it is. Mortals and Immortals.”

“Very Bridges of Madison County,” Katie sighed.

Sam pulled a face at that. That movie was not one of Eastwood's best.

“So where is he?”

“Good question.” If Chloe was alive, Dean had probably done something irrational and stupid.

Sam put the phone back up to his ear. “Where are you?”

“Dunno dude,” Dean said. “The armpit of the world.”

Sam buried his face in his hand.

“They speak Spanish here, and the beer is watered down worse than Bobby's,” Dean added.

“How did you find her?” Sam asked.

“Ask Richie,” Dean spat back.


“Jerk knew she was alive all along.”

Sam refrained from commenting. When he got back, Dean was probably going to bring a special kind of pain down on their friend. Sam knew that was Dean's right. Still - Chloe had been his friend, too. So he'd probably help Dean come up with the kind of creative revenge that would make Nair look tame.

“Is Chloe there now?”

“You think I would be here if she wasn't?” Dean snapped.

“And you've seen her?”

“Yeah,” Dean laughed bitterly. “You could say that.”

“How does she look?”

“Aside from the brown hair? Exactly like she did when we last saw her.”

“What?” Sam wrinkled his forehead. Next to him, Katie gave him a searching look. What? She mouthed.

“Hang on Dean. Katie wants in on this conversation.”

“Fine,” Dean said shortly.

Sam thumbed over to speaker phone. “How is that possible? I thought you guys had an early warning system to spot one another.”

“She's not an Immortal,” Dean said. “She's got some kind of Wolverine-healing power. She doesn't age.”

“Did she say why she didn't tell us?” Sam tried to keep the hurt out of his voice. Dean had enough hurt to go around. But next to him, Katie looked concerned.

“I - didn't exactly give her the chance,” Dean said. “I've kind of been yelling at her for the past two hours.”

Katie snorted. “Oh, that's going to win her over. Smooth, Dean.”

“What do you expect?” Dean snapped back. “She's been lying to me for thirty years.”

“From what Sam tells me, you've only thought she was dead for five years,” Katie said. “I don't seem to recall you swallowing your pride and tracking her down before that.”

Dean let out a long, weary sigh. “Fine. What do I do?”

“For starters, did she take off once you were done with your two hour yelling match?”

“I. . .” Dean cleared his throat. “Kindachainedhertomybed.”

“What?” Sam exclaimed, feeling like a broken record. Meanwhile, Katie leaned back, buried her face in her pillow and howled in laughter.

“Katie's laughing, isn't she?” Dean asked.


“I'm dead, right?”


“Aw, nuts.”

When her shoulders stopped shaking in laughter, Katie sat up again, wiping the tears from her eyes. “On the bright side, I don't think she'll take your head. But it might be kinder if she did.”

“Great,” Dean sighed.

“I recommend groveling.”

“Groveling. Check.” Dean said.

“That's assuming she hasn't escaped,” Sam said. “The way I remember it, she was almost as good with locks as I was. Who knows what she's been up to all alone in your room.”

“Shit!” Dean swore. “I gotta go!” The phone clicked off.

Sam turned to Katie with a bemused smile. “Chloe's alive.”

Katie smiled back. “It's about time your brother had someone to keep him in line. Duncan can use the break.”

Sam smiled at her. “What will he do with all that extra time?”

Katie shrugged. “Take up building model ships?”

Sam laughed as he turned out the light. In the dark, he reached for her. There was a certain dream that he felt like re-creating.


Dean peeked his head gingerly into the motel room, expecting Chloe to either be gone, or at the very least, lurking in wait to do him bodily harm.

To his surprise, she still had one leg chained to the bed.

Of course, she'd also drug it across the room, gotten into his tool box, pried apart her laptop and satellite phone, and rigged some kind of mobile NORAD station.

The second she spotted him, she glared a stone-cold death-glare at him.

Dean pulled out a white hanky, and waved it at her.


In response, she turned back to her work. “I hope you know that this little stunt undid thirty years worth of work.”

Dean looked around the room in confusion. “I thought by now you'd either be gone or ready to kill me.”

“Damage control takes precedence over petty revenge,” Chloe said as she continued to work on the computer. “I've been trying to keep you Immortals off the radar of certain people. Those people tended to watch me closely. I'm pretty sure that after tonight, they're going to know all about you, the rest of your family, and all the Immortals. The best I can do is mitigate things.”

Dean looked at her in confusion. “What are you Chloe? Some kind of secret agent?”

Chloe looked up at him, but said nothing.


As he walked into the room, Dean hit a tripwire strung at ankle height. He pitched headlong to the floor, falling into a heap at the foot of the bed. He looked down at his feet - which were now bound up in the remains of a trap made of dental floss.


“I had to improvise,” Chloe leaned over the edge of the bed to smile at him - a genuinely happy smile. “Lucky for me, you're concerned about your teeth.”

With a groan, Dean climbed onto the bed next to her and unlocked the leg iron.

“Feel better?”

“Yes,” she said.

“Good. Now - who are you trying to stop? Dr. Evil?”

“Genghis Khan,” She said.

Dean waited for the punchline. When none came, he started to realize that she was serious.


She raised an eyebrow - and suddenly, Dean realized that life just got a whole lot more interesting.

highlander, crossover, chloe and the immortals, fanfic, spn, fic, dean, methos, strangevisitor7, richie ryan, dean/chloe, immortal!dean, supernatural, chloe, chloe/dean, smallville

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