Fic: Lost In Space (1/2)

Jul 01, 2009 14:51

Fic: Lost in Space (1/2)
Summary: A story to fill in the missing years in the Immortal!Dean/Meta!Chloe shared universe that Strangevisitor7 and I share.  When an accident leaves Chloe with amnesia, some ugly truths come to light.  Takes place in between Gestalt Therapy Courtesy Chloe Sullivan and The Rescue of Richie Ryan
Author: pen37
Fandoms: Supernatural/Smallville/Highlander 
Rating: G

Ch. 1, Ch. 2

They found Dean and Chloe in the debris field of what used to be the Impala. Dean had the classic signs of death by rapid decompression. Chloe had been stuffed into an EVA suit, and had obviously put herself into a vegetative state to conserve oxygen.

Duncan and Richie moved them both to the med bay on his ship. Dean returned to life within a few hours. For Chloe, the healing process was somewhat slower.


Dean sat up, gasping at the sudden influx of air. He frowned at his condition. The last thing he’d remembered was the blaring of the Impala’s  claxon as he shoved the helmet of the EVA into place over Chloe’s head and her sad wistful smile as she mouthed. Wish me luck.

He stood, stripped away the shredded remains of his torn shirt, and looked around. The med bay seemed quiet except for the heart monitor that pulsed next to the bed across the room.

Dean walked over, and looked down at Chloe’s sleeping form.


Dean turned to see Duncan’s welcome form filling the doorway. He gave a sad smile to his friend and mentor before turning back to his blonde partner. “How is she?”

Duncan moved to stand next to Dean. “We received your distress call, and got there as quickly as we could. But it was a lot longer than you would have liked. Chloe apparently turned her oxygen supply down and induced a coma so that she could survive. Her brain appears to be repairing itself, but she hasn’t woken up yet.”

Dean nodded. Then he pressed his forehead against hers. “She will. She’s strong.”

Duncan clasped his hand over Dean’s shoulder. “I called Methos.“

“Thought you might,” Dean said. “He’s the closest thing she has to family.” Neither man spoke out loud the thought that Methos’ medical training and his long friendship with Chloe may be needed if the worst happened.


Neither Duncan nor Dean were in the med bay when Chloe woke up. Instead, Richie was sitting across the room in Dean’s bed, reading when the tiny blonde suddenly cried out and rolled from her bed to the floor.

She sat up slowly, eyes wide and unseeing, clutching a sheet to her.

Richie was kneeling by her side in an instant. “Chloe? Are you okay?”

Chloe turned toward the sound of his voice. A spark of recognition caused her eyes to narrow. “Richie?”

He smiled relieved that she knew his name; it was a good sign. “What are you doing here?”

Richie's smile evaporated. “Chloe? Do you know where you are?”

A confused smile tugged at the corner of her lips for an instant, then turned into a frown. “I’m still aboard the Noah, aren’t I? I thought Methos was the only Immortal on board.”

Richie swallowed, hard.  The Noah had been the first ship that Chloe and Methos had traveled in during the initial wave of mult-generational ships making the crossing from Earth

“Not exactly,” He said.


Dean stood in the doorway, watching Chloe as she huddled on the window seat at the viewport of Duncan’s ship.   She looked like a little girl, with big eyes and a big shirt that seemed too long for her as the sleeves and hem both came to her knees.

As if sensing his eyes on her, she looked up and offered him a faint smile. “Richie said that you might be along.”

Dean leaned against the doorway, crossing his arms and ankles in a pose that was both shielding and seemingly nonchalant. “You remember me?”

She nodded as she turned back to the window. “Last time I saw you was Richie’s graduation. You had some girl hanging onto your arm.”

“Amanda,” Dean said.

“Whatever happened to her?” Chloe sounded like she was trying to be casual.

Dean shrugged, trying for a self-depreciating tone. “She had better things to do.”

“Ouch.” Chloe gave him a sympathetic smile. “And somehow we ended up traveling together?”

“For a while now,” Dean said. He crossed the room to sit next to her on the bench. She looked down, letting her hair fall in front of her face, as if trying to hide from him. Dean reached out, and tucked it behind her ear.

“What happened?” Chloe asked.

“Someone blew up our ship.”

“This is a thing with us?” Chloe looked at him with a startled expression.

“Not normally, no.” Dean said. “We were on a diplomatic mission for the watcher’s counsel.”

“Joe Dawson’s group?”

“My group,” Dean said. At her confused look, he shook his head. “Sorry, I forget that you . . . don’t remember. Most of Sam’s descendants took it over a while back. We tend to run missions on the down low for them. This time, things went a little pear shaped.”

“Why am I not surprised?” Chloe shook her head. “Seems like if there’s trouble . . . I’m in it.”

Before Dean could say anything else, he caught sight of Methos standing in the doorway, looking troubled. Dean sent him a questioning look and the older Immortal signaled for him to leave, but to not let Chloe know that he was there.

“Will you be okay until I get back, Blondie?” Dean asked.

Chloe shrugged and returned to staring out the window.

Dean walked out of the med bay joining Methos in the hall. “Duncan told me what was happening.”

“She’ll remember what’s going on,” Dean said. “Richie said that she already remembers a little bit more of the crossing.”

Methos frowned. “That’s what worries me.”

Dean tilted his head at that. “You want to run that by me again, old man?”

Methos sighed, and looked back toward the med bay. “There are a couple things you need to know about Chloe, Dean. And they’re going to be unpleasant for both you and her.”

methos, highlander, immortal!dean, chloe and the immortals, supernatural, chloe, chloe/dean, smallville, dean, chlean

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